Unexpected Guide

While Jack and rest were doing all the work, Kenshin who was inside his room was contemplating if he should explore the archipelago or not. he heard stories that Celestial Dragons tend to roam the archipelago a lot and unlucky pirates who caught their attention often times get killed trying to fight back.

'*Sigh* Playing safe is always the best choice bumping into one of those freaks won't be good for me.' Kenshin thought as he continued his "ryou" training.

3 days quickly passed by, Jack appeared in front of Kenshin's cabin and knocked on the door, and reported, "Boss, the ship is ready we already have stacked enough food and ready to go."

A few moments later Kenshin exited his cabin, he sported gray pants with a white shirt that had a crescent moon design.

"That's great, let us set off immediately lest the marines show up," Kenshin said as they walked towards the coated ship.

When the two of them arrived at the dock Kenshin looked at the coated ship and was surprised to see a bull face sea king in front of the ship with a rope tied around it.

He turned his head towards Jack only to see the latter puffing his chest with his head held high.

"Why is there a sea king, Jack?" Kenshin asked.

Jack who continued puffing his chest replied with pride, "The one who coated the ship advised me to capture a sea king so that we can have a safer and faster journey so I dove the deep sea and caught one for our journey."

Hearing Jack's explanation, Kenshin was enlightened and patted Jack's shoulder as he praised, "Good job, Jack. looks like you really are taking your job seriously, don't worry because when we reach Fishman island I will surely give you a break, and let you have fun with some hot mermaids."

Imagining getting surrounded by beautiful mermaids, Jack's face reddened and smokes were coming out of his nose.

Seeing his reaction Kenshin couldn't help but laugh and boarded the ship leaving behind Jack who was still inside his fantasy world.

When he saw Kenshin leave, Jack snapped out of his fantasy and quickly followed behind.

As Kenshin boarded the ship he noticed that there was a layer of bubble on the deck and asked the crewmember who was near him, "What is the purpose of this bubble?"

The crewmember who Kenshin asked saluted and explained, "Boss, this is the coating done by the coater, we need to fill the bubble with air to act as a shield surrounding the ship so that the pressure underwater won't destroy our ship and drown us ."

Kenshin nodded in understanding and said, "Well, what are we waiting for? let's immediately set sail because there are still a lot of things to be done in Fishman island."

"Understood, boss!" The crewmembers shouted in unison as they released the air bubble below the ship, as the bubble continues to expand the ship slowly sank below showing Kenshin the beautiful roots of the mangroves below.

The bull face sea king mooed as it pulled the ship towards the depth of the sea, as the ship was pulled deeper into the sea a fishman who was about to show himself to the ship's crew quickly followed behind Kenshin's ship trying to catch up.

Inside the ship, Kenshin who was enjoying the view sensed someone following behind them he turned his attention towards the back of the ship and saw a familiar blue-skinned fishman who was trying to outswim the bull face sea king.

"Jack, tell the sea king to stop for a moment," Kenshin ordered, Jack quickly went up at the front of the ship and tugged the rope signalling the sea king to stop.

Seeing the sea king stop, the fishman sighed in relief and immediately swam near Kenshin.

But out of a sudden, Jack who was at the front of the ship appeared in front of Kenshin with his huge hammer on his shoulder looking at the fishman warily.

"No need to be on guard, that guy is a friend," Kenshin said reassuring Jack as he lowered his weapon.

Kenshin then looked at the fishman and said, "We meet again, huh? I thought that you already forgotten about me saving your a** that day."

The fishman scratched the back of his head when he heard Kenshin's words and replied, "Big brother Tai told me that he saw your ship docked on the eastern side of the island so we assumed that you can easily escape knowing that you can fight rear admiral Strawberry."

Kenshin rolled his eyes hearing his excuse and asked, "So what do you want from me? I won't believe you if you tell me that you just so happened to see my ship at the bottom of the sea."

"Haha, of course not. I will answer your question but let me first introduce myself." The fishman said as he bowed.

"My name is Jinbe the vice-captain of the sun pirates, the reason why I'm here is to help you navigate through the sea current and see to it that nothing happens on your journey."

Kenshin smiled widely hearing Jinbe's reason and replied, "I appreciate the kind gesture Jinbe, you can call me Kenshin a wandering swordsman."

"Nice to meet you, Kenshin. we can continue when we reach Fishman island so just follow behind me and we will be able to reach our destination in 2 hours."

With that said Jinbe swam at the front and ordered the sea king to follow behind him.