❤️Reality wins over imagination ❤️

Explaining my excitement through words is impossible. Deep inside I have always been waiting for the day she will accept my proposal and finally the day was knocking the door. I was afraid too, that day it was tough for me to control my feelings, I was loitering near her house and approximately I saw her 27 times on her balcony. Her gesture towards me was enough to declare that it would be one of the happiest day of my life.

Finally maam observed me roaming around, she called me inside and there I got a great chance to spend some time with my lady love. I was so nervous that I began to shiver. Maam asked me for some snacks and a cup of tea but all I wanted at that particular moment was a glass of water to hide my nervousness. Tough Maam was going out so she asked her daughter for hospitality. Her sister was also there so I couldn't find myself comfortable. I left the place saying that I have some important work to do.

Luck was in my favour as she said that she will definitely answer to my proposal in school. A feeling of being someone's special is one of the best feeling in this world. Her behaviour was giving me a positive Vibe.

Finally, that moment came. I got late for school because I just had two hours of sleep last night. Any lover can guess the reason behind so I am not elaborating it. I missed the morning assembly and was standing back side admiring my angel's beauty. My heart beats faster everytime I see her. Even few teachers noticed the nervousness that I felt from the crux of my heart. I noticed that she was also watching me. Everyone was about to see me not participating in the recess being a sports lover. I acted as if I was not well.

One of her classmates called me. This made my heart beat faster. My angel was also standing aside. She asked me "do you love her?" yes, I nodded... YES— A GRAND YES by her side but this was just my imagination. Imagination and reality has the hell and heaven difference and so was in my life. Her classmate said that because I am junior she can't be with me in a relationship. This made me left deeply hurt. I didn't have the courage to look at her again. I was so broken inside that I skip to my tuition class and cricket practice as well which made my mom more worried about me.

I couldn't discuss my loss to anyone so I console myself saying that no problem if it will be one sided love. If my luck favours me then definitely I will make her mine one day.

Raksha Bandhan came and her friend insisted her to tie Rakhi on my wrist. Her hesitation was making me feel different now..What did she do then? Was it easy for her to forget everything? Stay tuned to know what happen!ed next!!