[You're resisting...]
[Partial success!]
[You've entered a dream space!]
[You've successfully resisted a part of this dream space's corrosion!]
'Ugh...' Song Lei grunted inside his head. He felt dizzy and tired. He could hear a voice, far away, resonating inside whatever room he was in. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand what it was saying.
'Why can't I see?' He thought. The first reason that came to his mind was the fact that his eyes were closed. However, opening them didn't seem to suffice. He still couldn't see. Moving his head timidly, his eyes were suddenly penetrated by bright white.
"Ugh..." Song Lei grunted again, this time out loud.
"Lei! If you are going to sleep, at least sleep silently!" He heard a woman's voice. He could hear faint traces of anger in it.
Sitting up straight, he blinked a few times until he regained his vision.