To Lavendhite: A Violet Welcome

Chapter 1

To Lavendhite:

A Violet Welcome

"We're gonna be late! So hurry, Katty, or we'll miss the ship."

Alistor and Katty rush down a busy street. With very little luggage on hand, they are set to board their next destination. A piece of toast rests between Katty’s teeth.

“Damn! I didn’t even have time for breakfast. I knew we shouldn’t have stayed late watching Danger Man. Kabuki and Bow can be such a bad influence.”

"Axe and his band already boarded the early ship to Lavendhite. They're on tour, I heard. So our next mission depends on it."

They continue running, making their way to the docking bay. A letter lies clutched in Alistor’s hand as he begins contemplating.

"It's been nearly two whole months since the incident with the Neon Prism. Thanks to Axe and his band, we were able to vanquish Lotox. A letter from Tannen arrived weeks after regarding rumors of the final piece spotted in the West City of Lavendhite. With two V Crystals in hand, I just need one more to revive Rena. I’m so close!”

The sound of a ship rings. The anchors pull up as it departs, leaving the two standing speechless.

“I can’t believe it. We missed our ship….” Katty moped.

“We bought those tickets for nothing then.”

Meanwhile, a large world map projects in the middle of a table in a dark central control room. The lights turn on when Abotemous enters.

“The time has arrived! Our new space base is finally complete. Our last campaign may have failed, but we’re now back better than ever. With our forces now combined...nothing will stop us!”

Kabuki, Havok, and Auroa emerge from the shadows. Steffbird takes a gander at the monitor showcasing the base specs and engine.

“Argh! This newly provided whale plutonium core is a beauty.”

“I know!” Bamboo jumped. “Let’s not wait any longer. We set course to Lavendhite. Away we go!”

With the push of a single button, their base begins to take flight. From outside, a mountain-sized ship shaped similarly to a rubber band ball floats in the air. Bamboo clasps his hand with anticipation.

"A new region waits for us, and it's all for the taking. We'll be in the money this time. We'll have plenty of new monsters begging to join us."

Minutes later, a rumble is felt below.

“What was that?” Bamboo questioned.

"Aye! An explosion from the main thrusters. We're losing elevation." Steffbird informed. "The heat levels are too high. We can't go any higher. At best, we can stabilize the core by 50%. After that, we can't go more than 12,000 feet in the air."

The rest stumbled for a split second.

“What!? That destroys the entire point of having a space base!” Abotemous yelled. “We’re moving too slow. That leaves us open to any attacks. We’re a big target!”

"Not to worry," Auroa assured. "We have destroyers and domino ships at our disposal if an attack was to occur. If all else fails, our shields should be able to withstand a good amount of damage."

Bamboo goes to open a window to catch a breeze.

"No need to overreact, brother. There shouldn't be any fish bigger than us at the moment."

Kabuki immediately spots something from one of the monitors on the screen.

“ that Alistor?”

Their base descends by the docking bay, catching the public’s attention. Alistor and Katty get blown back speechless. A hatch opens up from below.

“You guys need a lift to Lavendhite or something?” Auroa asked.

“You bet! Great timing.” Katty jumped.

Suspecting nothing, the two casually enter the massive ship. The hatch closes, and then the base takes off at a constant pace.

"What the heck are we riding in?" Alistor questioned.

"Who cares? At least we can now sit back." Katty said.

He goes to check out from a small window.

"Hey, I can see our ship we missed below. It's so small from up here."

"Lavendhite is halfway across the world," Kabuki informed. "We should arrive in six to eight hours."

"Wow. That actually saves us three days." Katty added. "See, Alistor, we have nothing to worry about. Things will get better from here."

"Sigh… let's just hope so," Alistor said.

The scene fades out, transitioning to an underground network. Kazuma steps in to report on the situation.

“Lord Moon, it seems our enemies are headed towards the region of Lavendhite. I already scoped the competition we expect to have.”

“Go on…”

Kazuma directs Moon to the monitor shown. A map projects a heart-shaped continent broken in two. Info of the competition slowly loads on the screen.

"Five factions similar to ours are skirmishing at the moment. So far, the most powerful of the bunch is led by Magvamax of the Mavgal army.

“WHAT!? MAGVAMAX! You mean the conqueror?” Moon shouted.

The sound of his voice alerted Kazuma for the first time.

“Yes, is something the matter? I don’t see a problem with us engaging.”

Memories begin to stir back in Moon’s mind.

"The conqueror is a long-dreaded rival of mine. He is the complete embodiment of the sun. Anything Magvamax gets his hands on is destroyed within an instant."

“Your rival?”

Kazuma nervously shook.

"Yes, we fought once ages ago," Moon confirmed. “For two days straight, we clashed but got nowhere. The casualties were high for both sides at the time, and our resources were nearly depleted."

“So…news of your supposed death has led to Magvamax surfacing. Do we participate or fold for now?”

They start brainstorming for every possible scenario to come. Finally, Moon focused his eyes on the map screen.

"For now, I say we decline to participate in any matters involving Lavendhite. We'll get nowhere stirring up bad blood. But, on the other hand, if Alistor and those twerps believe they can remove Magvamax, it shall work well in our favor. So we'll just sit back and watch."

“Very well, I’ll inform Taishae and our forces to stand down.”

Kazuma quickly takes his leave.

"And when they least expect. Then, I will rise back to take my rightful place."

The scene transitions out from the screen.

Seven hours later…

"Argh, har! We’re almost through the violet seas." Steffbird updates. "Be closing into our first attack point."

“Splendid! West Bay City is just within sight. Soon we can deploy our first assault units.” Abotemous added.

They get a view of the grand city.

"What should we do with Alistor and his friend?" Havok asked.

“Oh? I almost forgot about them.” Abotemous said. “Well…we can just drop them ten blocks away from our first attack point.”

The ship slowly descends on land. Auroa, Kabuki, and Bamboo kindly see them off.

"So, what are you guys doing here again?" Alistor wondered.

“We’re just here for some business. Yeah…yeeeaah…just usual business.” Bamboo assured.

“What kind of business?” Katty glared.

Kabuki and Auroa quickly stumbled back.

“A sumo wrestling tournament!” Kabuki shouted.

“Yeah, that’s right. Sumo wrestling!” Bamboo nodded.

Alistor was at a loss for words.

“Huh…I haven’t heard of any sumo tournaments supposedly happening in Lavendhite.” Katty recalled.

“That’s because it’s a secret one!” Auroa added. “It’s an illegal underground operation that’s been happening.”

"That's terrible," Katty said.

The hatch begins to open for them.

"We'll be involved in a secret sting operation, and this could be very dangerous." Bamboo assured. "So we'll be going undercover in the dark world of sumo."

"Well…good luck with that, I suppose." Alistor smiled.

With one wave Alistor and Katty step off from the ship with their luggage. They take one look back at the massive ship.

"What a bunch of swell guys they turned out to be," Katty said. "My teachings did them wonders."

Back on board… Abotemous received the call.

"So, are they out?" Good, we can now begin the attack."

"Woo! How exciting." Bamboo jumped. "Oh, which monster to send down first."

“We’ll begin with a platoon of Doovers to test the waters. Which field commander should be given the honor to lead the charge?”

The two skim their inventory on-screen.

“How about we send Jar Prince?” Kabuki suggested. “Our newest monster lieutenant is itching to go.”

"Sure, why not." Abotemous shrugged. "Jar Prince can absorb any elemental attacks. It would require brute force to break him."

Steffbird prepares the order on the screen. In a matter of seconds, a domino ship deploys from their base down West City block.

“Now we sit back and watch.” Bamboo chuckled.

A platoon of Doovers led by Jar Prince march casually past a school. Then, they make their way to a shopping district.

Meanwhile, in some molten fortress…

“Brother! It seems someone had the balls to trespass on your territory.”

“Who the hell are they?”

Two brothers stand before the conqueror as Magvamax steps up from his throne.

"Deploy HammerHead! Find out who they are."

Back below, Jar Prince arrived by a food court and fired a wave of lasers disbursing the crowd.

“Alright! This is our first operation. Mess this place up real good.”

Just before the Doovers had a chance to move in, a meteor plows on them. Jar Prince gets sent rolling back. Barely able to get back up.

"Hey, what! Who are you?"

HammerHead attacks Jar Prince before he can even react and shatters his body with a single blow. The monster explodes, barely having the chance to regain balance. The Doovers step back in fear as Hammer Head vanquishes them one by one.

Back above…Abotemous and the rest are taken by surprise, displeased with the development on screen.

“An enemy monster?” Bamboo dropped. “What’s going on?”

Alistor and Katty arrive downtown on the scene.

“I think the explosion came from the food court.” Katty pointed.

In moments they spot HammerHead smashing through a row of tables. Nothing was left of Bamboo's invasion force. The monster goes on a sudden rampage.

“Let’s go!”

Alistor and Katty pull out their weapons to engage the monster. HammerHead quickly overwhelms them with a wave of tables. Alistor destroys the oncoming debris sent at them.

“Star Breaker!”

Katty attempts to throw some explosive stars, but it had little effect on the monster.

“Ranged attacks are no good. We need to get close.” Katty suggested.

HammerHead swings its four arms at a fast pace, deterring them from getting any close. Then, the monster delivers a swing that knocks them both across the court. Finally, they find themselves cornered at a bakery.

"No good, it's got us cornered," Alistor said.

As the two found themselves backed to a corner, four discrete figures appeared before them. A young man in red flicks a pair of dice at Hammer Head. It lands by the monster’s feet.

"Alright guys, just like in the books, let's do this!"

The monster shifts its attention towards them.

“Hoji! Ozu! Ryo! You guys take a left. I've got the right."

HammerHead swings down on the three to the left but misses. Ryo tackles the monster with his big body, causing it to stumble. The other two pull out a large tripwire bringing the beast to the floor. With a hand sign, the man in red triggers a small explosion from the dice he threw.

“Up you go!”

The monster gets lunged into the air, losing its ground. The man aims up in the air.

“Sky Cannon Strike!”

He fires a finishing blast that pierces through Hammer Head's armor. An explosion commenced, leaving fireworks to rain down on the debris.

“Thanks! Who are you guys?” Katty wondered.

“Just a group of delinquent juniors from West City High. The name's Kenji, but you can just call me Ken.”

Sporting a red sports jacket and shades, Ken quickly introduced his other buddies.

"These are my pals Hoji, Ozu, and Ryo. But you can just call them the three stooges."

The three bumble around until they catch on to what was said.

"Come on, Ken! You don't have to be that cold." Hoji muttered.

"Yeah… we're still doing our best to look good." Ryo moped.

"Ah yes, Tannen has told us much of you. You guys are acquainted with him, correct? Come with us. We'll fill you in on the details." Ozu said.

"Yeah, join us!" Ken said. "We'll show you guys a good time. I know all the sweetest spots in this city."

Alistor begins contemplating for a brief moment, but after one shrug, he decides to follow regardless.

"Wouldn't hurt, I guess."

And so Alistor and Katty leave with Ken and his team. The beginning of a new journey waits for them.

Meanwhile, back with the other guys…

"Sigh…well, that plan was a bust. So what's for lunch anyway?" Bamboo wondered.

"We plan to order some pizza," Kabuki said.

A bell rings at the main gate door.

"Hoo, that was fast! So the pizza's here already?"

“Argh. Impossible!” Steffbird flits his head. “I was just about to make the order.”

A loud knock was heard at the door.

“Who the heck could that be?” Bamboo wondered.

The metal door melts within seconds. Havok prepares to draw his blade.

“Uninvited guests from the sound of it. I sense three big powers coming at us.”

"Everybody remain cool!" Abotemous blurted.

A burst of steam blew into the control room. Three oversized silhouettes stand before them. Auroa cleared the smoke with his wind within the room. Finally, Magvamax makes his grand appearance.

“Which one of you six is in command?”

They froze up for a moment. All fingers direct towards Bamboo. Abotemous pushes him right up.

"Aw, come on! Why me!" Bamboo moped. "Some friends you are."

Bamboo confronts Magvamax. Havok kept his eye on any sudden movements from the three.

“And who may you be?” Bamboo wondered.

“I am known as the Sun Conqueror. I am Magvamax! The one true ruler destined to this world. With Moon now gone, I am now pleased to do as I see fit.”

Abotemous steps in to back Bamboo.

"So I take it we accidentally crossed into your turf?"

"You catch on quick. This region is currently under war with other groups that oppose me."

Magvamax took his time to analyze each of them.

“You must be the remaining factions from Mathias, correct? I’ve heard of some of your feats.”

"Gee, thanks!" Bamboo was flattered.

"Yes, how it all ended in utter failure. Your group originally consisted of previous villain factions. Since then, you merged to stay relevant. I take it you all gave up on Mathias. How pitiful…"

Bamboo had his head down while the rest felt heated up. Magvamax stood proudly.

"Hey…we just wanted a change of scenery." Bamboo muttered. "You know, spread our wings and network with others like us."

“What business do you have here? Cut to the chase.” Havok demanded.

The conqueror pressed his blade to the ground.

"We can either be friends or foes. In fact, I require recruits to face against my competition."

Magvamax turns on the map of Lavendhite to project on the screen.

“As you now see, Lavendhite consists of two major areas. This continent was originally one at a certain point.”

“What happened then?” Abotemous questioned.

"With this blade, I simply split this region in two. All to set for my major plan.”

A tense stare gets delivered across the room.

“And what plan would that be?” Auroa wondered.

The conqueror turns away, taking a few steps to the door.

"For now, we'll leave it like that. If you wish for further details, then you'll agree to join forces. You all have 72 hours from now to decide."

“Three days?” Bamboo gulped.

Magvamax begins taking his leave through the melted door.

“Those that are not with me are against me.”

The conqueror teleports in a ball of flames with his brothers.

“Great…now we need to fix that door.” Bamboo mumbled.

“Is this guy serious?” Kabuki pointed. “I don’t like him one bit.”

“Aye! I couldn’t agree more.” Steffbird mumbled.

The six begin discussing the next plan of approach.

"I say we take him out when we have the chance," Havok added.

"Rushing in would be suicidal in our current state," Abotemous claimed. "The conqueror is no joking matter. He's on par with Moon. Engaging now would likely result in casualties we can't afford."

“We need to think this through.” Auroa agreed. “Who knows how much competition to expect?”

Bamboo begins tensely thinking.

"Well, we got three days. We'll think of something."

Maigashi & Yuka – Skit 1

Bonus scene: Fresh Start

Meanwhile, somewhere back on Korola...

A key inserts into a locked door. It clicks right open as a hand reaches for the light switch. Maigashi and Yuka take a glance at their new place.

“So this new studio apartment. Not bad at all.”

“Hey Maigashi, come check out the view.”

Yuka pulls open the curtain to get a glimpse of the ocean scenery. She steps out to the balcony to get a better view. A cool breeze slips past her hair. She daydreams for a brief moment.

"So this is where the rest of my life begins. Just the two of us…."

She turns around.


She froze at the sight of him slouching back on the couch. It wasn't long before she screamed at the presence of the mess he made. Popcorn and beer can lie on the floor.

“WHAT THE HELL! You made a mess of our loveseat already. That’s disgusting! Get up!”

She approaches over, pulling him off the couch. He falls flat on the floor as she begins lecturing him. The scene pans out to the beach horizon.