Coach Kataoka

"No, assistant coach Takashima is exaggerating."

Self-confidence is one thing. In front of the senpais, you have to maintain a humble attitude. Besides, this is Japan. Although modern Japan does not have the strict and terrifying superior-subordinate relationship system of the last century, this habit still exists. not only in society but also in the school, the relationship between senpai and kouhai must have certain rules and etiquette. The PL Academy incident in the three-dimensional world was a good example of negative teaching materials.

"Hehe, everyone's strength is shown by themselves, boy, I'm looking forward to you."

Azuma-senpai looked at him, showing a smile that made him a little creepy and said meaningfully, the big hand that patted on his shoulder forcefully, made him grin, Azuma-senpai's hand was too strong.

He believed that his body was already very strong among his peers, and he almost couldn't stand the slap on the shoulder from Azuma-senpai.

"Haha, you need to eat more meat. In our school, this strength is not enough."

"Thank you, Azuma-senpai."

He rubbed his shoulder with a wry smile and answered in a deep voice.

"Yes, the spirit is still very good, you should work hard, boy."

"Come on, Shigeno-Kun."

Chris-senpai looked at him with a gentle look and said softly.

"Thank you, Chris-senpai."

I just don't know why, but there is always a sense of disobedience circling in his heart.

"feels like Chris-senpai is enduring something?"

He shook his head, and it felt as if it was his illusion. The young man smiled like the sun, but a trace of pain was looming between his brows.

This made his face show a look of thought.

Just thinking about this moment that I don't understand.

He could only leave it behind.

For himself, There are more important things waiting.

"Yes, anyway, this is my high school, Inashiro Industrial, Narumiya Mei, this time, it won't be the same as in the manga, the glory of Seidou High School, the glory of the king, starting from this year, From this moment, will be recovered from my hands!!!"

Through the crystal clear glass windows, looking at the Seidou High School, which was shrouded in the afterglow of dusk, a resolute look flashed from the depths of his eyes.

three days later It passed quickly.

In the past few days, the 1st-year freshmen who want to join the baseball club of Seidou High School have basically all been in place, including Shirasu Kenjirou, Kuramochi Yoichi, Maezono Kenta, Ono Hiroshi, Asou Takeru, Kawakami Norifumi, etc. The same students who were the main players of the next team of Seidou High School also showed up, and in the past three days, He was familiar with the facilities of Seidou High School.

I also know a lot about the current lineup of Seidou High School.

Seidou High School, with the Azuma Kiyokuni as its absolute main force, like the original, implements a strong attacking formation, whether it is the 3rd-year ace pitcher Inoue-senpai or the 2nd-year Tanba-senpai, can not be called true. The absolute defensive core of the team.

When Seidou High School was playing against other teams.

Although their ability to score points is very strong, the frequency of losing points can be said to be comparable. This is why in the past four or five years, Seidou High School has not been able to break through the regional competition and re-enter the national competition. Even if the quota for the Kanto competition in the autumn competition falls to Tokyo, it has nothing to do with Seidou High School, not for other reasons, just because, in the same area, Inashiro Industrial, Ichidaisan High School, and Teitou High School in East Tokyo, and The comprehensive strength of Sensen High School, which was still at its peak in the first two years, was higher than that of Seidou High School.

This is why the outside always says that the famous school is declining, and the king is no more.

Monday, early morning, six o'clock.

On the A-ground of Seidou High School.

Today is the day when the freshmen officially enter the club. According to the admission screening during this period, there are more than 40 1st-year freshmen who joined the baseball club of Seidou High School this year. The high school baseball club has more than ninety members.

For a high school baseball club.

Such a community is already quite large.

Two teams of distinct formations, more than 40 freshmen lined up in two rows, tall and straight, with their desks upright and their eyes straight ahead. The seniors in the second and third grades also put their hands behind them with solemn expressions, facing the first graders. The freshmen stood alone in two columns.

Standing in the center is a young man with a grim look (Judging from the fact that he chose to work at Seidou High School just a few years after graduating from university, Coach Kataoka is not in his thirties.) Black sunglasses, the standard Seidou High School uniform With a tall figure and a strong physique, this is the current head coach and supervisor of Seidou High School - Kataoka Tesshin, standing in the center with a terrifying oppressive force.

Most of the freshmen couldn't help swallowing.

Even Miyuki Kazuya, who has always had a happy smile, put his hands behind his back with a serious expression at this juncture, as if standing on the spot.

The moment He saw Coach Kataoka, he couldn't help but feel a touch of amazement in his heart. It's not bad for Coach Kataoka, who was once known as "Soul Ace" in Koshien. Such a spirit, such a deterrent force. , tsk tsk, if he is not familiar with the manga and knows that this Coach is the type that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, I am afraid that he will be shocked by the battle aura of Coach Kataoka.

The first impression that Coach Kataoka gave him is also a very majestic memory.

"Is this all the incoming freshmen this year?"

Coach Kataoka glanced at all the freshmen present with his cold and stern eyes as if he could see through human hearts, and asked Takashima Rei in a light tone.

"Yes, Coach, there are a total of forty-five freshmen in the department, and all of them are here."

Takashima Rei pushed her glasses and said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


Coach Kataoka's dignified face did not show a slight smile, and it seemed to the freshmen that there was an only endless coldness, and that cold look made most of the freshmen feel trembling in their hearts.

(That's the Saiyan Yuuki Tetsuya, and the fox smile Kominato Ryosuke, Isashiki Jun is the easiest to recognize, oh, is that Tanba Kouichirou? It's a bit more impressive than in the manga when he was in the 3rd-year now Looking like a timid kid in 2nd-year ...)

Unlike those freshmen who were intimidated by the majesty of Coach Kataoka (even if Miyuki and Kuramochi were not intimidated by the Coach, their attention was still on the Coach at this time.), only he seemed to be indifferent on the surface. on the inside, was looking at the 2nd-year and 3rd-year senpais who were facing each other not far away with great interest.

The description of the 3rd-years in the manga.

There is only Azuma Kiyokuni, and the others have no description at all, or it should be said that they have no chance to leave the country at all.