Chapter 03 - part 01

"I will hold on for as long as I can."

Stranger had moved into the hornless unicorn after he collected his things from the inn. He did not want to impose on mr Geiger's generosity any longer than he had to. It also had something to do with what Evelyn had said to him when last they talked. With the task of finding the spies and traitors, he needed to be as close as possible. Evelyn didn't even mind him taking a room upstairs and she even lowered the rent for him. Stranger had chosen a good room for himself, close to the stairs and it had a 6window overlooking the street. He had never been a late sleeper so he would wake up early each morning, unravel his bow, oil and polish it then do the same with his throwing knives to keep them in condition and then home would make his way downstairs. He would not be caught off guard again like last time when the men chasing him managed to ambush him so he began strapping two of the knives on each of his legs. He may prefer long distance weapons but at least this way he would not be totally useless in a close up altercation. The hornless unicorn always seemed busy, crowded at all times but he could see what Evelyn meant. The tarven was a homely and safe place where everyone who was aligned with Adam and the others gathered. People from all backgrounds and ethnicity came together for a single cause. Stranger had been introduced to some of them and he finally feels like he belonged. There were familiar faces all around. He now understood why Adam had been so relaxed telling him about going after the empire in the tarven.

It was hard to think some of these people he had come accustomed with could be a spy though. He couldn't let his feelings get in the way of his task.

'If you can't control your emotions you can't be impartial.'

Stranger knew that of course but there was a difference between knowing and doing. There were 5 instincts his father told him never to ignore: an excitement about an opportunity, a sense that you are not well, a feeling of danger, a feeling of rightness and most importantly being drawn to someone.

'Good, you remember.'

As time went by and Stranger got to know more people there walnuts a man in the crowd Stranger was drawn to. He always sat on the table by the hntrance, facing the stairs and he always looked up when he descent and ascent, watching him. The man had no features to distinguish him, just another person in the crowd and if it weren't for the two men's eyes locking for a second one day when he was going down the stairs, Stranger would have disregarded him. He had given Stranger a certain look, like he was trying to profile him and when their eyes met he quickly looked away. Stranger had asked Adam about him. The man was a farmer apparently and he lived alone at the edge of the city. He kept a close circle and not many people considered him a friend. The two men had never spoken and were yet to speak.

As Stranger went down the stairs that morning he saw Kevin, Adam and Michael sitting at their table. He went to join them.

"Ah Stranger, we were just talking about you. How are you?" Michael asked when he arrived.

"I'm alright thanks. Hope I find you well as well?"

"We are good under the circumstances."

"That's good to hear."

"You seem to come at the right time as always." Kevin remarked.

"Lets go Stranger." Adam said.

"Huh, where?"

"An execution is happening today." Kevin said.

"And we want you to join us." Adam added.

"Er... I'm not sure I want to go there."

"You have to... there is someone you have to meet." Adam persisted.

"Well can I eat first?" Stranger reluctantly agreed.

"Sure... make it quick though... we have a carriage waiting for us."

"I will." Stranger went over to the counter of the tarven where Evelyn was and ordered breakfast. He didn't have to wait long for his food to arrive. Bread and cheese.

"A word of advice..." Evelyn said as she handed him his plate. "This special treatment you are getting from them is not gaining you any favors from the rest of the gang."

Stranger looked around and everyone averted their eyes.

"I can't imagine it looks good." Stranger admitted as he focused back on his food.

"No it does not." Evelyn then left to tend to another customer.

After he had finished eating the four men left.

A huge crowd had gathered when the men arrived.

"I told you this would be a good place to blend in." Kevin said, proud with himself.

"You were right." Adam said with a pat on Kevin's back.

"I'm still at a loss why these things are made public." Stranger commented.

"These brutal methods are meant to deter criminals, but they are not always successful. After all, people still commit crimes — and suffered dire consequences. This is more of a spectacle of power from the empire. They hold our lives in their hands and can snuff it off with the swing of a sword."

"You always have a bleak view of things dear brother"

"The truth never the less."

"Never said it was not. The expert is always someonewhocan tell you exactlyhow it should not be done." Michael replied. "Keep them suspended in terror and order will follow."

"Fear is a good subjugator after all..."

"It is about to start." Kevin interjected.

"Lets hurry up and find Douglas and Oliver." Michael suggested.

Two peacekeepers walked over to the stocks where the guilty person had been temporarily put. The man was filthy as the crowd had been throwing rotten vegetables at him. They took the man and dragged him to the execution stand where the executioner stood waiting.

"There he is!" Kevin exclaimed as he spotted the two men they were looking for.

The two men were figures in the crowd but Kevin's sharp eyes saw them. One tall man and one short chubby man. Stranger recognized the short man as Oliver the merchant.

"There you are." Michael said as they arrived. "Good job blending in."

"That's the mission isn't it. Hide in plain sight" the tall man said. He had a honeyed voice Stranger noted. "After all... when was the last time we all met like this?"

"That is true. We rarely meet like this anymore." Oliver said

"Well if we put our eggs in one basket... there's a higher the chance of breaking them all if you fall. I agree with Adam with this one... we are better off spread out, makes it harder to stop us." Michael responded.

"I like being secretive. It has a certain rush to it." Oliver laughed.

As they were talking a herald had stepped forth and had listed all the man's crimes. Apparently he had been caught on the wrong side of the law twice already, and both he had survived, surviving the trial by ordeal and the trial by combat. This was one too many crimes as he had been found guilty of highway robbery and his fitting punishment was death. After the herald was done the executioner stepped up, sword in hand. He lifted the sword with his left hand and bowed his head, then he placed his right hand on his heart.

"It is believed executioners are bridges between the light and the dark." The tall man explained after seeing Stranger's puzzled face. "The people may have found him guilty but Noone truly know what was in the man's heart, thus the executioner is praying to both the light and darkness to welcome him...wherever he may end up."

"Can we hurry this up... I do not like the next part" Michael mumbled.

"Well we all know the reason we are here. As the five available who operate in the capital city we have gathered to appoint a temporary replacement for John since he is still bedridden.

Stranger here has been nominated and we have gathered to vote on this."

This came as a shock to Stranger.

"I deny... I think there are better, more qualified people amongst our own." The tall man said.

"Why not have him have at it. New blood... I afirm."

"I have to deny." Micheal spoke and that was all he said on the matter

"Kevin?" Adam requested.

"I affirm. Adam has not steered us off course yet." The man replied.

"Three with and two against. So its decided then. Stranger, you are now part of the seven... until John gets back of course." Adam stated.

The executioner raised his head and wielded the sword with both hands above his head and in one swift motion swung down. Cheers rose from the gathered crowd.Stranger was speeches. He was already not on the good side of everyone because he was spending too much time with Adam and the others. He looked at Adam who was looking at him. The man gave a slight nod towards Stranger. This move was meant to be unpredictable and ruffle and agitate the traitors within. A chill went through Stranger as he forced himself to watch what had unfolded at the execution stand.

'Good, don't look away. We both know what those cheers mean and what this public execution was really for. To satiate the bloodlust.'