Don't Ever Bring Your Boyfriend To Set Again

Frowning even uglier when he first steps into the studio Wang Kai look at PA Han in disdain.

"How can you came to those conclusions?" Wang Kai throws a question looks while folding his hand on his chest.

"Well, she felt nothing like a normal girl. Her heartbeat doesn't even increase when she is already that close to a handsome man. Also, boss, if you think about it, Ms.NiNi never really looks like she likes you that much.

She only contacts you when she is bored and ignores you again when she was busy." PA Han said.

Wang Kai starts to wonder as he glances at Han Li. How can this guy work for him all these years with that IQ? Did he cheat the psychological test? Han Li failed his analysis, but he succeeded in making Wang Kai irritated.

Wang Kai always waits for Xiao Ni to text or call. She often sends him a picture of food or asks him for a red pocket from WeChat. He would rarely answer, but he always gives her what Xiao Ni wants.