


The minister lowered the scroll, rolled it up and then bowed to Vidlr before stepping to the side.

"Thank you," Vidor began, looking fiercely at all of them. "Now, if not for the fact that the Queen found proof of their conspiracy and saved me, I would not have been here today and neither would Etheria be standing. In that accord, I would present the proof and we shall judge."

Caspian swallowed a bit but kept hai face neutral and not responsive.


"Yes, your majesty." He moved forward, bowed his head before Vidor and handed over to him the letter.

Taking it up, he looks at his side to where Era was seated, looking straight ahead at the people that came while trying to see past the visible facade on their faces for the corresponding culprit.

Not that she could not tell even without watching out but this time, it was different. He behaved like he knew nothing.