Some point in the middle of an elevator…
“So bro…did you had a chance to try the new chicken dish I prepared last night?”
“Nope….I sort of experimented with it on the side.” Abotemous coughed.
“Sigh…you always do that.” Bamboo mumbled.
The elevator arrives to a stop and the brothers stepped from it right out in the open. They arrive in the middle of a factory overseeing some mass productions. Products from instant noodles to packaged cake mix run down the conveyor line.
“Money is getting rather low and we need a way to move out our products. Sales have been low since our supply routes were compromised.”
“So what do you propose?” Bamboo desperately asked.
The brothers direct their attention to a map projected on screen. Capital City catches Bamboo’s attention.
“It’s about time we take an aggressive approach.” Abotemous slammed. “Deploy our most powerful monster! We’ll strike this time at the heart of the kingdom.”