New Fortune: The Crescent Moon Tournament

Chapter 7

New Fortune:

The Crescent Moon Tournament

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean cruise…

"So when will this gig be happening?" Alistor wondered.

"It will be in a couple of days," Axe assured. "We're set to perform the halftime show right before the semifinals commence for the Crescent Moon tournament."

"Tournament?" Nephena questioned.

Maigashi chilled back with Bow and Blade by the chairs.

"Where teams go test their strength and wits against one another," Lance explained. "I wonder who will be crowned this year."

Meanwhile, in some bell tower not far from the island, a man in a pink suit steps out from the shadows.

"The time has come for us…."

The man in the pink suit steps into the light. Jakota partially steps in for a view while the rest remained in the darkness.

"Soon, the dream will be realized."

Back with the party, the ship finally arrives at their destination.

"We have arrived at Crescent Moon! Thank you for choosing to cruise with us on the S.S Lavi. We hope you enjoy your stay."

Everyone boards off with Nephena and Alistor excitedly rushing out. Flocked with travelers and women in bathing suits.

"Oh, look at this pretty purse! Oh, and this pretty dress! And the food!" Nephena screamed.

She is seen helping herself while Maigashi checks his wallet. Nothing but spare chump change with a few bills left.

"Sigh…I don't even have enough to afford my own room."

"You should have spent your money wisely." Alistor pestered back.

He quickly proceeds to help himself as Maigashi gets left hanging.

"You guys can crash with us. It's not a problem." Axe assured.

"We got a free luxury suite reserved anyway," Lance added. "We'll be checking in at the hotel. So catch you guys later."

Axe and Lance leave off to the hotel while Bow and Blade remained behind. Maigashi continues to mope over his low cash.

"What am I going to do? I need a way to make some cash quick."

A glint sparked between Bow's glasses.

"You can always try the betting pool with us?"

"The preliminary rounds are about to begin. And we got some serious cash ready. So you can join us!" Blade said.

The scene cuts to the start of an opening ceremony. Dancers flocked across as flower petals rained down. Maigashi and the two are seated by the stands, with the fighters all lined up for the competition. The announcer quickly takes the stand.

"And now to begin the preliminary rounds! Single match eliminations! Only the top 8 teams will be admitted into the Crescent Moon tournament for the title. Betting pools are now open!"

Bow rushed down to analyze the fighters across multiple screens. Maigashi stood by, waiting for him to make the first move.

"Ok, which fighter do you feel will knock the other one out?" Blade asked.

A sizeable burly fighter is pitted against a small man with a fishing pole on screen.

"I'm a good judge when it comes to people."

Bow quickly slams his money on the table.

"90,000 yen on the large one!"

The match quickly commences as the others watched behind.

"There's a 95% chance this won't fail."

The prominent fighter quickly charges at the frail fisherman. He prepares for a heavy swing but misses.

"What?" Blade shouted.

The prominent fighter slips up as the small man kicks him from behind. He falls straight out of the ring bringing the match to an end.

"My money!!!" Bow cried, depressed for a brief moment as Maigashi skims across the screen for another match.

"Who's this guy?"

Jakota quietly enters the ring pitted against a biker with a chain. A tense look on his face while the biker talks trash.

"I'll break that look on your face, bub!"

Maigashi didn't hesitate to place his last bills out on the table.

"90,000 yen on the quiet one!"

"Whoa! Are you sure?" Blade stumbled. "That's like all you have left."

"I know…but I have a gut feeling about this guy." He assured.

Bow and Blade didn't hesitate to drop their money down on the quiet fighter. Trusting Maigashi's instinct as the match began.

"Allow me to wipe that look off your face!"

The biker readied his chain while the silent fighter got into a stance. The biker makes the first move, lashing out for an attack, but his weapon quickly snaps apart from an aura.

"My chain!"

Jakota elbows the biker hard on the neck, bringing the match to a swift end. Then, he quietly takes his leave.

"He's out cold…." Blade jumped.

"Yeah! But we won!"

Their money in the pool quickly doubled as the fighters proceeded to the next set of matches.

"180,000 yen on the shady one!"

The three placed their money on the cloaked one covering his entire body. He is seen pitted against some fat man in a business suit.

"What could be under that coat?" Blade wondered.

"Maybe he's some creepy flasher?" Bow chuckled.

Noo proceeds into the ring as the businessman cracked his knuckles.

"Neh heh! I'll end this very quickly. Heh heh heh heh!" Noo chuckled.

The match commences with the businessman preparing for a karate chop. Noo stood in place; the camera focused on his jacket. His coat slightly opens up as the party started with anticipation.

"Here it comes! He's opening it!" Blade pointed.

The screen quickly goes white as light blinds everyone, along with the businessman. The match was already over within a split second. The fat businessman lay on the floor, all bruised up.

"Did any of you catch that?"

"It doesn't matter! We're in the money!" Maigashi laughed.

Their eyes quickly move towards another match—Seiyaru steps into the ring against some rich-looking pretty boy.

"This guy must be packing something. 360,000 yen on the armored one!"

The match was over in less than a minute as Seiyaru clamped onto his opponent. Putting the tight squeeze before the boy gives in. The crew's money is doubled once again.

"We are on a roll!" Bow slapped.

The crew proceeds to watch more matches to pass the time. Jakota effortlessly breaks through the ranks. Knocking each fighter out as their money continues to rise. The preliminaries soon come to an end as night breaks in.

"We're back!"

Maigashi returns to the hotel with Bow and Blade. Wasted away as they are seen dangling in another's arm.

"You guys seem happy?" Nephena poked.

"What's up with you guys?" Alistor wondered.

The three dropped to the floor as piles of coins poured from their pockets.

"You guys have been gambling. What a mess!" She nodded.

"The first round will begin tonight! After that, dinner is on us!" Maigashi raised.

The scene cuts into a private room of the hotel. The man in pink casually drinks his wine by the chair.

"Mr. Kazu…is everything falling into the plan?"

The team captain steps forward.

"Round one will begin shortly. Jakota will take the front leading Bassa and Noo."

The man in pink looks over at the team brackets on paper.


The scene cuts to the sound of an audience cheering inside an arena hours later. The lights flashed across as the announcer takes the stand once more.

"Round one will soon commence! But first a word from our Lady Nyoma!"

A priestess steps into the light.

"Greetings. I am lady Nyoma. Hopefully, you've all been enjoying the festivity we have to offer. As the new moon is set to rise in a matter of days, we look forward to crowning the best for this year's Crescent title. I wish you all the best of luck."

She hands the mic back to the announcer.

"Team Ace and Team Surinami! Please step forward."

Nephena and Alistor are seated within the bleachers with the others on the betting pool. Axe and Lance casually watch.

"Ok! 200000 yen on Surinami. That Jakota guy will pull through." Maigashi assured.

Three members of Surinami stepped forward against a five-person team. Jakota approached the center as the others got into position.

"Delta rush Megido!"

Jakota signals Noo and Bassa for the attack. Then, a blinding light commenced as the scene goes blank. Jakota's silhouette is seen making quick strikes, stunning his opponents in place while Bassa delivers the finishing blow. The match was over within less than a minute. The crowd is left stunned.

"Did any of you catch that?" The announcer dropped. "Thirty seconds in, and the match is already over. What a spectacle."

Jakota and his crew quietly walk off the screen as Maigashi and the others jump like kids in the betting pool.

"YEAH!!! We're in the money now!"

Maigashi rubs Bow's bushy hair as Blade pops open a whisky bottle. Then, the announcer proceeds to the next set of matches scheduled on the screen.

"Let's hope the next set of matches don't end so abruptly."

The three cashed their winnings and leave. Nephena and Alistor join in some dining for the night's remainder as the next set of matches commenced.

"We'll catch you guys back at the hotel later."

Maigashi leaves with Bow and Blade to check around the rest of the vicinity. They eventually spot a huge line by the juice bar filled with screaming fangirls.

"Seems they're waiting for an autograph and picture with some of the fighters." Bow speculates.

"A picture with the winning team could make a nice gift for Yuka. But man, look at the line. We'll never be able to get through."

Then, Blade begins to examine some of the large posters at the far edge of the corner.

"The fighters won't stick around for much longer. The only way is to break into the team's private quarters."

"Are you nuts? We could get kicked out." Bow worried.

Blade pulls out a small pocket knife to poke the poster on the wall. The sign slides off, revealing a hidden door.

"As I suspected. A hidden doorway."

He goes to turn the knob, but it was locked.

"Damn, it's locked! Bow! Do you have a credit card or something?"

"I got a spare backstage pass for our concert tomorrow."

Blade swipes the card between the lock, popping the door right open.

"Now hurry! While security is not looking."

The three enters through the passage, making their way into the team's quarters. Bow quickly hands Maigashi a backstage pass.

"Ok! We'll play cool and keep everything natural. We are just the band performing for tomorrow's concert."

The three casually walk past a bunch of competing fighters. Giving them a look, Maigashi flashed his backstage pass to blend in.

"I take it we want a picture signed with that Jakota player, right?" Bow assumed.

"You bet! He racked in the money for us. Now, where could he be?"

The three continue to scour through the hall. Finally, the scene cuts to Jakota and his crew in another room.

"But that would be dishonorable, captain. We don't need to resort to cheating. I'm sure we can pull through the semifinals."

A feeling of uncertainty rest within Jakota's eye as the captain makes the call. Kazuma leans back on the chair, sipping his glass of wine.

"Just follow through with the plan. We came to win, didn't we? It won't matter once the cards are all turned."

"I don't know if I can do this…."

The captain hands over a veil of poison to Jakota.

"Heh heh! Come on, Jakota, don't wimp out on us. Cheating has been what we've done this whole time." Noo snickered. "You just have to poison the other team's cake, and we'll be set for the prize. It's a piece of cake."

"Duh huh! Piece of cake…." Bassa muttered.

He placed the bottle of poison back on the table.

"Let me think about it…."

Kazuma placed his glass down.

"Very well, if you can't decide… We'll just have Seiyaru handle Team Sherry for tomorrow's semifinals. But, unfortunately, team Wane is in favor of reaching tomorrow's final, so we'll poison their meals."

"I'll stand down for now." Jakota bowed.

The team suddenly overhears footsteps approaching their way. Noo slips the poison inside his coat as Maigashi walks in on them.

"And who are you?" The captain questioned.

Bow and Blade stood behind as they took a moment to step forward.

"We're just the band for tomorrow's show," Bow muttered.

"We'd just like a pic signed with your man Jakota. If you don't mind." Maigashi flattered.

Bow hands over the camera to the captain.

"Sigh…very well, let's get this done with."

The three reach in for a pose with Jakota at the center. The camera quickly sparks up, frying all the film inside.

"My camera!" Bow cried.

"No worries. I got lots of spares." Noo chuckled. "Take this one."

Noo slips out a new camera as it catches Bow's eyes. The captain proceeds to take their picture with Jakota.

"Who should I make this out to?" Jakota asked.

"To my girl Yuka! I want to send her something back when I get home."

Jakota proceeds to sign the picture as the crew happily takes their leave. The captain is left with a surprising look.

"See you guys tomorrow at the show! We'll be rooting for ya." Blade waved.

And so the next day arrives. Axe and the Steel Specters performed their hit "Heroes of Love" for the halftime show.

"And now let the semifinals commence! Team Sherry and Team Surinami. Please report to the arena."

Nephena takes her seat along with the rest of the audience. Lance has a bucket of popcorn in his hands as they waited with anticipation. Finally, another team stepped into the arena as no members of Surinami arrived. The announcer looks dumbfounded.

"Team Surinami. Please report or risk being disqualified."

A cold breeze passes as a clunky silhouette walks in. Maigashi and the others watch below on screen from the betting pool.

"What's this? Only one member? Where is the rest of your team?" Questioned the announcer.

Seiyaru quietly steps into the light while his shell armor made a clunking sound. He slowly steps into the ring, hunched, his long sleeves touching the floor. A maniacal look was in his eyes as he took a glance back at the audience. Nephena's face quickly turned pale as she felt sick.

"Hey, sis, what's the matter?"

"That clunking sound…That face… Something's not right."

She immediately takes off and leaves as Lance and Alistor follow outside. She took a moment to clear her mind.

"Care to explain to us?" Alistor wondered.

"What's wrong with that guy anyway?"

A dreadful memory replays in her mind. As a little girl hiding behind the curtain panels on the stroke of midnight.

"That fateful day… I can never forget that clunking sound. The one hunched with the oversized shell. He's the one that murdered our father."

"Wait, are you certain?" Lance dropped.

Bodies lie across the floor as Nephena's father bravely fought against Seiyaru.

"My father Renfield was a government official back in the days. That monster broke in that very night to steal something."

Seiyaru delivers the finishing blow to Renfield. Sending a stab through his body and collapsing by Nephena's feet. She lets off a scream, with Seiyaru taking notice. She charges forward, attempting to strike with a small knife but gets easily brushed aside.

"I have no time for the likes of you. However, there is a secret scroll hidden here, and I must have it. Mr. Rare requires it!"

He walks off into the other room, leaving her to be.

"I was weak at the time…And from that day, I vowed to get stronger somehow. To do whatever it takes to bring that monster down."

"Oh yeah…I was away at the time." Lance recalled.

Axe rushes outside to catch their attention.

"Yo, dudes, the finals are about to begin."

"What? You mean the match is already over?" Alistor jumped.

The party rushed back to watch the final match.

"So, how much did we missed?" Lance asked.

"The other match was uninteresting." Bow concluded. "A ten-minute break is now in session so that the final match will begin shortly."

Ten minutes later…

"The moment we've all been waiting for. Team Surinami and Wane, please report to the arena."

The announcer called out their names as all members of Surinami appeared before the audience. Unfortunately, team Wane was nowhere to be seen as minutes passed.

"Team Wane, please report or risk being disqualified."

A smug look was on Noo's face as Bassa chuckled like an idiot. A bottle of poison is seen clenched in his coat pocket. The team captain stood proudly at the center while Jakota and Seiyaru remained silent. Moments continue to pass as the other team was nowhere to be seen.

"Team Wane…to the arena? Hello?"

Somewhere in another locker room... A group of fighters is seen passed out. One has their head in the toilet while a large cake rests at the center—bitten cake slices on the floor.

"Time is now up! And by default, the winner of this year's Crescent Moon tournament is Surinami. Congratulations!"

Nyoma briefly arrives to hand the ceremonial reward to the team. Surrounded by bodyguards as a trophy is presented. She slowly approaches close to the team.

"Please step forward! Don't be shy."

"It's been such a long time, priestess…."

The man in a pink suit steps out from the shadows, lightly clapping. The guards quickly draw their swords at him as he approached the ring.

"Kazuma? What is the meaning of this?"

Seiyaru quickly grabs hold of the priestess as Jakota and the rest took her guards by surprise. Soldiers are sent flying across the ring, making the announcer jump back.

"What a turn for events. This doesn't look, good folks."

Other fighters attempt to rush in, but Kazuma snaps his finger. Finally, a sumo wrestler comes dropping down from above.

"Raiuga at your service!"

Seiyaru continues to hold Nyoma in a grasping choke as Kazuma casually walks up to her. The audience begins to panic.

"I told ya I'd be back. Thought you could banish me for good, but now I'll ask again to hand over the Sacred Stone."

"I'll never hand it to the likes of you."

She gives off a disgruntled look as he touches her chin.

"Still the same goody brat like last time. No matter. We'll just have to take you as a hostage then."

Nyoma turns her attention to Jakota.

"You seem very familiar…Have we met somewhere before?"

He gives no response. The other members remained at bay. Finally, Alistor and Nephena step into the ring.

"I knew something was not right about this tournament. I challenge you." Nephena pointed.

Kazuma gives back a light shrug.

"You're not even worth our time. Raiuga, go and take care of them."

Kazuma's bodyguard steps and overshadows both of them. He makes a sumo stance, causing Nephena and Alistor to lose balance.


Lance unexpectedly jumps into the ring for the first time.

"I had just about enough."

Nephena slowly regained her posture.

"But brother! You don't know how to fight."

"Just sit back and watch, sis! I haven't been playing just for nothing."

His drum sticks quickly transform into a set of nunchucks. Bow and Blade are seen cheering behind. Then, Raiuga begins slapping his body to prepare for his attack.

"I'll knock that broom of hair off the ring. SUMO! SUMO!"

Raiuga aggressively charges towards Lance as he gets into position with his weapon. However, the energy quickly channels inside of him.

"I feel the power..."

Everything stopped in place as the scene goes white, now with two silhouettes standing still. Raiuga's entire body was frozen in the spot from his fist.

"What? My attack stopped in place? But how?"

Pink and blue lights bursts from Lance's hair. He slowly wraps Raiuga's arm with his weapon.

"Specter single - Drummers solo!"

He quickly launches Raiuga in the air with a barrage of strikes, beating his body like a drum as he gets knocked across silly.

"Whoah no!!!"

Raiuga is sent crashing out from the rooftop. He blasts off in the air, leaving nothing but a tiny glint in the sky.

"How embarrassing…" Kazuma mumbled. "Jakota, Noo, Bassa. Get in there!"

Jakota and his crew step into the ring.

"Enough messing around. It's time to get serious."

Lance felt pumped for more.

"I'm ready for more!"

"Do it again!" Nephena cheered.

Jakota steps forth as Noo took a right and Bassa went left. The three surround Lance while he got into a defensive stance.

"Delta Rush Megido!"

The three rushed at Lance from three sides. He prepares for a counter as Jakota got close but suddenly halts in place.

"The power…"

A blinding light commenced as Lance gets slammed from three sides. Bassa then delivers a sucker punch sending him rolling across the ring. His nunchuck reverts to a pair of drum sticks.

"What kind of fight was that, Lance?"

Nephena continued to lecture as he attempts to explain.

"Did I forgot to mention… My power is only good for one whole minute. After that, I have to recharge for another whole hour."

Nephena stumbles over.

"Then what good is that? Argh!! Alistor, let's get 'em."

Alistor steps back into the ring with her. Noo and Bassa take their places while Jakota lunges forward. Alistor attempts to swing with his weapon, but Noo opens his coat, delivering a blinding light.

"Meeee smash!"

Bassa strikes him from behind; Nephena stood phased out. Then, Jakota fires a V-shaped energy attack.

"Victory Blast!"

The two are sent flying out of the ring in one quick explosion. Unable to battle as Surinami stood victorious.

"Now, who's next?" Kazuma wondered.

He turns his attention towards Bow and Blade, but they quickly cowered behind the stands. Axe stood by, uncertain what to do.

"This isn't looking, good dude…."

"Now it's my turn!"

Maigashi steps into the ring to confront Jakota and his crew. He slowly pulls up his sleeve to channel power.

"Another challenger? This should be quick."

"You have no idea what you're up against."

The scene grows dark, with a crashing sound erupting. Noo and Bassa quickly stumbled as Jakota remained still.

"Here it comes! You better be ready!"

The roof immediately shatters with debris falling. The Rainaga spreads across the entire ring sending chills behind Noo and Bassa.

"What the hell is that?"

"Duh, it's bigger than all of us! Jakota, do something!"

Jakota took a step back.

"Such power…. There's no chance in hell I'm blocking that."

The three members begin stepping back as Maigashi stood firm with his colossal attack. The team captain steps into the center.

"Impressive display. An attack of that level requires a lot of energy to sustain. The Rainaga is indeed a nice gift."

The captain's word slightly catches him by surprise. Jakota and the rest stood from the sidelines.

"How do you know? If you want to perish first? Then be my guest!"

Maigashi locks his attack on the captain as all eight heads of the Rainaga lunge towards him. Mr. Kazu lets off a slight smirk.

"Hmph…as predicted."

A wall of water quickly rises from below, spinning rapidly as it takes the shape of a large cone.

"Water Tornado!"

All eight heads of the Rainaga wraps across the vortex in a tight squeeze, attempting to break through.

"It won't be enough to save you." Maigashi pestered.

He pushed forward with his attack as the captain remained calm. Mr. Kazu readies some ice shards to toss in the air.

"Spectral Ice beam!"

The tornado quickly freezes, solidifying all the water as the Rainaga sets off a massive explosion. Leaving nothing but mists and debris in the air.

"Did I get him?"

The captain's shadow emerged within the mist.

"Hahaha! Is that the best you got? If so, then it won't be enough to beat me."

Maigashi stood slightly exhausted.

"Then I'll just have to try again."

He attempts to perform the Rainaga once more but suddenly feels a tremendous strain on his chest. Maigashi falls to the floor as he tries to piece everything together.

"I told you, boy…an attack like that requires a lot of energy to channel."

The captain casually walks forward as the rest of his crew follows behind. He kicks Maigashi out of the ring.

"This can't be…."

"It seems you've reached your limit for today. I can end this now, but killing you would be such a waste."

The captain drops a card over him.

"We could use more people like you. The Rainaga would serve as a nice rendition to the team. The icing on the cake."

Kazuma steps into the fray as Seiyaru continues to hold Nyoma as a hostage.

"It's about time we bail. No need to further waste precious time."

The captain turns his back on the defeated party.

"You have two days from now to decide. If you want Nyoma to live then, your people must surrender the Sacred Stone to us. After that, we will rendezvous at the Minra Gardens for an exchange."

The team vanished within a split second. The sound of a car engine starts with Kazuma going behind the wheels of a Ferrari. Then, driving off into the setting sun as Nyoma lies tied in the backseat.