Every Bloody Inch of You



"If you want him to have you today, my love, please release him and I would not disappoint. However, if you do not, please refrain from playing with flames, because I promise, you would not be able to escape and get burnt."

Era blinked severally, registering his words directly into her mind as her fingers immediately controlled themselves on their own.

"I thought not, love."

She did not say anything. 

Basically, Era was unsure of what to say because anything she did say would eventually trigger the sleeping beast inside her husband. 

She wanted him to do more to her than he had already done, of course. She loved all of her tactics. It pleased her and this was she not lying to herself.

She enjoyed the pleasure he brought her.

Right now both of them were contemplating their decision. He wanted to have her at the right time but now, that right time seemed vague.