Demonstrated Talents


Takashima Rei's words caused Coach Kataoka's expression to change slightly, and he nodded lightly.

"What kind of team is Seidou, you have already understood before choosing Seidou, why do you come to Seidou, you should know better than anyone, here, you, freshman. , for now, I will not have any expectations. All you need to do is to learn from your teammates, what should compete, what should be in training, and in daily life, and What's it like, now you have to calm down, any impetuous and exaggerated player will not be tolerated, and Seidou will not allow such player to play, understood?"

Coach Kataoka glanced at all the freshmen present with a very stern look and said in a deep voice.


The freshman was watched by Coach Kataoka's cold eyes.

Hearts are all awe-inspiring.

at this time.

Even Miyuki, and the others all looked straight ahead with serious expressions on their faces. They knew very well that Coach Kataoka's words were not for fun. Just like Coach Kataoka said, they were joining the team. Before High School, it is natural to have a more comprehensive understanding of Seidou High School.

This must include Coach Kataoka, who is the head coach.

This style of coaching, which can be said to be cold-blooded, is clear to everyone present.

"Next, we will do the morning exercise as usual, and divide it into two groups. After the morning exercise, we will conduct a test of position."

Coach Kataoka said this to the teaching assistants beside him.


"Freshman, listen up, attention!! Turn left!"

The morning exercise starts with a morning jog.

the morning jog, led by the 3rd-years and 2nd-years and followed by the 1st-years queue.

Naturally, the speed and the number of laps in the morning jog are also very different. The important thing is to maintain an average speed and exercise slowly to a certain extent to improve your physical fitness.

"One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three!"

It seems that the senpais in the 3rd-year and 2nd-year just want to deter the kouhais on the first day of joining.

The high-pitched slogans, the neatly paced footsteps, and the strong suffocating aura emanating from them seemed to warn the freshmen behind.

This is high school.

This is Seidou.

Also on the psychological level, it brought a strong sense of oppression to those freshmen.

(they want to make you give up?)

Shigeno jogged and followed in the queue, his mouth cracked slightly, revealing a faint smile.

Morning exercise.


Position test.

For Seidou High School.

At the end of spring break, it is the day when the new students of Seidou High School join the baseball team. On such a day, through self-introduction at the time of entering the team and the entrance test, you can leave a good initial impression on Coach Kataoka and others.

in the next training.

to dig out the most worthy among the first-year students to do the right training.

Azuma Kiyokuni 2 years ago, and Takigawa Chris Yuu a year ago, were both selected to the First String shortly after joining the team because geniuses can always be more dazzling than ordinary people, and they work harder than ordinary people, then they will bloom The brilliance must be the most dazzling existence in the group as the saying goes 99% is effort and 1% is talent.

"3rd and 2nd-years will have position practice and batting practice in the A-ground. All the 1st-years, change the spikes and go to the B-ground for the position test."


Different positions have different test methods.

For pitchers like Shigeno Shin.

In addition to the most common fixed-point pitching distance test, the best way to test is the ball speed test, the ball control test, and the control test of the breaking ball that he is good at.

The position of the field is different.

The test sites are naturally different.

It's just that relatively speaking, the pitcher's test is more comprehensive. For the current Seidou High School, the pitcher's test is also particularly important.

Because, over the past few years, Seidou High School had enough of a loss without a good pitcher.

It's a pain in the ass every year.

Be sure to salvage the critical core error in defense.

Having a solid and true ace pitcher is the most desired requirement of Seidou High School at present, and this year, the arrival of Shigeno Shin seems to be able to fill the regret of Seidou High School.

Of course, expectations are expectations.

Can it meet the requirements of Seidou High School for the so-called ace pitcher?

Let's see the performance of Shigeno himself next.

"Matsushita, 301 ft (92 m), next, Shigeno."

"Let's see one of the twin stars of Kanto."

"Shigeno Shin and Narumiya Mei"

"It depends on how far this guy can pitch."

The moment his name was called, He raised his brows slightly, supported the brim of his hat on top of his head, paced to the position of the home plate, and pinched the white anti-slip powder underneath.

The slender and tall body, the bright eyes, and that aura.

He immediately attracted everyone's attention when he stepped on the plate.

Miyuki, who had just finished the catcher test, was also among the crowd and looked at him with interest.

"Now, let me see your real strength."

What is the strength of Shigeno Shin?

Such an entry test.

Presumably more or less.

You can understand a little bit.

Miyuki thought secretly in his heart.

It was almost a moment of thought that flashed in Miyuki's heart.

at home plate.

His figure suddenly moved.

The raised left leg, the right arm that suddenly moved, straight, and the standard pitching posture made Miyuki's eyes flash with a different kind of brilliance.


Step down hard.

Accompanying that footstep, the right arm swayed down synchronously, and the twisted waist strength was all transmitted to the upper body and concentrated on one point.


A burst!

whistled out.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

It immediately touched the heartstrings of everyone present.

The freshmen of the same class even exclaimed.

A beautiful arc was drawn in the air, and the swift and violent ball turned into a white light and flew out of the sky above the infield.

That approach to the time above the center-field position.

The ball gradually lost its impact.

There will also be a little distance from the wall.


The small ball fell and came with a dull sound.

"415 ft(126 m)!"

when the ball lands.

The outfield inspector quickly reported the farthest distance of his ball.

Of course, there will be some deviations.

But this deviation is innocuous.


But the data reported by the testers made most of his classmates take a deep breath, especially those freshmen who were also pitchers looking at his line of sight. , that is, revealing a look of shock.

I won't talk about other abilities, just this fastball.

eclipse their presence.