
Eye of the Storm | Chapter 45

'This is a full-on war!' Song Lei shouted in his mind. Seeing that Isabel was stronger than them, Alan and Amber formed a small alliance without speaking a word. They gathered and focused their power on Isabel. This didn't mean that they were going all out on her as they had to keep some of their power reserved to protect them from any surprise attacks made by each other.

A cacophony of colors broke out in front of Song Lei. Splashing, hissing, and sizzling sounds covered the whole mansion.

Isabel's power was represented by red, pulsating flesh. Amber's power took the form of dark green tentacles. As for Alan, his power was a purplish goo, covering whatever it touched in lust.

On this battlefield, Song Lei was the most defenseless one. If he was left one versus one against any of these monsters, he would die before knowing what happened to him.

Fortunately, no such thing would happen as long as Isabel was here.