The Jewelry Box

Julian sits comfortably in the gazebo while drinking tea and eating delicious-tasting "butter cookies". He doesn't know what is in these cookies but they are hard, sweet, and delicious and the prince gave him a tin of cookies for him to keep and can store when he doesn't need it. Sweets are popular in Claes but they were mostly cakes and hard candies. Julian who was used to saving his food at first was hesitant to eat it but ever since he stayed in the prince's manor, he has not worried about his next meal or even worried about cleaning or doing chores or serving the masters of the house.

Being in bed and resting at first made him a little anxious for he has nothing to do. The Monets have always worked him from early morning to late at night so sitting around doing nothing with his hands and feet is a little new for him. There have been times the worried servants would barge into his room and drag him to do chores or make him their entertainment when he gets into trouble with the matriarch or the children of the household. This didn't happen since he is living in the prince's home and not the Monet manor but he still can't help feeling it.

One time, when he saw the servants cleaning and working, he tried to help but they all panicked and told him that he needs rest they catered to his needs including giving him warm tea or placing blankets on his lap to keep him warm when he sits down under the gazebo. Julian has met Rufus, the prince's secretary, and former butler, and Aiden the current head butler, and told him that the most important for him to do is to rest and recover.

He was surprised to learn that Aiden, the prince's head butler, is a bio. He was temporarily the prince's personal butler but that was no longer necessary once they hired servants to the household and he got promoted as the head butler. He never knew bios could work as personal butlers or even become head butlers. Bios have very few job offers and, in most cases, men don't want to work with them out of fear that others will think they are "together" which many frowns upon. Some bios also don't like to work in such positions mostly because they try not to get attention from the other masters of the household.

Julian never knew that the prince didn't even have servants when he got here. He managed to befriend Aiden and learned about his life. Both bios have similar experiences because Julian was treated as a servant or worst a slave in his own home and he faced a lot of physical and sexual harassment and worst from his own family.

Aiden grew up with the Helman family and despite being a Helman and given the same opportunities as the rest of the other family members entering servitude to the royal family, he was simply cast to the worst jobs just because he was a bio even though he has proven to them that he was as capable as the males and female members of the family. It didn't really matter as Aiden was sent to the stables to shovel feces of the magical beasts and horses while also trying to stave off unwanted advances from the guards who sees him as nothing more but sexual relief. It didn't help that the stables were often isolated so even if he asked for help, no one can come for him.

This wasn't new for bios. Because bios were not a popular gender and were seen as a burden because they were considered not "man" enough for the job so they got the lowest paid or unwanted jobs but also not "woman" enough to give birth to sons so they can't bring in marriage prospects that would help their families since most men prefer women over bios as spouses.

Because of the bios' low fertility and feminine looks, the most common profession they could enter was in the red-light district. Many men don't normally worry about bios having their children due to their low fertility. And even if they do, it will be bios which they will never consider their child (birth control is not illegal in Claes but the church and the Claesian culture frowns upon it because more children are seen as more blessing and there aren't many birth control potions that are easily accessible). However, because of this, many men often think bios are fair game even if they don't work in the red-light district. So, both Julian and Aiden have experienced it, especially from the guards. Julian especially.

This is why Julian tenses up whenever there are guards nearby. Thankfully they didn't bother or even talk to him. He actually didn't realize that the prince has intentionally made it household policy for the current guards to not be too close to his fiancé to reduce making him anxious. Some of them are actually close but are dressed like servants. Victor knows that Julian has been through some trauma and he didn't want to aggravate him until he feels a little safer.

And this is what bothered Julian a little bit. When Julian asked Aiden about the prince, his only comment was that "the prince is odd."

Even Julian has to agree.

Ever since he came, the prince would eat breakfast and dinner with him. The funny thing is that he would often barge into wherever he is with a tray full of food and would say,

"Julian, I have made some tomato soup and toast for breakfast" or "Future wife, I have made some congee. Very helpful for your health" and so on.

He could even see Rufus sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose every time that happens.

But what was shocking was learning that the prince was the one who cooked the food.

"He cooked it himself?!" Julian asked in disbelief.

"We don't know where or how but the kitchens are always so pristine. Master Rufus told me that the prince is cooking in his own space." Aiden said.

The prince has his own space that he can enter and go out at will and he can even cook in it?! But Julian could not get over the fact that the prince can cook?! Julian could not believe it every time the prince brings him food to eat. Although that stopped once the manor hired servants and cooks. The cooks were given some instructions from the prince's recipes. It wasn't as tasty as the one the prince brought him but it is still delicious. Julian was never picky about food.

He just didn't expect a prince of such stature could know how to cook – a job normally given to women and bios in the family.

Growing up, Julian's grandfather educated him on the pros and cons of being a bio and what are the expectations of the world on him. He didn't expect more negatives than positives and it actually made him hate himself for being born a bio. One of the expectations is that bios were never married off as official spouses and even if they do, it was to send a message to society that the husband was considered a "waste". This often-put bios in a very dangerous position as their husbands would take their anger on them instead of the people who arranged their marriage.

When he found out that his father has made a deal with the Elroses that he was the one to be married to the third prince instead of his sister and wanted to reveal that information during the wedding day, Julian freaked out and tried to run away. His future husband was the third prince known who is known as a tyrant and they are going to deceive him on his marriage day? Can you imagine expecting to marry your fiancé and then suddenly there was a mixed up and you are marrying someone else instead? And it is a bio?

Unfortunately, the guards caught up to him and send him back to his father who beat him for it and trapped him in the cellar for three days as punishment. He got sick after that and was forced by the servants after the end of his punishment to work despite being sick and hungry. That was the day he remembered to have collapsed and then find himself in the prince's manor.

Julian just didn't expect the prince to be different.

One, he was not angry at him and seems to have accepted him as his fiancé.

Second, he was too doting. When Julian mentioned to him that he likes Habarena tea a popular tea in Claes that has a fuchsia color and is grown in the southern region, the prince bought him a high-quality one stored in a box. He even gifted him a tea set he claimed to be made of "porcelain".

Julian has never heard of this before, but he could not believe that it was made of clay. Claywares are common especially among commoners as they are cheaper than metal plates and goblets and last longer than wooden ones. But they still don't normally last long and they easily break down over time and sometimes compromise whatever one stored in there. This doesn't seem to be one. It is white, with gold linings, and has an intricate design and as the prince told him, it is best for tea. Julian at first was terrified when he first had it because he thought he will break it and anger the prince but when he accidentally chipped it at its mouth, the prince just laughs and told him "Now the cup has character".

The other thing that was strange was that the prince has odd naming on food. He called marmetts tomatoes, or galeo as garlic, and so on. The food that he normally feeds Julian when he was recovering was called congee which uses some sort of white grain he never saw before. Even Rufus and Aiden admitted that they don't know where the prince got his names of the different fruits and vegetables nor where he got some of the produce from but he can often use those names instead so the army got used to his weird names. Some of them even adapted to using it.

The one thing that shocked the household was when the prince brought "oatmeal". They are food used to feed cattle. Even Julian was shocked to learn that the prince wanted him to eat it. When Julian didn't want to, the prince simply scooped the oatmeal and ate it himself. Everyone in the manor was shocked to learn this. Even the army was surprised to learn that oats are actually edible and they were incredibly cheap in the market.

"Young Master, the prince is here." Emma came and informed him.

Emma is Julian's personal maid that the prince has assigned to him. Julian has heard of the mess that happened in the noble families and how his own family was also implicated. Julian considers himself lucky he was already away from the family as they often use him as their punching bag whenever things don't go their way. When the prince managed to hire servants, he assigned Emma to Julian.

Emma is a serious young woman with bright brown hair and green eyes and she has freckles that line her nose. When she called Julian, "your highness", he almost chokes on the water that he drank. Julian was not used to being called "your highness" or "your grace" that he tried to make Emma call him Julian.

"But I can't your highness. You are the future duchess and princess, and I can't just call your first name." So, the two compromised to call him a young master.

"Julian, it is our hour." The prince arrived looking very happy. He did have guards with him but they stepped away towards the door.

"Yes, your highness. It is." Julian said as he placed the cup on the table.

For the past few days, Rufus has been telling the prince that it is inappropriate for him to eat or even visit Julian alone and in his room. They usually do that for breakfast and dinner and even Julian agrees. He does not want others to talk about him for being inappropriate to have a man whom you are not married to (yet) or family to be with you alone in the bedroom.

So, Rufus has been making schedules when and where the prince can visit Julian and he was thankful for that.

"You can just call me Victor, you know." The prince said.

Julian only smiled. "I can't your highness. It feels very inappropriate. You outranked my family after all."

Prince Victor sat down in front of him. "If that's the case, when we are married that means we become family and you can just call me Victor, then?"

Julian could only gape at him. This man is so shameless! He always mentions marriage and wedding to Julian and he admits it was a bit awkward at first but he can't comment because it is true that they are going to get married. The betrothal contract is not something that is easily broken and they will have to get used to life as a married couple in the future.

Julian does admit that the prince is handsome and so far, has been kind to him despite his gender but he was still a little awkward around him and he still has a little fear against him but he doesn't get a little agitated on their meetings.

"I do have a gift for you." The prince said.

Julian looked at the prince a little helplessly. The prince has been giving him too much. The clothes, the cookies, the porcelain tea set, the food, and even a wonderful room for him to stay in. It was already enough for him that the prince gave him a safe place to stay and away from his family but he always winds up giving him more and more.

He tried talking him out of it, but he always gives that look like a sad puppy that Julian couldn't even tell him off. He wasn't sure if it is adorable or just annoying.

"Here." A box appeared in the center of the table and Julian couldn't believe his eyes.

It's a jewelry box!

Julian was speechless. The box is beautiful and has the color of the sea, has an intricate design of gold leaves and flowers, crystals of blue, white, and green, and stars and moons in the center. Julian has never seen or even come near a jewelry box and because of his mother, he is less likely to get one.

A jewelry box in Claes is traditionally given to daughters (and sometimes bios) of the family usually from their mothers before their wedding. Mothers gifted it to them and for their first daughters, it can also be an heirloom in the family. Inside stored in the jewelry box are often jewelry and gemstones and for most women and bios they are considered their treasures which is why jewelry boxes were a very big deal for them.

Although as a bio, having a jewelry box of his own would be unheard of, jewelry boxes are incredibly expensive and parents don't really want to give such gifts to their bio sons because they don't bring in any returns to the family (because they can't marry or work well so they can't support them). But Julian often watched as her older cousins before their marriage were gifted with beautiful and intricate jewelry boxes and he did hope one day he could own one. But he was a child back then and growing up knowing the reality of his life, he did not expect to get one.

Victor watched as Julian looked both shocked and happy at the jewelry box. He knows that Julian always wanted to have one so he could also give it to their daughter one day. Victor was an idiot back then. And during their dark days in the dungeons, Julian told him how he once saw his grandmother's jewelry box and how beautiful it was. He was very descriptive about it. That jewelry box was given to his aunt. He once tried to open it and take a look but his aunt caught him and he got punished for it. It would have gotten worst if it wasn't for his grandfather intervening and they even told him that he stole from her even though he did not and nothing was missing in the jewelry box. He refrained from going anywhere near any jewelry boxes again. But Victor was not happy that Julian was hurt by it especially as he was a child and children are very curious creatures after all.

So, Victor wanted Julian to have one on his own. One that he does not need to fight for in his family. He bought this from his personal fund and he admits that they were very pricey in Claes but they are sturdy and can last for generations if taken care of. It is also custom made after all, and Victor knows how Julian likes the night sky so he made sure it looked like stars and moons on the design.

"Your Highness, I am so sorry but I could not accept this," Julian answered looking a little panicked but also looking brightly at the box. "You have already given me too much already. I am content with what I have now."

Victor can only smile at him. He knows Julian was just being modest.

"Open it," Victor said.

"Huh?" Julian looked confused.

"I think you will be happy to know what's in it."

Julian still looked confused and opened the box. That's when he saw it. The gold necklace with the two crystal moons was hanging on it. The necklace that his grandfather gave him when the baron's grandchildren were in the fair and he was spoiling them by buying them toys. Julian was more attracted to the color of the necklace and it wasn't even an expensive one but he loved it when his grandfather gave it to him.

Ever since his grandfather died, it has been a sense of comfort for him during all the terrible treatment the family and servants did to him. But his sister found out about it and even though it does not have much value as it is made of ordinary crystal and not gems or a magical crystal, she decided that she wanted it and even had servants beat him to steal it. Julian has difficulty sleeping after that because the necklace, the one that he felt some comfort from all the terrible things that are happening at the manor was gone and he broke down and didn't want to wake up from his bed. He was surprised to find himself at the prince's manor after that.

Victor could see tears starting to form in Julian's eyes. He reaches out and wipes the falling tears. "Are you happy now Julian?"

Julian sniffed and nodded while more tears are falling. Julian tried to wipe his tears and but he just couldn't stop. Victor knows the man is overwhelmed because of all the things he has gone through and while Victor does not have a positive opinion of Julian's grandfather but he knows how that necklace means so much to him.

He felt elated knowing that the necklace was taken away from that thief. No matter what, whenever he looks at the Monet family, they become thieves in his eyes (except Julian). They suffered from their actions and has to pay heavy compensation because of that. He was there when he claimed it and he felt pride when he took the necklace straight from that woman's neck because she refused to give it back and claimed that Julian gave it to her, and many other excuses.

"I wasn't able to take all of your inheritances back but your family has to compensate for the value of it," Victor said.

Julian looked at him surprised. Inside the jewelry box was a formal list of all of his inheritances and which item was found and not found and how much the Monet family paid to the items that were not found based on the value of the item today. Julian's eyes almost bulged at the sight of the amount that was compensated to him. After all, this was a time in which the Monet family was very rich under their grandfather so he inherited a lot but he didn't know that those items were worth that much. The others were a few gems, crystals, hairpins, and some rings, bracelets, and necklaces. And he even noticed one particular ring.

"That ring is from me," Victor said proudly as he pointed it out in the jewelry box.

Julian knows what it is. It's a space ring. Space rings are popular among merchants and those with no or very small mana in their bodies. As a magical user, Julian should have his own space but his magic mana is low and he can't exactly have enough mana to build his own mana reserves and be able to create and maintain his own space. Sadly, after years of him trying to build his mana reserve, it was halted after his grandfather's death since he became malnourished and his mana was focused on his body instead of his gifts. This made Julian a little handicapped in magic.

Space rings would help him store things and would reduce his worry about getting things taken from him as they are very difficult to open if you are not the owner. This is why merchants are rarely ambushed by thieves because they can't get any money if they have space rings. Although space rings can be sold high, they can't be used if it is sealed.

Julian was ecstatic to have his own space ring. Now he has more space to store and carry anything anywhere without worry of it being taken away. And the best part was that his inheritance is all inside the space ring. The books, the scrolls, some clothes and scarves, and even the gold. All the gold that was supposed to be compensated to Victor for the deception of the Monet family was stored in the ring. Since it came from the Monet family, Victor thinks Julian should have it as a member of the Monet family and he wanted him to have some money that belongs to him and do with it as he sees fit. Victor knows the value of empowerment and independence that comes with your own money especially if you belong to the minority or disadvantaged groups. Women and bios were considered disadvantaged groups in Claes in Victor's eyes.

"Your Highness, I don't know what to say." Julian stammered but also looked both elated and nervous.

Victor just smiled. "Just enjoy your inheritance." And watched Julian looking so adorable as he can't stop looking at the necklace that is now around his neck and looking at the items inside his space ring.