Volume 1: Ydeo's Adventure and the Trial of the Wise King - CHAPTER 1: MEETING AN ANCIENT

Finally! My dream to travel is here. Hi! My name is Ydeo, I am from the land of Lucios. Lucios is a land on the south eastern part of Garsula continent. It is a big island with a lot of forest, mountains and high falls. Lucios is composed of barangays which is led by a Datu or Dayang. I came from the Barangay of Datu Maru. He is a strict old man, he always watches me ever since I was young, since the death of my parents.

But let’s not be glumy! Today is a wonderful day with blue sky, clear and serene ocean and this fragrant fresh air. It is a beautiful day to greet the World. "Hello to the World, it's me Ydeo!" as I greet the world.

I am a 16 years old young man. Not everyone is like me, most of the Lucians with the same age as mine is starting to find work or begin to succeed their elders or masters. I’ve always wanted to travel since I was 9 years old however Datu Maru never allowed me to travel, but now that I am an official young man, I can travel anywhere I want. But yesterday was so trying, Datu Maru is keep on pestering me even on the last day to succeed him as a Datu, but I do not want that, right Mina? See you later!

I am currently on the boat of one of the sailors of our barangay, and his is Head Sailor Je-Mi. He is a veteran sailor, and he is in his forties. He is a big man with a wide brown beard, and his face always looked grumpy. I don’t want to be like that when I grow older.

Yikes! He looked at me.

"Ydeo, come and help us! We take you with us without passenger’s fee, so you should help a little and start rowing the boat." He said with his grumpy face while giving me an oar.

The boat is big enough to carry 100 men. It is known to use on discovering and exploring new islands before, but on this age, other countries like Ar-pi become more civilized. They have big ships and giant palaces according to Lady Anabelle. She often describe and tell stories to me during her younger years as she used to be an entertainer at the Ar-pi Kingdom. It is the opposite of Lucios in where we only have Nipa Huts as house, and Torogan as barangay halls.

That archipelagic kingdom is my first destination."Ar-pi" I muttered.

Lady Anabelle mentioned that it is a rich kingdom with thousands of islands. It is an Archipelagic Kingdom ruled by a Rajah. I think the name of the Rajah is Jaroleo, rumored that this Rajah is wise and gives unpredictable decision.

I want to go there as soon as possible. I'm just hoping that the Sea Monsters won't attack this boat. It is normal to see Sea Monsters on this area, they are the rulers of the ocean, mostly of this area of Gisap Ocean, and maybe this is the reason why we are poor?

Gisap Ocean is the largest one in the seven oceans of the world. I wonder why it is divided in seven. Isn’t the world is surrounded by one big ocean? The seven oceans is told in the legends, tales, and songs, but what is the figure of the world to begin with? Is the world has end or has no end? Maybe the shape of the world is like that giant Banana or that giant Grape. I can’t believe that my hunger will let me see giant fruits under the water.

We've been rowing for 7 hours already since we set off from the shore. I can’t wait, I want to go to the Ar-pi as soon as possible, but Head Sailor Je-Mi said that it will take a whole day of sail to the nearest shore of Ar-pi. Sailing is sucks! I am so tired and hungry... I want to eat!

How can these men be this strong without food? Well maybe because I haven’t eaten since yesterday as I was so excited to begin this journey. No... No… No! This is the fault of Datu Maru, if he just let me packs my things, I wouldn’t be hungry.

"Head Sailor Je-Mi, let's eat! I am hungry…" I complained as my stomach growls.

Thankfully, he agreed on to my request. We started eating our lunch on the boat and everyone has their own share of foods. This is so delicious! They prepare pots of fruits, pots of rice, bowl of salads, bags of beards, assorted fermented fishes, and an already grilled chicken as our food for the entire voyage. The boat is made of wood so we cannot use fire nor start a fire, which is why everything is already made before we leave the shore.

"Eat, Eat, Eat, Drink, Eat, Eat, Eat and Drink." I sang as I enjoy eating my share.

The foods are so delicious to the point that I can no longer move, my body is so heavy and I am so full. “Thanks for the food.”

"Ouch!" I exclaimed after Head Sailor Je-Mi hitting the back of my head.

"It's your share for the entire day! Why did you eat it all?" He said madly.

"What? But--but it's my normal size of meal! Would I starve this whole day, Head Sailor Je-Mi?" I asked dejectedly.

Head Sailor Je-Mi just give me a cold stare. And so, here I was, assigned to catch some fishes, but this actually excites me even more. I never tried fishing in the ocean. I wonder if they taste different. “Be a sacrifice for me little fishy!” It feels like I am a monster from a dreadful tale or legend.

But after an hour of attempting to catch some fish I still haven't able to catch one fish. Is it really hard to catch some fish on the ocean? Should I jump?

"Head sailor, why is that I haven't caught any fish yet?" I wonder.

“Why ask me? Sailor Lam is more skilled in that area." He answered as he navigates the Tiller.

Sailor Lam is a skilled sailor on his thirties. He is the right hand man of Head Sailor Je-Mi, I heard he is a sage among of all men. He trotted to us with thick ropes in his hands.

"There's no fishes in the area just yet because it's only been an hour since the ocean wave’s calm." He simply explained.

"Huh? What do you mean calm?" I confusedly asked.

Head sailor Je-Mi referred to me after listening to Sailor Lam, "Ydeo, Sea Monsters have ability to calm the water."

"Really?! So that was true, amazing!"

"Fool! That is not something to be amaze about, because it only means that there is a Sea Monster on the area. And it is better to encounter a storm than a Sea Monster." He explained dreadfully. "In storm we can still navigate the boat but with Sea Monsters we can only wish for luck. If they ask for sacrifice we will gladly give it to them." Head Sailor Je-Mi continues.

"Sea Monsters are more intelligent and powerful than humans. We have to be weary." He continues to warn us but instead of getting scared I was more amazed on how great Sea Monsters are. I want to fight them; I wonder where they are...?

"Head Sailor Je-Mi, how can we identify Sea Monsters compared to other sea creatures?" I asked since I honestly want to encounter one—or maybe more?

"These monsters differ from one another, Ydeo. Sea Monster are giant creatures, they could be like a giant plant, a giant fruit, a giant vegetable, or any other giant animals. They have hard scales and tail of a fish. You can say that it it has a cow head, with a scale and tail of a fish. That's how Sea Monster would look like." He prickly but patiently explained.

Giant vegetables, fruits, animals? I wonder if they are delicious. I want to catch one and eat it. Speaking of giants, I remember sharing my experience of throwing a Javelin on a giant earthworm before. Though after sharing, the crew got mad at my unimaginable story, Head Sailor Je-Mi even mentioned that if the Sea Monsters asked for a sacrifice, they will give me to them.

I felt funny hearing that, they shouldn't worry. I know I can beat these Sea Monsters. From what I remember, Father told me something about Rulers of the Ocean and if I am right I can beat these Sea Monsters.

In the middle of our conversation, ten little Sea Monsters emerged from the ocean, probably mad because of the noises we made. Head Sailor Je-Mi mentioned that Sea Monsters' normal length is 500 to 1000 meters, what we see right now are much smaller. Around 100 meters I guess.

I quickly jump on the ocean to reassure them to not worry. But everyone is scraping to escape, crews from the upper platform coming down to row the boat faster for escape. Head Sailor Je-Mi and the others agreed on escaping from the scene as well. The 100 men who proudly shout and sang like a warrior of the sea are now shamefully running for their life.

I think I heard Head Sailor Je-Mi saying something before they sail away, "Don't blame me for this, Ydeo." Is that what he said?

I do not blame them. They are scared of the Sea Monsters. They just have no other choice. Unlike them, I can beat hundreds of armed men without using any weapon. I am not telling lies, I am different from any other men, much stronger. Maybe I will meet people stronger than me in Ar-pi.

Father told me these creatures' weak spot is their belly which is like that of a bear's. If that is the case, I can beat these Sea Monsters!

"What are you trying to do human?" I heard a monstrous voice.

"Attacking sea monsters in the ocean, do you think you can beat us?" I heard it mock me.

"Even on land I can beat you." Unknown voice said to my mind.

What? A voice in my mind?

"Arrogant human! You know nothing of this world yet you want to discover its vast land." He continued.

"Who are you?!" I asked.

"Enough with your arrogance and stay quiet on your land." He answered.

"I asked who you are, tell me!" I asked again.

Shit I don't care anymore, I'm going to beat all of you! "Bring it on! Come!" I punch the approaching Banana like Sea Monster on its head, and I quickly jump over to its head. The Sea Monsters looks delicious, it is as if I am seeing giant ingredients in the ocean. I might be able to cook a giant meal with them. Thinking about it makes me drool. I want to eat them!

Before I could even reach the next Sea Monster something reached my eyes. A blinding energy extended in my eyes.

Wait what is this? Light? Reflection? Where this came from? The boat?

They might be trying to help me by distracting the Sea Monsters. They are trying to blind the Sea Monsters using the reflection of the sun. It might not be that effective against Sea Monster, and it may be a damn thing to do, but their effort and will boost gives me moral! It gives me strength! I can still fight!

“This is the power of friendship! No one can beat the power of friendship!” I shoutd as I attack the other approaching Sea Monster. I jump from one Sea Monster to another.

"Who are you?" the cow like Sea Monster asked me.

"I am Ydeo!" I answered as I punched its face.

"Lord okeanus won't forgive you for this, human!" The Sea Monster said in despair, swimming away.

I won!


I can't move….. and then, I fell into the ocean.

I see....

I am going to die………….

What will happen to me then?

The sound slowly fading……

But then…. I saw glimpse of light glimpse.

and when I open my eyes. I am on the boat!

“What's going on?! Where am I? Is this the boat?”

"Looks like you are awake, you have been sleeping for five hours already, Ydeo."

"Head Sailor Je-Mi? I see, you save me." I said as I try to cope up with the situation.

Head Sailor Je-Mi explain to me what happened and as how I beat six Sea Monsters and how it swam away. I'm just sad… I couldn't catch one. I wonder if the Banana like Sea Monster tastes like Banana. I should have tried to bite at least one

Head Sailor Je-Mi and the others talked about how great I was in fighting the Sea Monsters. As he was reenacting what happen just a while ago, he remembered me beating a bear on my own when I was nine years old.

"Ydeo, I think you are better suited to be a Galleon Captain.”, after that Head Sailor Je-Mi asked me if I am interested to be a Galleon Captain. Those Galleon stuffs sails the seas in order to find treasures, new lands, and of course glory to be told.

"What is the use of that, Head Sailor Je-Mi? I am not interested. Rather I just want to see the world." I declined.

"Don't be too arrogant, with your strength you can be easily become one! Don't you worry; I will write a letter to introduce you to the Rajah of Ar-pi to sponsor your voyages!"

This old man will not stop, maybe I will just let him be. I am not really interested in that, so I’m just gonna throw the letter of introduction later. What occupies my mind is the unknown voice who spoke to me.

"You're a brave young man, he is right, you can be one of those barbarian." unknown voice said in my mind again.

"You again!" I said, surprised. This is the voice from earlier.

"Who are you talking to, Ydeo?" One of the crew asked me.

"You didn't hear any unfamiliar voice just a now?" Don't tell me, they couldn't hear the voice?

"No, we hear nothing." Sailor Lam assured.

"But I hear a voice just now..." I told them.

"You say you heard a voice just now? I heard a familiar story about this, it's told in myths and legends in the country of Ar-pi, about the Rulers of the Sea." Sailor Iska, one of the crew butted in.

"What happen?" I quickly responded.

"They say that some seafarers can hear the voice and it is called the voice of the ocean, it is a belief since the ancient times." Sailor Iska answered.

"Do they know who this voice is?" I further inquire.

"I'm afraid they don't."

Who was it? Is it Okeanus? The one that the Sea Monsters mentioned to me?

"Do you know any of the name Okeanus?" I tried my luck.

Head sailor Je-Mi frowned as he answered, "Okeanus is an ancient god who created the Gisap Ocean and the Sea Monsters."

A god? I do not know any of the name Okeanus, I do not know of this legend.

Sailor Lam said to me, "In the country of Lucios we call him Gisap."


Legend of Gisap Ocean came into my mind, I remembered it! It is the creation of the Gisap Ocean, and it is where Okeanus's place of respite. Was it really Okeanus, that unknown voice?

"Now you know me, boy." Okeanus said.

"What do you want from me?!" I shouted.

Head Sailor Je-Mi and the others are confused as I shout and talk to someone that they clearly cannot see.

Suddenly, a buzzling sound was heard that rendered us all still. A giant wave is coming across us. Some of the crew panicked and tried to get the boat away as fast as possible. But most—like me, was waiting, the wave does not seem forceful and strangely and surprisingly stopped and stayed high.

"Is that a tsunami?" Sailor Iska asked.

We looked at the giant wave, we saw something shining in it but I couldn't see any signs of Okeanus himself.

"Good Evening, boy." Okeanus said in my mind.

"Why are you here?!" I shouted again.

"There's something I want to ask from you." Okeanus answered.

"What does he say?" Head Sailor Je-Mi butted in and asked.

"What is it you want to ask?" I answered back to Okeanus

"What do you think of this World?" He answered in my mind.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it yet." I answered honestly.

Surprisingly he laugh from what I said. “I see, you're right." He replied in my mind.

"I don't know what you want, but don't try to stop me, ancient or not, I'll beat you!" I warned him.

"Let's meet again, boy." Okeanus faintly replied.

"It's Ydeo! Not Boy!" I screamed.