Waiting For You After School turned out to be a huge success. They even made it into the box office after airing for one week. It was a hit that everybody in the country watches and talks about it. They dominate the trending topics on several platforms ever since.
Xiao Ni was grateful that she broke into tears. For the first time in her carrier, she made it into something big, even though it's started with drama.
These past few weeks, she was rather busy promoting the movie at a famous variety show and media. The crazy boyfriend of hers felt the same thing and even take it to the next level. He proudly rent the billboard at the Wang building to NiNi's promotional picture. And the excited father Guan follows Wang Kai's steps.
This time, Wang Kai became an attentive boyfriend, calling and text her whenever he had time.
They also go to places together when she had no schedule. It's honestly felt surreal for NiNi. She even almost believes Wang Kai wants to try this relationship.