Volume 3: Ydeo's Adventure and the Clash against the Twin-Headed Dragon - CHAPTER 23: RICO

I had a dream, a dream of being with a man I love, who might it be? I'm turning 16 tomorrow, I may start thinking of the future and stop going to Maya River to pray to the goddess Mayari.

I wish I could meet the goddess and be like her. She is so brave, strong, beautiful, and most of all, a heart to protect and love her people. Tora used to be a country which protected by the goddess, however, we no longer see her. Based on the story of the elders, goddess Mayari was sent called to attend the century meeting in the kaluwalhatian with the other gods and goddesses in the world, after that we no longer see her. Some says that the goddess forsake us, that she no longer love this country.