Seven Sins

"Why are you doing this? we don't even have any bad blood between us, why must you rob us of our treasures?" A pirate captain who was dyed in his own blood asked as he started at the blind swordsman that just finished plundering their treasures.

Kenshin who just finished sending the manta ray away turned his head towards the pirate captain and asked, "How about you? I just asked for a few treasures and you instantly attacked without even giving me enough time to explain myself."

Hearing the blind swordsman's response the pirate captain stopped asking and just fainted from blood loss.

"This is the 8th pirate crew in the past week, not a bad number," Kenshin said to himself as he sat inside the guardhouse.

While he was meditating a group of humans approached him, sensing the familiar auras Kenshin smiled as he heard a familiar voice.

"Boss! why didn't you tell us that you are here busy plundering other pirates?" A huge muscular man shouted as he stopped in front of Kenshin.

Kenshin raised his head and replied, "You were living a life of debauchery so I was reluctant to disturb you."

Jack blushed hearing Kenshin describing his vacation as a life of debauchery, he then patted his chest and said, "My vacation is already done, Boss! I want to join you here and plunder so pirates, hehe."

But Kenshin shook his head in denial and said, "Do you remember the first time we met?"

Caught off guard, Jack thought for a moment about his first meeting with Kenshin and replied, "You were trying to recruit me saying that I am a perfect fit for your "fleet"."

He intentionally emphasizes the word fleet because he was the first ever member of Kenshin's so-called "fleet".

Kenshin chuckled remembering that he duped Jack in the past and said, "My decision didn't change, now that you finally have a ship with a good crew I want you to enter the New World and expand your crew."

"Huh? but boss this isn't my crew and you were the one who recruited all of us," Jack said while the crewmembers who were behind Jack all nodded their head in agreement.

Shaking his head, Kenshin explained, "As I said, I recruited you to become part of my fleet so from now on you will be the first fleet commander of the seven sin's pirate."

Jack tilted his head in confusion when he heard say "Seven Sin's Pirate" and asked, "Is that the name of our pirate fleet, boss?"

"Yes, you are correct the name of our fleet will be Seven Sins," Kenshin replied.

"What a catchy name, so boss what sin am I? Lust or Wrath?" Jack asked in an excited voice.

Kenshin flicked Jack's forehead sending him stumbling down and said, "Prove your strength first then we will discuss if you are worthy of becoming one of the seven sins."

Standing up, Jack pumped his chest and said in a serious tone, "Don't worry, Boss. I will bring our crew to the New World and spread the name of the Seven Sins so that when the time comes that you will finally enter the New World everyone will know of your name."

Kenshin could only roll his eyes, "You should get going now, I hope that you guys have a safe journey and remember not to fight those who are much stronger than you."

Jack nodded his head and bowed at Kenshin followed by the rest of the crew as they left the guardhouse and started preparing for their journey.