I Have Things To Say

Stepping outside of the carriage as soon it graced the outskirts of town, felt like the first draught of elixir. As soon as luxurious sweet air hit his nostrils, Falcon's vision swam, partly with relief as the built-up tension was released, and partly because of tears. He opened his mouth and gulped handsomely, thinking of a warm bed, warm food, and perhaps, if they were lucky, a mug of bittersweet coffee.

Aurelia appeared beside him. In silence, she raised her eyes towards the inn they had stopped at and went inside. It wasn't even an inn, more like a motel, with a grubby outside, and, from what he could see from the outside, an even grubbier interior. He indulged himself in fantasies of a banquet, then gathering Cyan in his arms like a weak and ragged doll, followed her inside.