Volume 1: Ydeo's Adventure and the Trial of the Wise King - CHAPTER 7: TRUE DESIRE
At the Main Port the Rajah, the Prince and the Priest is waiting for the Slayer to be escorted the Head Warrior
I came to the Main Port with my father and with the Priest. Waiting for the Slayer to arrive. What will happen? What will I witness this day, who is this Slayer they keep talking about?
"The Head Warrior should be in the Imperial Prison and will personally escort the Slayer." Father said to the Priest
"Are you transferring the swords in different route as requested?" The Priest asked .
"There is nothing to worry, everything is in plan."
Why is he so cautious by a single man? What did he do, what is he capable of to made the Head Warrior cautious and this Priest, who is known to be a Hero. I doubt the capability of this man but the Priest warned us to not underestimate the Slayer.
"I just have questions about those swords..." Father wanted to inquire about the danger of those swords.
But the Priest simply said, "Those swords are useless with different owner but once the Slayer is in possession of it the only you can do is pray."
"Fa-father..." I got goose bumps when I heard those words of the priest.
"Fear not my son, we have Head Warrior Gen with us and his Elite Warriors all over the place, they will protect us for sure. Beside it is clearly a Sacred Arm just like what our Elite Warrior has."
My Father is right, from the sound of it, the Slayer is surely a Sacred Arm user, he is nothing special, he may killed the Priest when the Priest is resting or when the Priest lower his guard. The followers are nothing special, even our Elite Warrior surely can kill bunch of ordinary people if we order them to.
"Beware, if ever the Slayer got ahold of these swords even with Head Warrior Gen no one will be safe." Those words from the Priest continued to bring nightmares to me.
I doubt this Priest, he may be weak! I doubt anything he says!
On the other hand, inside the wagon of Princess Mayari.
While taking Ydeo to the ship I asked My Lady the reason why we are going to the ship instead of going back to the Imperial Palace, and the reason she had given me is to run away from the Rajah.
"Why is that My Lady?" I asked.
"The Rajah is planning something sexually to me that is why. You wouldn't be okay with that, right?" she said and asked this casually.
"Don't worry, My Lady, even if it is the Rajah I won't let him touch you." I declared.
I'm really grateful that the Lady is happy and safe from the hands of Rajah.
"I will protect you no matter what happen." I promised.
"Well just kidding, we should be proceeding with our plan."
"Are we done with this country?"
"Actually not, but some men of the Emperor is already here, hiding in some of the islands. I just want to run away from them."
"Afraid not My Lady, I will see to it that we will accomplish our plan without a problem!"
"Thank you." she smiled
"It is a pleasure to serve you My Lady!"
"Me too, I am happy to work with you."
"Anyway, we arrive to our destination My Lady."
"Open the door, let's ready for our departure!"
My Lady look at the sunset, she stood with dignity and beauty, after that she entered the ship and went to order us for the preparation of our departure.
We are living this Kingdom!
On the center road of the Main Port. Head Warrior Gen escorting Bakunawa.
The Head Warrior is escorting me alone to the port.
"You are especially dangerous that I requested the people to leave the Area and asked for all Elite Warriors in order to successfully transfer you. Make sure not to runaway this time." The Head Warrior said.
What a liar. "I won't resist." I said.
"All prisoners say that." The Head Warrior said.
He seemed not to believe me. The road is quiet, looked like he really did sent everyone away.
"I met the boy you captured in the Imperial Plaza. You know what's interesting? Ydeo said that he can see in your eyes that you don't want to serve the royalties." I said trying to cover the quietness that is suffocating me.
"Do you want something else?" I asked though actually knowing what he desires.
"What are you trying to pull off this time? Are you deceiving me?" He asked but I can't any sign of doubt in his face.
"I am young but I know what you really want." I said to provoke him.
"Really? Let's hear it. Let me know what you think I want." He said with a smirk.
I think he asked me to see my intentions.
"I know your plan. You want me to kill the rulers of Ar-pans." I said looking at him.
"You know how dangerous I am yet the cuffs you put on my arms are too loose to hold me. I am sure that you did not do this to mock me nor to show me that you do not need a strong cuff to show your strength in me. And deliberately, my swords' location are within my reach. I can feel them, you may not know that I have the ability to feel my Twin Kampilan and I may call it whenever I want, but I know for sure that you think that if I escape I will look for a weapon and eventually find my Sacred Arm."
I can see his plan as clear as day. He wants me to run away and he deliberately use weak cuffs and let my swords near me in order to provoke me from escaping. I am not an idiot as he think.
I explained his own plan to his face. I know that when I run he will only indirectly lead me to the Rajah's location and make me take him as my hostage or make kill the Rajah and the prince.
He laugh when he heard it and he asked me, "Since when did you noticed it?" It seems he doesn't want to hide it.
"Isn't this the moment when you should try to hide it, not saying, since when did you noticed it?"
"Well, hiding it is no use, whether you learned it or not, it will not change."
"I knew it the moment you put the cuffs in my arm and also my swords' location confirmed it."
"Do you want to take part of my plan? You said you won't resist, right?" he asked.
"For some reason you have trust in me that I will kill your rulers, I may not kill them."
"Well you may be right, but if by chance that you tried to run I away, I will kill them myself, then I will kill you afterwards. I will tell my people that you killed them, then I killed you to revenge the royal family."
He is not joking, how far this man can do? Looks like he really wants to end the reign of the current Rajah.
"It is a suicide to fight you, your men and the Priest alone. The Priest would probably be Priest Pontiveros, his Holy Vessel is troublesome, and I do not want to encounter him if possible." I added.
"Maybe you should send some of your Elite Warriors to the ship of the Princess." I suggested.
"Elite Warrior Mar already escorted Princess Mayari and the boy named Ydeo to the ship, so if ever I ordered another team of elite warriors, they might doubt my actions." Head Warrior Gen said.
"Then you should tell to your men that Ydeo and Elite Warrior Mar was blinded with the Princess's beauty and they took her away to have her, that's why they need to retrieve the princess and keep her safe." I suggested
"That's fine but if Rajah also heard that, he may leave his post, and might do something to rescue the Princess." He said.
"I'll take care of that. I'll make a confusion. What you need to do is to make sure that Priest Pontiveros and his men won't see me." I warned him.
"Before anything else, I just want to confirm something." He said.
"What could it be? Will that help our plan?" I asked.
"I am curious of your power, during the fight between Elite Warrior Ed-son, you seem to use a different power."
"Do not ask too much Head Warrior Gen, if you attempt again, I will take you on personally, and you do not want that to happen." I warned him.
"That is intimidating for someone like you. But let me show you what is a true intimidation is!"
What is this feeling? I feel so small, he is conquering me.
"You are still young, you need experience, from what I can see, you still haven't able to master your powers, and how pitiful you are. What a waste of talent, if you were born on this kingdom or if you did became the Slayer, I will recruit you as an Elite Warrior." He seemed to overestimate me.
"Most of my men are not even a warrior, they are just bunch of men who think highly of them just because of having a Sacred Arm. Not even know what it means to become a True Warrior." He added.
"Maybe you should teach them? Aren't you the leader?"
"Do you want to team up or do you want to die?"
"You keep making scary statement, is that how you ask a favor? You are right that I still can't fully use my power, but even so, if I need to kill you, I will not hesitate to fight you."
"They did not call you the Slayer for no reason. Looks like you really did kill a Priest after all."
"Did that make you scared?" I asked to provoke him.
"No, it doesn't impress me. You may not know this because none know it or should I say that I made sure that no one will know it. I actually killed a lot of Priest. People is giving too much created for these Priest, maybe they are scared of them for having known as the Servants of the deities and having Holy Vessels." He said.
"You may be right about that, I am not surprise with what you said, but why did you tell me? Does that mean that you will make sure that I will not tell this?" I asked.
"I am not a psychopath. I will not kill you just because I told you so, besides you are a person who also kill a Priest, we can say that we are birds of the same feather, we should flock together." He said.
We came to our agreement and I took my cuff off. I immediately run and called my Twin Kampilan.
"Come followers of the Night, Anino and Dilim!"
Let's bring in the Darkness!
"Let me show you what is a Sulad is!"