Abotemous shuns off all his lieutenants on an early morning, watching all the recaps from their last battles on screen.
“I made us look good but these strings of losses in a single day are not acceptable. Now three pieces of the prism are in their hands.”
Doodle Dimsy and Magic Man sat quietly on the corner with the rest.
“We have the key and base piece of the Prism. We’ve already pinpointed the last piece of the prism and Lotox’s resurrection must begin soon. I need someone reliable to handle this task.”
He begins pondering as a recap of Scorvus defeat plays on screen.
“Just give us another chance!” Scorvus pleaded.
“NO! We have lost enough time and resources already. I require someone more competent for this next task.”
An ad comes flying into the room landing straight on the office desk.
“What’s this?”