Reflections and Decisions

Discover your position and understand what kind of player you are.

Shigeno Shin's words caused Kuramochi Yoichi, Miyuki Kazuya, Shirasu Kenjiou, and the others next to him to show varying degrees of reflection. When Shigeno Shin said these words, the senpais in the cafeteria had already left. In the noisy cafeteria, only the first-year freshmen remained. Even the freshmen who had already adapted to Seidou's food were about to finish their meals.

As soon as the noisy environment becomes quiet.

Shigeno Shin himself didn't deliberately lower his voice, but he was also heard by some freshmen sitting not far away, including Asou Takeru, Maezono Kenta, Higasa Shōji, and Kawashima Kengo, who also became active in the middle and final stages of the original work. Waiting for the others, even though you know there's a gap between you and Shigeno Shin.

But deep down in my heart, I long for the 1st string.

They were never inferior to anyone.

1st string, only the 1st string.

Only then will they be able to realize their dreams and achieve their goals and those of their colleagues.

"This is the time you can't fall behind!"

The thought of that.

The freshmen who initially couldn't eat looked at their bowls of rice with a stern expression and swallowed large quantities.

Young people have the strongest will.

Especially for teenagers who manage to decide to leave their hometown and come to a big city like Tokyo at the age of 14 or 15, their minds are quite mature.

In a country such as Japan, that is.

no matter what happens, you need to succeed.

Since you have chosen this path, you must follow it to the end, even if you have to crawl.

They are young people of great spirit.

The existence of Shigeno Shin also inspired ambition in their hearts. They looked around at their teammates from the same generation, all with excited faces.

The corners of Shigeno Shin's mouth curved slightly, revealing a smile.

"Hey, Miyuki, you gave me your food again!"

"Haha, don't mind, don't mind those details."

"I told you, I'm not going to help you eat again!"

"Don't be so insensitive, Kuramochi, we're close friends. This is too painful."

"Close friends? who is it? whose?"

"Just this once, just once more, wait a minute, I'm going to..."

"Sigh...stop, ok ok."

"It's the last time, Miyuki!!! really, really, last time!!!"

"Okay, okay, no problem. Next time, I'll eat everything myself!"

(I certainly won't eat it, but Kuramochi probably already knows that.)

Miyuki Kazuya's chest was pounding and he had a determined expression on his face.

The corner of Shigeno Shin's mouth twitched slightly, and an amused look appeared in the corner of his eyes. Perhaps, for these two, this is their true fate.

Shigeno Shin thought these words in his head.

In the afternoon, at Seidou High School, the baseball club, the entire A-side ground was used to train the 1st string players during competitions.

Fielding training.

Batting training.

Baserunning training.

In addition to the fixed elements of basic training, there will also be additional training menus and objectives regularly.

Right now is the time when the 1st string players are training.

"Next, Shigeno"


Thick arms.

steady pace.

Shigeno Shin held the metal bat in his hand, headed for the batter's box, and faced Tanba-senpai on the mound. Shigeno Shin lifted the brim of his hat and bowed slightly.

He immediately grabbed the metal baton in his hand and got into an attack position.

When their gazes met.

Tanba, on the hill, took a deep breath and a bright light shone in his eyes. He quickly lifted his left leg and suddenly went down.

The arm is swinging hard.

In a moment.

Going directly to the base.


The sharp white shadow is about to strike.

In the batter box, Shigeno Shin's eyes suddenly condensed. His excellent dynamic vision allowed him to quickly grasp the trajectory of the ball. As a pitcher, he has excellent perception of the ball, which allows him to act without even thinking. The best stance is to wait for the ball and a solid base.

Sideways steps.

Suddenly, the low bat advanced fiercely.

The metal baton he was swinging was covered in black shadows.


Black and white suddenly collide


A violent roar sounded out at that moment.

A ray of light shot into the sky from the home plate quickly crossed the field, hit the top of left-center field, and immediately fell vertically.


"Oh oh oh! You're very good at batting too!"

The heroic shot clears the oncoming ball, and the flying light falls to the ground in left-center field.

Shigeno Shin's leisurely striking pose.

Azuma Kiyokuni, standing next to him, couldn't help but look slightly surprised.

(I expected this brat to be a talented pitcher, but I didn't expect him to also have such a delicate touch in batting, and his movements are good enough. Whether it's the angle or the timing, he can control them very well.

Even if it's just batting practice with limited routes).

You could say that Shigeno Shin's attack is impeccable.

The eyes of Isashiki Jun, Yūki Tetsuya, and others queuing at the back even shone with a fire that was visible to the naked eye.

"No, compared to my senpais, I'm still a long way behind."

Shigeno Shin scratched the back of his head, looked astonished, and said with a smile.

"Okay! Shigeno, you're such a good boy. As senpai, I can't stay behind you. Kōichirō(Tanba), pitch for me!!!"

The iconic roar and majestic strides.

Isashiki Jun entered the batter's box with the bat in hand and an extremely fierce expression, which caused Tanba on the mound to squirm inwardly.

Batters like Kominato Ryōsuke and Isashiki Jun exert a different kind of pressure on the pitchers, which is not something ordinary pitchers can withstand.

"Come on, Kōichirō(Tanba), let's show off!!!"

Spitz-senpai, who was roaring furiously, and Yūki Tetsuya, who was behind him, seemed to be burning with blue flames. At this point, Tanba on the mound had a natural feeling that he was just a two-way pitcher. Training, why is it the same as the last number-out playoff matchup?

Tanba had such a sacred and solemn phrase in his heart, but he didn't know whether to say it or not.



"The body has to be stable and the waist has to be strong."




"Don't deliberately take the center of the ball. It's important to catch the center of the ball, but you also have to understand your strength and what its characteristics are. An excessive swing won't have any effect."

"You have to understand that hitting isn't just about swinging the bat. A half-hearted swing will only increase your opponent's momentum. Got that?"


Energetic senpais act as batting coach.

This spring season.

Towards this immutable goal, Seidou High School is united and moving forward unswervingly!!


A/N: maybe I'll post another chapter this week.

hugs and until next time.