Another world again?

(Kania) wake up sleepy heads

(Rylve and Annia) but im still sleepy

(Kania) i got one word "Adventure" "(Rylve and Annia) did someone say adventure."

(Kania) both of you guys are hopeless lets go eat first and get your things then we will go

(Rylve) alright im ready for food im starving "(Kania) don't worry i made breakfast."

(Rylve) whats the food tho? "(Kania) meat."

*wakes up fully*

*Runs downstairs*

(Kania) come annia lets eat


(Kania) did you guys pack your thing *Stuffing meat in backpack*


(Rylve) because food "(Kania) i wont mind annia are you ready to go."

(Annia) ready i packed my backpack yesterday

(Kania) whats yesterday "(Rylve) forget about it."

(Kania) anyways lets go guys oh yea i forgot where are we gonna go

(Rylve) so were all clueless now? "(Kania) to be honest portals just keep summoning in front of us lets explore this world shall we?."

(Rylve) im down for sure lets go explore this world

(Kania) Rylve take a walk whenever you walk you find something even tho i don't

*Rylves walks outside for 10 min*

(Rylve) hmmm guys i found something *goes to Rylve*

(Kania and Annia) what did you find "(Rylve) i found nothing."

(Kania and Annia) DUMB ASS "said angry" "(Rylve) oh is that a lake."

(Annia) now that i recall there is a lake i forgot you guys wanna fish for a moment?

(Kania and Rylve) ive never tried fishing but sure

(Annia) and thats how you fish

(Rylve and Kania) it was that easy alright then lets go

*fishing* "(Rylve) yo guys i think i caught something."


(Annia and Kania and Rylve) IS THAT A PORTAL!!!! "said confused"

*accidentally goes through the portal*

(Kania and Annia) he got in the portal!!!!

(Annia) im going in before it goes away

(Kania) me too!!! *Both goes in portal*

*Portal disappears*

(Rylve) oh hey guys

(Kania) how did you pull a portal out a lake that's impossible

(Annia) w- w- w- why don't we have SHADOWS!!!

(Rylve) good point why don't we have shadows its not even night time

(Rylve) guys is it just me or am i the only one who feels like i cant move

(Kania and Annia) WERE STUCKKKKK!!! "said nervously"

(Rylve) oh hey my shadows back now i can move

(Kania and Annia) phew close one wait we still don't have our shadows back

(Kania and Annia) please help us i don't wanna stay here forever

(Rylve) your shadows are back guys

(Kania and Annia) oh phew close one anyways

(Rylve) yo guys i found a village

(Kania) what nice "(Annia) there must be shops there lets go in

(Rylve) yo guys there's a sword on that shop i want it!!!

(Kania) you don't have any currency not even a single bit "(Rylve) awwwww im broke."

(Kania) we all are broke "(Rylve) how do we get money."

(Kania) a job ofcourse and also quest are hard to find nowadays since we adventure we could probably get some on the adventure

(Rylve) lets get out of here

(Kania and annia) we cant do anything here might as well explore

4 hours later

(Rylve) yo is that a swordsman looks sick

(Mysterious Swordsman) why are you here and what do you want on my home!

"said in a deep voice" "(Rylve) this guy looks strong.