Don't Mess With The Renatuses

Too tired to feel sad, Falcon was FURIOUS.

He felt the streets seething with his fury, mimicking the anger that was engulfing his very being in flames. His body burnt with rage hot as lava on the brink of spilling over.

In the silent village, he strode with one purpose, and one purpose only. Revenge.

He had no idea where Hunter lived, so the Town Hall was his best guess. He was glad to see that the lights were on in the building, Hunter's gigantic, and equally-evil-as-his-owner wolf lazing outside the doors, chewing on a...what the hell was that? A hand?

Falcon was not surprised.

He really had no talent for appeasing a brute, he was no Aurelia. Not wanting to deal with an animal right now, his fury directed him towards the back of the building where a window on the upper floor was lit with light.