Era's Anger & Pain



"Hell no. I am not working for that king."

He really felt like facepalming himself right now before beating the young man. "I think I would pass."


Era was alarmed. This boy sure had enough bad air for Vidor. "Why? You can earn more there."

"I hate him. It is because of him, my parents died."

"Sometimes, you have to do the things you do not want to do in other to live and fight your fight another day but before then you must survive. This is life. It is cruel but we must survive for those we love."

"It hurts," Jordan finally revealed. "I miss them," he confessed.

"I know. But be rest assured. You would be fine. And later one day, you can go fight for what belongs to your family. Live to fight another day."

"She is right," Vidor chipped in. "Take the work and everything would be fine. But to fight, one must learn how to survive first."