The author sees you donating powerstones but not commenting.


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The attack started and jutsus started flying everywhere, explosions of fire, earth spikes and anything that could kill was being used in this chaotic battlefield with the villages trying to break the Uzumaki's defenses.

Thanks to your sealing jutsu proficiencies we were bombarded with hundreds of traps like giant flaming stones and Chakra seals implanted in the ground preventing the use of jutsus in that particular area.

Arrows and spears flew from the top of the walls as the warriors tried to stop the ninjas from climbing to the top, "Assault squad prepare!" However, it didn't last long when Yui heard Murata giving the orders.

The ninjas on her side formed hand seals and touched the ground causing a large earth wall to rise and form a ladder to the top of the wall, she looked to the side and saw that the other villages did the same thing.

"Capture the wall!" With orders Yui advanced with the assault party and rose, when she came to the vision of a war awaiting her, screams, blood and warriors and ninjas throwing their lives away for their villages.

"AAAA!" An Uzumaki warrior plucked his sword from a ninja's stomach and advanced towards Yui as she shouted, "War is such a sad thing." He heard the girl in front of her mutter and the next thing she knew her vision went dark.

"I hope I can save someone from this killing." Yui muttered and drew his sword, in her opinion there is only one way to prevent more deaths from happening, and that is by ending this battle quickly.

"Breath of the Sixth Shape Flames: Blasting Flames!" With a slight pressure in the air Yui's figure exploded forward leaving a trail of flames behind and passed through the wall.


Wherever she passed the yellow flames flared and exploded leaving a trail of screams from those hit, "That girl." Akira who heard the explosions looked back and saw hundreds of charred corpses with Yui at the center of it all.

"Looks like my part here is done." Yui muttered and got ready to put away her sword but her senses sent warnings of danger and she turned her head down, in the next moment a spear (Naginata) flew past her head sending a small gust of wind and with an impulse Yui she stepped back and looked at the figure that attacked her.

"Hoho, you have beautiful instincts ojo-san, so young and strong I envy you." In front of her an almost elderly bald man dressed like a monk but in black clothes stood, he had a goofy grin on his face and slammed his spear into the ground.

"Can I know your name before we face it? By the way my name is Jun Uzumaki one of the village guardians!" Yui watched him calmly through his sharingan, his Chakra amount was at most chunnin but her instincts told Yui otherwise.

The way his Chakra behaved was menacing and refined, with a slight glance at his hands Yui saw hundreds of scars that told the story of this man, "My name is Yui Sir Jun, I hope we can have an honorable fight!" Yui said and bowed slightly to him taking a smile from the last one.

The scene was somewhat strange, in this battle of ninjas who are considered assassins there were two people paying their respects to each other before a fight to the death, however nobody questioned the two at that time.

With an invisible crash a dense will to battle surrounded the two and they moved into battle stance, Jun's spear was covered by the Wind Chakra and left it sharper and more menacing than it already was.

"I'm coming!" Jun yelled and with a cracking sound the stone on his feet broke as he lunged forward and swung the spear vertically against Yui," Breath of flames second form: Rise of the burning sun!" Yui swung his sword covered in fire toward the spear and the two collided.


A sharp bang was heard and the ground broke, "But what?" Yui muttered as he saw her flames cut off and she was pushed back by the impact of the blow, Jun didn't give her time to recover and went back to attacking her with fast thrusts and powerful cuts.

Clank! Clank! Ting!

The sword and spear collided dozens of times in a few seconds, "Tsk, Wind Breath Fourth Form: Growing Dust Storm!" Changing her breath Yui's sword was covered by a sharp wind and she sent several slashes leaving wind slashes back.

Jun who saw the attack was not surprised and drew back his spear hand backwards, "Warrior monks spear style: impalement!" went towards him.


Blood splashed from Yui's cheek and wood splattered from the mask as the spear cut through, "How's he cutting my attacks with no problem!" Yui wondered as he tried to fend off the next attacks.

The confrontation between the two was savage but not too destructive as it was mostly focused on a battle of technique and not power, "Rock Cutter!" Jun said and raised his spear and brought it down with all his strength.

"Breath of the sixth form of the wind: Kokufū Enran!" Gritting his teeth a wild wind covered Yui's sword, in the next moment the spear and sword collided causing another bang and making Yui clench her teeth tightly because of the power of the impact.


A large amount of dust rose up, " Coff, Coff." Yui coughed a little trying to catch air in his lungs and looked straight ahead, the dust slowly subsiding and revealing Jun standing there holding his spear.

"You can't beat me ojo-san, I've refined this spear technique and Chakra for dozens of years isn't something that at your age you can overcome." He said lightly and prepared to put an end to this fight, "Well, me I have bad news for you then." Yui said and Jun, who was somewhat relaxed before, felt his instincts scream danger and he gripped his spear tightly.

"I have discovered the secret behind your technique, you focus your Chakra on the part of the blade that hits first allowing it to pierce and collapse any jutsu the opponent uses against you, truly intelligent and the control needed to apply it must be inhuman."

"Well that's correct but it doesn't change the fact that you can't beat me while I'm still using it." Jun was surprised, never in his 40 years since he invented and refined this technique no one has ever discovered the secret behind it but the little girl in front of him did it in just one battle, what a monstrous talent!

Without further ado, Jun stepped forward once more and executed a bottom-up blow against Yui, "Second form wind breath: Shinato Kaze!" Yui executed 4 strikes in quick succession sending claw-shaped wind cuts and forcing Jun to stop your blow and defend yourself.


"You!" He yelled in surprise as he felt himself being pushed back and having his Chakra cut off, " Impossible!" Jun said once more as he looked towards Yui with disbelief on his face, "You copied my technique!" his voice now come out more with a scream.

Yui didn't say anything and smiled in response, she actually copied Jun's Chakra technique and applied it to the sword but it wasn't as good as his and she didn't have the control of Chakra extracting its full potential, but the huge reserve of Yui's chakra could cover that fact.

"Breath of the wind first form: Jin Senpū・Sogi!" Restlessly Yui stepped forward with his sword covered by a whirlwind and attacked Jun who hurriedly raised his spear to defend himself.


" Argh!" Jun screamed in pain as the cyclone of wind hit him and pushed him backward as it sliced ​​through his body and made blood splatter all over the place, "Storm Defender!" Using all his strength Jun forced his spear forward. and spun it, dispersing the wind cyclone.

"Breath of flames ninth form: Rengoku!" The floor of the wall broke as Yui rushed forward and covered himself with flames forming the head of a snake with lightning.

"Tsk, Spear Style of the Warrior Monks: Divider of Heavens!" Jun gritted his teeth at Yui's attack that came with the intention of tearing him apart and raised his spear high with both hands.

"AAAAAHHHH!" The two screamed at the same time and time seemed to stop when the sword and spear about to clash, (BOOOM!) A huge explosion of flames happened and the wall that was made to withstand even the worst attacks collapsed it cracked in half totally.

A great tornado of fire rose to the skies calling to the attention of all those who were fighting in the battle, "But what is this?" (A) asked while looking at the tornado of fire above the wall.

(His name is really A, for those who don't know him, he's the Yondaime Raikage but he's not Raikage yet.)

The flames slowly dispersed and revealed the victor of the battle, "Coff, Coff!" Jun spat blood as he looked down and saw Yui's sword piercing through his chest, "Very good ojo-san." He said and dropped to his knees with Yui still supporting him.

"It was a great battle Mr Jun, I will never forget your name." Yui said and despite being behind a mask Jun understood the expression she was making, "I thank you for giving a dignified end to this old man, but to die with no regrets I need you to do one last thing for me." He said and Yui could see that Jun was rapidly losing vitality so she laid him on the ground.

"I will do my best to fulfill your request." Yui said and placed Jun's spear in his hand, "I need you to protect the village children please, they are in a warehouse near the north gate, please protect them !" Jun said and firmly grabbed a Yui's hand.

"I will fulfill your request." She said as she continued to grip Jun's hand tightly and could see a look of peace on her face, "You are such a kind girl, I hope my spear can accompany you on your journey." Jun muttered under his breath and slowly closed his eyes giving the end of his life.

Yui didn't say anything else just placed the monk's hands on his chest and closed his eyes, "I hope there will be peace in your next life." She said and grabbed her spear and placed it on her back, "Very well Miss Yui, you defeated a powerful opponent!" Akira arrived in the next moment and when she saw that the battle was already over she praised Yui.

He had come here after seeing the fire tornado and thought something bad might have happened but was happy that everything was fine, "Akira get your men and follow me." Yui told him and got ready to leave.

"Hey hope, we have to protect our comrades from attacks from other villages!" Akira said surprised by Yui's attitude and tried to counter, "I don't care, just contact the support team and send them to protect them we have something more important to do!" Yui said and jumped off the wall.

"Ahhh, shit don't blame me if we're accused of treason later!" Akira yelled rubbing her forehead and forced the squad to follow Yui.