Volume 1: Ydeo's Adventure and the Trial of the Wise King - CHAPTER 9: ESCAPE!

"Santelmo, Oh Helm of Fire, manifest in me!" He said.

What?! He combined himself with his Holy Vessel?

The Priest is a Holy Vessel user, it is an ability which allows them to manifest the power of a Deity. In Garsula all human with the ability of Holy Vessels become a member of the Holy Covenant.

The Holy Vessel has 3 level. First the user may use the elements like fire, water earth or wind depends on which Deity blessed them. Second is they turned the element in to a spirit like form, and be able to move on its own unlike the in first level. Third level is manifestation which the user become one with the spirit. The user will be able to use the full power of the Deity. I've seen only few Priest can fully manifest it.

I see, so he has a trump card but if you think you're in a different league you are mistaken!

"Sacred Arm, Full Body Equip: Sea Warrior!"

He can still move like that without his right arm? He is not an ordinary Priest after all.

He burned his right shoulder to stop the bleeding. I commend you for that, Priest Pontiveros, Hero of the Holy Covenant!

This Priest is trying to do something. It is getting hotter. Enveloping with fire again, that's not going to work.

I am going to finish this fast.

I casted my ultimate skill, the Hundred Sea Monster Parade. It drain most of my power. It's like a big wave formed alike to those Sea Monsters.

Meanwhile to where the Rajah and the Prince is.

What is going on? We have to run!

Wait!? What is this song?

"Father, what is this song? It's scary." My son said.

"Don't try to move or else you will be a dead meat!" Someone from my behind said.

"What do you want!? Money? Woman? Say it and I will give to you, just don't kill us." I, the Rajah pleaded.

"I don't need that, I have something to tell you.

"Head Warrior Gen planned all of this, he asked me to help. He wants me to kill both of you. After this I will run away. He wanted to become the Rajah of this country." He said.

"Why are you saying?” That’s impossible!

"Head Warrior Gen is currently fighting the Priest. You can confirm it that way." He said.

After he said those to me he and the song vanished. I have to quickly go to my men. I have to confirm if Head Warrior Gen betrayed me and if he really did he must be executed right away.

My Imperial Warriors are station next to this island. I have to be quick.

Back to the fight between Head Warrior Gen and Priest Pontiveros

The surrounding is getting hotter, as if a mini sun is present at the vicinity.

I can cast the Miniature Sun, Let's see which is stronger, your Hundred Sea Monster Parade or my Miniature Sun!

The attack we made collided and released great forces. No one would survive such a feat! These are truly a power of a strong man!

"Looks like we are equal this time, Head Warrior Gen!" I said. “Because of that attack, we were able to quickly make a rain." I jest.

"Don't get distracted in our fight, Hero of the Holy Covenant!" He said

"Looks like you're enjoying this!" I said.

Seriously this guy! Looks like he always wanted to fight someone as strong as him!

"Serving a Rajah like yours! Is that why you work with the Slayer!?" He got serious when I said it. I can clearly see it in his face.

"I have to end this." He muttered.

After we exchange blows, I felt his killer instinct. He doesn't want me to live. This is not good I have to think of something. If I didn't fully manifest with Santelmo I will surely die right away with his slash and blows. Even a Panabas can be deadly if someone like Head Warrior Gen use it.

"Why not we work together instead?!" I said.

"We will kill the Rajah and his son and I will bless you as the new Rajah of Ar-pi. People will love you more!" I Insisted.

He stop and he looked at me.

After he wonder, he agrede to me but something unexpectedly happenned.

"We heard everything Head Warrior Gen." A Warrior said.

"Elite Warrior Ed-son, you're here?! Why not join with us? I will make you the new Head Warrior once I become the Rajah." Head Warrior Gen said.

"Sorry but, I do not plan to join you. Elite Warrior Ed-son said.

"Do you really think you can win against me Ed-son!" Head Warrior Gen challenged.

"Maybe if I am alone but I am with the other 37 Elite Warriors?" Head Warrior Ed-son said.

"Maybe if Mar is with you, you can beat me." Head Warrior Gen said.

"Is that really you Head Warrior Gen?!" Elite Warrior Dan-bin said.

"Yes this is me, Dan-bin!” He said with a smirk

Everyone is so shocked with the revelation. Head Warrior Gen ready himself from fighting his men.

"Come at me punks!" Head Warrior Gen said.

"I thought of you like a father!" Elite Warrior Dan-bin shouted.

"You talk to much Dan-bin! Why not act like Gil? Look, he use his head more than you!" Head Warrior Gen said as he rush to Elite Warrior Dan-bin and exchange blows with him.

All of the Elite Warriors are in their Partial Equip.

Fighting all of them, is he insane? Did he really wanted to fight so bad like this? I can see how much he wanted to swing his sword. I felt how heavy it is when it hits me.

Power, Skill, Experience and Charisma he has all of it that's why young warriors admired him. They follow him but seeing the one you respected become something like this, this will hurt their pride and feelings. What would be the future or Ar-pi's army after this incident? It will give them a scare that will never be healed.

How impressive, he can fight 37 Skilled Elite Warriors at once, if it were me I won't be able to fight. He is really a man of bravery. You're strong Head Warrior Gen, I commend you with that.

I have to run while I still have the chance then I will catch that bastard on another time!

On a bush from a far building.

Looks like my plan worked, they are now fighting each other. Great! If my plan is right that Priest will run to his ship. I will ride that ship to enter the Mala-Laya.

With that Priest help I will be able to see that Old Bastard face again!

Meanwhile on the Ship of Princess Mayari.

I let Princess Mayari to talk with Ydeo and I just sat down from behind. I will just observe them and see how Princess Mayari will engaged to him.

"Ydeo we are currently sailing and we are going to the east. We do not plan to go to Viyato right away. I actually do not want to see my Father and my Brother faces." Princess Mayari said.

"I don't care." Ydeo said.

"Here's a food, I ordered mour best chef to cook this for you." Princess Mayari said.

"Yeahey! Meat! Itadakimasu!" Ydeo words change.

"Eat slowly can't you see I am here?" Princess Mayari irritated.

"I am sorry, do you want some?" Ydeo replied.

"No I'm good, I already ate." Princess Mayari replied.

"Really? Eating alone is not good." Ydeo said.

"But I already ate, however I can watch you." Princess Mayari said.

"Watch me? Cringe!." Ydeo said.

"How malicious! I'm not like that!" Princess Mayari denied.

"Why don't you want to see your family?" Ydeo asked.

"It's not that I do not want to see them, I just really can't." Princess Mayari answered.

"That's not what you said earlier!" accused.

"Isn't this the moment a guy would try to comfort a lady?"

"You read too much stories!" Ydeo said.

"For real! What a great man you are." Princess Mayari said sarcastically.

"Why not go somewhere else? Away from the two of them. To a place they can’t reach you." Ydeo suggested.

"You see Ydeo, the Emperor almost own everything on the continent of Garsula. Where should I hide then?" Princess Mayari asked.

"What a brat, why not cross the Great Desert?" He suggested arrogantly.

"Are you serious? Only monsters live there." Princess Mayari said.

"You mean Giant and Dwarves?" Ydeo clarify.

"What?! You believe on those stories? Do you know what is next to our great empire?" Princess Mayari said.

"I don't!”

"You see Ydeo, the only country in the continent of Garsula are Lucios, Arpi, Viyato, Mala-laya, Tora and Yong. The others are vast ocean in the east and south, high mountains in the north, the great desert in the west and after the desert there are only an ocean. There's nothing beyond the ocean. “ Princess Mayari explained.

"That's not true! Have you tried travelling the world!?" Ydeo asked.

"I don't have too! It is a common knowledge. It is taught in the academy!"

"How boring, why would there only be six Kingdoms in our continent?" Ydeo refused to believe.

"Haven't you study?" Princess Mayari said.

"Study? Is that an ultimate attack?" Ydeo said.

"No! There are 23 Kingdoms before but our Empire colonized most of it! That's what Viyato today. We took all of the land and controlled it!

"Even Ar-pi, it used to be four different Kingdoms but because of the First Rajah it becomes one." Princess Mayari explained.

"Ar-pi use to be 4, Lucios is 1, Mala-laya is 1 which is 6, then Tora is 1 and Yong is also 1 which the sum is 4,5,6,7,8.

"So aside from Viyato, there are 8Kingdoms? And before, there used to be 23 Kingdoms? So meaning to say your Empire took 15 countries?" Ydeo said.

"Yes it is! That's how strong we are!" Princess Mayari said.

"Boring!" Ydeo as he started to lose interest.

"Stop picking on your nose!

"Whatever! Even if I cross and found a place, my father will surely closed all of the gates to the Great Desert before could I able to go outside." Princess Mayari said.

"Then come with me, I'll take you anywhere, if it is needed, I will protect you from them. You can trust me." Ydeo assured.

"You might be strong but you won't be even able to touch my Brother!" Princess Mayari said.

"Why both of you always wear a mask anyway?" Ydeo asked arrogantly

This is an ambushed!

The Princess went outside and couldn't stop her face from blushing.

"That Idiot! How can he say those words with a straight face?" Princess Mayari said.

Is Princess Mayari in love?

This is not good and if the Prince learned this, Ydeo will seriously be executed right away. I feel sorry for him.

Meanwhile at the ship of Priest Pontiveros.

"I successfully entered the ship, I will hide for now and when we are at the middle of the ocean I will start the talk with Priest Pontiveros."

On the other hand in the coast at the east of Main Port.’

"So you able to corner me here!" Head Warrior Gen said.

"Surrender now, I warn you." Elite Warrior Ed-son said.

"So this is where you are Gen!" Rajah Geroleo shouted.

The Rajah and his Imperial Warriors are here. This is bad however I'm in the coast and no one can defeat me in sea. This is my chance to run.

I casted the Race of the Water Horse. It is my ability, something alike to Hundred Sea Monster Parade, however it is a smaller waves than earlier

And because I am near the sea, I can make it as big as Hundred Sea Monster Parade.

"I'll retreat for now Ed-son!"

"Protect the Rajah!" Ed-son said as he used his Great Mud Wall.