Eyes on fire

She entered the bathroom thankful to find it empty and made sure to lock it as she staggered, making her way to where the washing basin was and grabbed on to it to steady herself.

It was like the fire would not stop as she repeatedly poured water on her face hoping to make it stop as the only thing that can quench a fire is water, right?

Groaning loudly at the non stop burning, Nesta lifted her head up to try and understand what was happening to her as she looked into the mirror, only to gasp loudly, unable to believe what was right in front of her.

She moved back until her back hit the door of one of the stalls behind her, trying to run away from what she saw staring back at her from the mirror but that didn't happen.

Nesta moved frantically back up to the basin, quickly pouring water from the running tap she did not bother to close earlier, trying to wash up the spark in her eyes.