I Have Something To Tell You

The lovely atmosphere between Xiao Ni and Wang Kai never stays for too long.

Imagine a scene where a stern father babysits a carefree child because the moment Xiao Ni walks into the amusement park, the vibes between the two lovers become sour.

"I want to ride that!" NiNi fume, her veins are popping on her clear forehead.

"I said No! That is very dangerous!" Wang Kai answered with a stern voice. He held her hand tightly, preventing her from running away.

"Wang Kai, this is one of your properties. Are you saying that you don't have confidence in yourself?" NiNi arched her flawless eyebrow, her little nose shrinking as she pushed Wang Kai's buttons.

NiNi's voice gathers the attention of the people around them.

Oh, wait, their couple's T-shirt has gathered the attention before she even shouts.