Where am I?

Life was so normal that nothing can be said about it.

Von ended each of his meaningless days by reclining in his chair and meditating by thinking of nothing.

Thinking of nothing made him calm, and calm was something this world sorely needed.

After forcing to retire early in military, Von became a university professor in Manila.

Now, living alone in his apartment. Filial duty left to his older brother; his life is essentially that of an independent.

He leaned his whole back on the chair inside his office, and it's velvety cushioning supported him and a compress patch on his right eyes applied pain relief for a wound he had suffered in combat few years back.

Von became popular to his university not for being a fancy nor the most favorite teacher, rather for being the most hated teacher for being strict. He's giving his students a lot of stuff to do compared to other teacher. It's not like he did not take his job seriously but that's how his teaching works.

Von sighed as the pain dispersed. Nothingness came to him easier now.

He gently massaged his temple while reminiscing about a place he used to hear when he was little.

A place that was indeed awe-inspiring. Where huge trees that intertwined with each other on its entire ground were covered in a lush field of soft moss. Flowers of all colors bloomed across the fields. Streams gurgling and blue that were clear like crystals, animals that scurried across the field, and chatty birds that streaked through skies blue with all of freedom.

Von was gifted by these memories.

He fallen in love with these stories and when he was little, had said he wanted to be a farmer just like his parents once were.



But here Von currently facing a glaring light inside an endless tunnel.

—Did I die? If so, how? Was I assassinated?

He don't remember wronging anyone, but then again, being a hated teacher like him gave others all sorts of reasons to want him dead.


Since it didn't seem like he was going to release anytime soon, while he slowly gravitated towards this bright light. The journey seemed to take an eternity; Von half expected a choir of children to be singing an angelic hymn, beckoning towards what he hoped would be heaven.


He stood with both hands protecting his face while both his eyes closed, but when he heard a rustling noise, Von slowly opened his eyes.

"Where the hell am I?"