Good Cop, Bad Cop

At the outskirts of Fishman Island, a huge ship with a world government symbol could be seen making its way towards the direction where Fishman Island is located.

"Susususu, Is that the place where my escaped slaves are hiding?" A celestial dragon with green hair dressed in a white protective and an air bubble on his head asked as he stared at the Fishman Island.

A man wearing a black suit bowed his head and replied, "Yes, Master. we will be reaching Fishman Island in a few minutes."

The celestial dragon grinned and said, "That's good then, they really think that I will just let my treasured collection escape?"

As the ship got closer and was about to pass through the Front Entrance a blind swordsman riding a manta ray appeared in front of the ship.

When the celestial dragon saw a peasant blocking his path and not bowing he immediately took out his weapon and aimed it at the peasant in front of him, "You dare disrespect me, peasant."


A bullet flew towards the blind swordsman aiming at his head but as the bullet came near the blind swordsman easily tilted his head to the side letting the bullet pass through.

Kenshin who just dodged the bullet glared at the celestial dragon, He then unsheathed his sword and did a swords stance.

Raising his sword above his head Kenshin coated his sword with armament turning it into a black sword.

"You shouldn't have come here without a proper bodyguard, your arrogance will be the reason for your death, Mr. World Noble"

"What?!" The celestial dragon who was inside the ship saw that the blind swordsman was about to attack and immediately ordered his guards/slaves to block it with their life.

"Shimotsuki Sword Style: Hell's Judgement!"

As Kenshin slashed his black sword towards the ship, the armament haki that was coated on the sword was released along with his attack forming a dark crescent wind blade.


The dark crescent wind blade sliced its way through the ship splitting it in half.

"Protect Saint Mjosgard!" The man wearing a black suit shouted as the other slaves all guarded the celestial dragon with their own bodies.

As the ship was slowly separating from each other the guards immediately carried the celestial dragon and jumped off the ship landing on the ground.

Sighing in relief, the guards slowly place the celestial dragon who was still in shock on the ground.

The celestial dragon who was called Mjosgard turned his head towards the blind swordsman, he raised his hand and pointed at him, and said, "I want that human go and capture him for me."

The guards who were watching over Mjosgard turned their heads towards the blind swordsman and couldn't help but hesitate, they just witnessed him slicing the huge ship in half and they weren't confident enough to defeat him much less capture him alive.

Kenshin who just landed on the ground, heard what Mjosgard said and couldn't help but feel amused, he then faced Mjosgard and asked in a mocking tone "You want to capture me?"

"How disrespectful! you peasant should feel honored that I, a world noble is interested to make you my slave." Mjosgard said while gritting his teeth in anger because Kenshin didn't show him any respect ever since he showed up.

He then shouted at his guards and slaves who were hesitating and said, "What are you waiting for? go and capture him for me!"

Taking a deep breath the leader of guards stepped forward followed by his subordinates as they encircled Kenshin pointed their weapons towards him.

Kenshin who was surrounded at the moment looked at the slaves who were standing behind the guards and said, "I know that you are just forced to this, I promise to let you go after dealing with this annoying fly."

The slaves who heard Kenshin's words all sighed in relief, they simultaneously lowered their weapons making Mjosgard stomp in anger, "You stupid slaves, I will see to it that you will all be disciplined when we get back home."

Seeing the slaves lowering their weapons and chose to back off Kenshin smiled, he then focused his attention on the guards that were surrounding him.

"I can't let you leave here alive, tell the king of hell that I said Hi." With that said, Kenshin moved at a breakneck speed slicing all of the guard's head.

Mjosgard who just witnessed his guards being massacred still didn't look scared thinking that the human in front of him would not have the guts to hurt a noble like him.

Staring at the blind swordsman, Mjosgard didn't back down and said, "I am Don Quixote Mjosgard a world noble, I will give you a chance to be my guard and I will forget what happened here."

Kenshin smiled widely hearing the celestial dragon's words and asked while approaching Mjosgard.

"Do you really believe that I won't kill you?"

Mjosgard took a step back seeing Kenshin approaching him and replied, "My daddy is a world noble, he knows that I went to Fishman Island and if he finds out that I am still not back he will surely come here and investigate."

"Good point, but you are currently not inside Fishman Island yet and there are no eyewitnesses except for the slaves that chose not to intervene, so how do you think your "daddy" will know what happened to you?" Kenshin said as he broke the air bubble that was covering Mjosgard's head and grabbed his neck lifting him up.

Mjosgard didn't expect to be attacked had a confused look on his face, he was told when he was young that he was a world noble and all peasants that aren't fellow world nobles should lower their heads every time they saw him.

He journeyed to Fishman Island to retrieve his slaves and catch a few mermaids on his own but he didn't expect even in his wildest dream that he will be attacked by a peasant.

Holding onto his neck, Mjosgard tried to break free because he was already losing air and couldn't breathe anymore.

"Let me down!" Mjosgard ordered and started flailing wildly.

Seeing that Mjosgard was about to pass out Kenshin slammed Mjosgard to the ground breaking the hard earth beneath them and said, "As you wish, Mr. World Noble."

Mjosgard who was slammed to the ground was already coughing up blood, he tried to stand up but was stopped by Kenshin as he stepped onto his head.

"So this is what a world noble is like, huh? do you have any last words?" Kenshin asked as he unsheathed his sword and placed it on Mjosgard's neck.

Feeling the cold tip of the sword, Mjosgard who firmly believed that he wouldn't die was already on the verge of crying, he already looked pitiful with blood flowing from his mouth.

Seeing that Mjosgard was unresponsive Kenshin raised his sword and said, "Goodbye, Mr. World Noble."

As Kenshin lowered his sword towards Mjosgard who was about to be killed shouted desperately, "HELP! I AM A WORLD NOBLE HELP ME!! PLEASE!!"

A world noble who thinks that he was invincible finally felt what death was like and for the first time in his life pleaded so that his life would be saved.

When the sword was about to reach Mjosgard's neck a trident appeared out of nowhere and blocked the sword.

"Please don't hurt our visitor, blind swordsman." Neptune who just arrived blocked Kenshin's attack.

Seeing that help came Mjosgard tried his best to stand up and hide behind Neptune in fear that Kenshin would still continue to chase after him.

Staring at the newly arrived Neptune, Kenshin asked, "Are you really sure that you want to protect that piece of trash? he came here to retrieve his slaves who are your fellow fishmen."

Neptune who heard this turned his head towards Mjosgard who was behind him.

Mjosgard knew that this was his only chance to live so he said in a pitiful voice unbefitting of his title as a world noble, "I will not retrieve my treasures anymore, so please help me!"

Kenshin who heard this smiled internally and said as he jumped on the manta ray, "This is your decision, Neptune. but don't let me see that trash again or else I will chop his head off and place it inside my house as a trophy."

Mjosgard who heard this trembled, he took a peek and saw the blind swordsman was still focused on him so he hid behind Neptune again.

After finishing his speech Kenshin commanded the manta ray as they left the scene.