v2 Right In The Face

This time there was no one to save him. 

Falcon felt his back almost break under the weight of Cyan's fore limb, which was clutching him from around the throat. He had taken him to the floor, and Falcon was helpless. He heard Aurelia scream from somewhere far away, but he was staring in the bloodshot eyes of his friend, who was ready to kill him. 

His hands were above his head and his weapon was gone. Even if he had his gun, Falcon knew he could never shoot Cyan. He himself had done nothing to continue living for and Cyan had done nothing to die for. 

Falcon knew he was finally getting his punishment for the life that he had led. 

Cyan gave a low throaty growl and opened his mouth. Falcon had a glimpse of the sharp canines, before realizing with a wrench in his gut that Zue's finger was still stuck in the back teeth.