


"Come in." 

There was no response save for the creaking and opening of the big doors as two persons stepped in.

Quickly he sat up, his heart racing in his chest, just waiting to uncover that which had been waited on for a while now.

He was dying silently to see for himself. He so much needed and wanted to confirm this thing himself.

"My Lord, it is I the wager."

"Yes, take further steps in," he commanded and in the darkroom, all he could see was their forms. 

It was not until he moved over to the side and lit some of the candlesticks in the room did he get a clear view of what was happening.

As he had expected, it was the wager and a small girl. Although one could not tell so much about the difference in gender since her head was covered with a black cloth to prevent people from seeing her.

Domino did not say anything but a simple nod of his head told Damian that his parcel was ready.