Learning of the Uzumaki clan 01

I went back and took another scroll , there was something I found interesting .I took the scroll right next to the one I had picked with the tag name 'clans', .As it turned out there a re many clans over Konaha the two major clans which were founders were the Senju and the Uchiha.

The Uchiha clan ,rival of the Senju have been existing just as the Senju have for many years, they had more spiritual energy in them which helped them in granting them the Sharingan. A dojutsu powerful in itself which holes garnet red and had three tomoes.Having the ability of perceiving things no other could see, copy movement to the exact , copy no jutsu and taijitsu..."so that's why it was called the copy wheel eye."I thought absentmindedly. It also seemed There was one person Uchiha Madara the ghost of the Uchiha who had the most powerful Sharingan among his clan members, feared just as much as his rival Senju Hashirama they were the founders of konaha, just like his rival he was able to tame the kyuubi just by his gaze alone and all other bijuus if he desired it .

Seems those most powerful are really acknowledged due to their strengths deep inside I also wanted to be acknowledged even though I know it's just pointless among them who hate me for something I did not do not what which i know of , I still want someone to look at the top and see me there. That thought actually made me giddy wanting to be strong ,I suppressed those thoughts it wasn't worth it to these people of the leaf are not worth the trouble, but I will still gain strength for my own benefit.

So I decided to learn of the Senju . Not much of them was written there, I called it bogus, maybe it was hidden in the Shinobi section. I swore I would go there and learn read about it. What they mostly wrote we're about political stuff , boring , . When I was about to roll the scroll, I found an intriguing chapter, turns out there were related to the Senju .

Mmimd honestly went blank or maybe the shock of me finding out that I belonged to a clan , not just any clan a noble powerful clan that is . If one were to look at me closely they would see placid blue orbs filled Ina pool of purple miasma. It held hunger for knowledge happiness, maybe I'm not an orphan and I would find my clan. Unshed tears made my eyes even more clearer not that I would notice and I quickly continued reading .

There was nothing more to read , the section of it was short and brief honestly, I wanted to cry beat the shit outta whoever was making fun of me alas, u didn't know their address, sneaky bastards purposely didn't leave their address on the pages.

Wait, the Shinobi section, maybe it wasn't in vain, I already know my clan Insignia , a spiral, and they already were powerful having slot of chakra and kekki genkai but that was it .

A fire rose in me whether it was there fueled by determination or risen up from hell, I don't care I just wanted to find out about my clan. I looked at my other side and saw Lee sleeping while holding the scroll trying and failing not to knock his head on the floor. Maybe it would be beneficial or nice to have a friend around , ya'know.

I didn't register the fact I was had verbal tick and decided it was time for sewaknsnd break ins. Inleft Lee There since he seemed 'peaceful' well as peaceful on would get if there are lying on tatami mats and sleeping while trying to balance in their sleep. Did I mention the fact that he had drool and a huge one at that just hanging and glistening from the light Ray's from who knows where. I retracted the steps from where I came from and went through other lanes but it seemed they only led to nothing about Shinobi at all.

Maybe it was hidden after all it should contain slot of dangerous techniques that are harmful to anyone and everyone. I returned to where I once was and I rummaged though the most dustiest places trying to find anything that might have been hidden or at least forgotten. It was until I was completely covered in dust that I found a thick old scroll about chakra. Well better this than nothing as I went back to sit I sea Lee still asleep, meh couldn't be helped.

Chakra or chakura is the moulding of physical energy (shintai enerugī神体エネルギ present in every cell in the body and spiritual energy(seishin enerugī)精神的なエネルギー.gained from exercise and experience.

Once moulded it can be channeled through the chakra circulatory system is to the blood to the chakra points (tenketsu points) in the body.Most common method of manipulating chakra would be by use if handseals.

By moulding different ratios of the two energies,new type of chakra can be formed.most ninja have the natural affinity to one type of chakra.but they have the capacity to create their own elemental chakra apart from their own affinity. There are five basic types, each stronger and weaker to the other, but their weakness and strengths to all other are explored.

There is also the dealing with Yin and Yang the balance of physical and mental energy. In addition these five elements (Katon,Suiton,Doton, Futon and Raton) certain kekki genkai can mix elemental chakra to form new elements an example would be mixing Suiton and futon to form hyoton(ice), while many ninja can use one type of chakra very few can use them simultaneously.

Normal chakra is the energy form present in all living things which are produced in the chakra coils.which surround and connect each chakra producing organ in the chakra circulatory network.

Chakra is not normally visible due to it being limited in certain chakra points (eight gates) limiting the amount of chakra one can release at s given time.

"I continued reading engrossed in it that I did not realize time was passing as well and it reached night fall, it seemed even at night they are still open, that settled it I would live , here,"I jokingly thought. It seemed Lee was still asleep, so I went to wake him up,

" Hey there I'm", I decided to give him my name, don't know why but I just did anyway, "Naruto, my name is Naruto." I said it . It seemed his expression brightened a bit don't know why thought all I gs e him was my name. "Naruto-san ,sorry for sleeping, I just got tired that's all," Lee said.

I told him it was night fall and that he should go to his home but that actually made his expression sour. Why thought I thought .it was then that I realised like me he also was an orphan.

He rose up from the floor and we both went out walking slowly enjoying the peaceful night after all the stars were more visible filling up the whole sky and the cool breeze was rather fulfilling having stayed in the library which had had alot of dust.

We walked for a bit and he started talking, seems he wanted a conversation, I humoured him and we actually talked not much due to me being secretive and all .

We reached crossroads and the took the left lane going to the orphanage, while I went straight ahead, I would be staying in the forest, animals wouldn't hurt me and also the odd thing is that I could see about in the dark so I would no t be easily lost or hurt.