The Fab 5

Alistor and party returned home as Sairori congratulates them for their effort. They then brought up the information on a common weakness that they now know from Baronia.

“Well…It’s best you report this to the kingdom. I’ll arrange your first meeting.”

The party arrived in quickly not wasting any time as they were at the gates of the Mathias kingdom. They meet up with the King and his councils as they took the info to consideration.

“So we must spread the word out as soon as possible. We can think of a plan to infiltrate them later.” Mentions the King of Mathias.

As discussions continued with the groups the team spotted Amalthea and greeted her. Alistor walks his way to a balcony to stare off at the distance. Thinking about Katty as the winds drift past.

“Still thinking about him?” Ask Auroa approaching to his side.

He joins and look into the distance.

“The winds are so calm today.”

Maigashi calls them both back in for the continuation of their discussion about Baronia at the table.

Back at the sky fortress, the empire is troubled. The Baronia King stares down at his chessboard while concerned on the weakness uncovered. The Doctor steps into the light.

“Not to worry my lord, I saw this coming inevitably. If the time ever came I’ve prepared a solution.”

“What do you mean?” Wondered the King.

The doctor started explaining more to them as they listened.

“Recall our previous monster Arkadon. Able to swim freely through the waters. I’ve specially developed it to adapt not long ago. A counter formula I’ve concoct to apply to our army.”

“A counter you speak of?”

“Yes a serum I developed.” Explained the doctor. “You see I have tested it on myself very long ago. As you see.”

The doctor brought in some water to douse on himself with no effect at all.

He presents a small glass tube.

“I’ve made this serum long ago.”

“So can make more soon?” Asked the King.

The doctor chuckled back.

“Yes, but you see I require specific resources and materials. With the limited resources, I only gotten very few these ingredients long ago during our last campaign.”

“Then it is settled. We will dispatch a force to obtain what you need.” Pointed the King.

He calls forth his next set of monsters for a mission.

“Fab five!”

The king calls forth his rook pieces of the empire to dispatch. The Fab five made their way in to the room. Waving a great fan, the captain steps forward.

“Vachani at your service.”

The doctor gives the captain the list of ingredients needed as they take leave. The team makes a flamboyant exit leaving the doctor with second thoughts.

“Are you sure they can get the job done?”

The Baronia king quickly calls in General Daiyumasa for reinforcements.

“Daiyumasa! Come forth!”

The General stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself. Flowing with long big teased rocker hair most women would envy. He wears a long slim overcoat in a checker pattern bearing the empires symbol.

“Didn’t expected you needed me so soon.”

He pulls out his large mechanical gun arm. Charging it up as he flocked the green strands of his hair back.

“Keep your distance at all times. The success on this mission lies on us obtaining the ingredients and nothing more.” Spoke the King.

Daiyumasa finished reloading.

“What? A mere scouting mission, but can’t I get in on the action?”

“It’s a direct order. Don’t forget you are our main General.”

“Remembered how the humans treated you back then right? Don’t fail us!” The doctor reminded.

Daiyumasa reluctantly takes his leave. He halts for a brief moment.

“Keh….” He vanishes away with the winds by the door.

Back with Alistor, they continued discussing at the castle. Hours have passed as the king felt stupid for the moment.

“We should have found out this simple weakness ages ago.” He sighed.

The party was soon dismissed as they left the castle to head back home. They left the castle gates as the rest of Alistor’s members are uneased about their first time at the castle.

“Man that whole trip was a waste of time.” Maigashi pestered.

“Agreed! Mingling with nobles and royals is not our kind of thing.” Auroa nodded.

Zolhalla and Tannen also agreed the trip was boring. Discussing things to a bunch of people they don’t affiliate with.

“This should have been Sairori’s job.” Maigashi added on.

“A waste of two hours.” Agreed Auroa.

“I don’t see how it was so bad?” Questioned Alistor. “The folks all seem pretty nice. Especially the princess.”

They all continue their way down town.

“Well they don’t want nothing to do with us, and plus they keep giving us that look. We use to be criminals.” Maigashi reminded.

“Well it’s not like I asked you guys to stay.” Alistor objected back. “Ever since Bamboo left you promised to train me, but so far you guys done nothing.”

Auroa recalls to the final scene with Alistor at the docking bay. Hours after Vilevelious destruction, and the concern for his older brother.

“True…I did sort of promised. But it was only to make you feel better.” Auroa admitted.

Alistor stumbled for a brief moment.

“Then why are you guys still sticking around?”

Tannen gives off a slight chuckle. Auroa and Maigashi gave back creepy look.

“Let’s just say, we have our reasons. For amusement purposes.” Maigashi grinned.

As they make their way through the central square, some destruction commences. The Fab five makes their debut with a dramatic appearance.

Each member danced around in a ballerina like fashion and skated around. Maigashi was are left speechless.

“Either the Baronia is not taking us serious or they ran out of threatening monsters at this point.”

“Let us not underestimate our opponents.” Auroa reminded.

The Fab five marked a check on their list on the third ingredient.

“That’s three of five! Only two more ingredients to go. That water serum is as good as ours.”

“Idiot! Don’t give away our mission.” Yelled another member.

“Oh now you did it.” Yelled a third one.”

“We got to bail.” Muttered the forth one.

The captain whacks the four with his fan to shut them up. They focused their attention to the party. The captain approached Alistor with a few steps as the party didn’t hesitate to draw their weapons.

“We have no time to waste fighting. We have a mission to accomplish and fighting is not on our orders. We’ll take our leave hahaha. By the way, we are the Fabulous five and Vachani is my name.”

“To the Volcanic Mountain!!!”

“Shut up!” Smacked the captain.

The fabulous five took leave for their next target on Dr. Page’s list. Sairori suddenly appeared after the enemy left the scene.

“There was a disturbance I heard going on so I decided to check it out. Mind to fill me in?”

Alistor gave him all the details about Baronia’s next plan.

“They’re headed off to the outskirts of the Volcanic Mountain. South North of Mathias.” Tannen noted.

They head out of town and through the field on their next destination.

“If we hadn’t wasted time talking with the King they would not have three ingredients on their hands already.” Zolhalla said.

“Next time you go and tell them yourself Sairori. It was so boring.” Complained Maigashi.

“I feel the same way too. You think I like sitting for long periods of time discussing things to them. I’m getting old here. Cut me some slack it’s already its already stressful enough for me. I would just die sitting around with all that paper work.” He apologized.

He took a moment to clear his thoughts.

“Well, I happen to know a bit of short cuts around that mountain.” Mention Sairori.

“You mean we can possibly beat them there?” Alistor jumped.

“Yep! I may be getting over the hill but I’m not rusty yet. It’s Mt. Yata so follow my lead.”

They made their way across the set path hidden within the mountains as they spot a waterfall flowing down. Hot springs were scattered around the area as the water gushes. Sairori blasted at the waterfall away revealing a path behind the falls.

“We’ll take this passage to reach to the top.”

Alistor and party one by one leaped their way through the gushing waters as they all got doused. They moved forwards up as the Fab 5 is seen taking the long path scaling the front of Mt. Yata.

“At least it saved us plenty of time for a change.” Relieved Maigashi.

“Oh we’re almost there.” Pointed Alistor.

At the top, the party awaited for their arrival. The fires burned blissfully from the other side.

“It’s freaking hot up here!” Complained Tannen as he pulled out a cheap fan from his pockets to flap around.

Maigashi had nothing to say about the heat as Zolhalla had his eyes closed.

“This heat is dreadfully obnoxious.” Cried Auroa as he covered.

“Well…This is a first?” Surprised Alistor.

“You never shown any signs of hating anything till now. Can’t beat the heat?” Maigashi pestered.

Auroa kept himself from making any movement.

“Well I guess you learned something.” Replied Auroa in an unpleasant mood. “Fire and air don’t mix well if you ever recall the Kanji chart.”

“A Kanji chart? Care to explain.” Alistor wondered.

To kill some time while they waited, Auroa took a huge breath as he cleared his mind.

“The Kanji chart consists of many elements found in nature. There are so many to count and list so I’ll start off with the base five that most are familiar with.”

Alistor begins listening in.

“The base five that are most commonly known are fire, earth, lightning, water, and air. Fire is strong against Air as it feeds off oxygen. Throwing more wind would only make the flames bigger. Air can erode away the Earth. Earth is durable against Lightning. Lightning bests water as water douses Fire.”

Auroa took a look back at Alistor making sure they were still on the same page as he continued on.

“Then there’s your light and darkness. Both beautiful in their own unique way. They overrule the base five from the side of the chart. They are both equal with one cannot existing without the other. No matter how strong they are both strong and effective against one another.”

Alistor was still interested as he told him to continue on.

“There’s more Alistor, not to worry.” Smiled Auroa as he started to forget about the heat.

“Then there’s the Mirror, Prism and Crystal element. The refraction elements that are a bit more uncommon. These ones are a bit different as they beat light and darkness but weak against your base five.”

“Go on.” Muttered Alistor.

“Then there’s rare elements such as Bronze, Silver, and Gold.”

“Why are they rare?” He asked.

The smoke continues to burn on the other side.

“Very few possess them as they have no weakness or relations to the Kanji but remain neutral. Gold and Bronze are very notable, but Silver is the most rarest to see one possess.”

“Silver?” Wondered Alistor.

“It’s been more than centuries or even a millennia as the tales told. All users are born with one elemental nature. Most can branch off and learn to other ones later and eventually cross them together.”

Alistor quickly interrupts Auroa.

“So you can eventually learn and master every one of these elements if you train hard enough?”

“I was about to get to that part.” Giggled Auroa as he quickly got back on subject.

“Many can learn a different one as it’s common to see others with two or even three. But for most it’s difficult to learn certain ones depending how you are. Each element has a different feel and your nature and personality plays a huge role in these factors.”

“Personality? You’re kidding right?”

“But for Bronze, Silver and Gold they are not learnable since you must to be born with it as your first birth element.”

A disappointed look was in Alistor’s eye.

“But don’t let it bring you down. There are still plenty of other nice ones as well. Wood, Ice, Steel, Metal, Dust, and even Spirit. There are other side elements that cross with others in the chart and the list goes on.”

He asked Auroa another question.

“So are there others out there that can use more than three elements?”

“Yes, it’s possible. But of knowing more or less has its pros and cons. While having more is good for flexibility and advantages it can also deter your skill level if you can’t keep up.”

“How so?”

“Skill and mastery plays yet another role in your nature. If your level is very high on that nature then your attacks will be stronger as to as oppose to one with many elements. Quality over quantity case.”

“How many do you have mastered Auroa?” Alistor wondered.

Cool air breezed in for the moment while Auroa took a moment. Maigashi chuckled in the background.

“I only can channel Air at this moment. My natural birth element.”

“You ever thought of learning another?” Alistor added.

“Well my skill with Wind is quite adapt but it needs work. I’m not satisfied where I am.”

Everyone felt discerned for the moment.

“Stop being too hard on yourself.” Maigashi pestered. “Your fine, it’s still better off than the time you tried channeling fire.”

He brought up some memories which stirs Alistor’s interested.

“So you did try learning another element.”

A flattered look was now on his face.

“To be honest, I did try experimenting with Fire but it always rejected my body.”

“What do you mean rejected?” Asked Alistor.

“There will always be elements that reject users. It’s best to give up most say, but I have my reasons.”

“So why do you keep on trying to master something you can’t learn.” Nodded Alistor as Maigashi went into a snooze.

Auroa begins to recall of a childhood. A silhouette of a boy and girl rests by a tree.

“Long story short. There was a time when I was in love. There was a special someone in my life before I was on my own. Before I even met Maigashi.”

“Aw…who’s the girl?”

“Sadly I forgot. It’s been over a decade, but with the little time we shared it was something I can never forget.”

He pulls out a half broken charm to show to the team.

“But we made a promise to one day cross again. The crest is all I have left to remember.”

“That’s sweet. Hopefully one day you’ll two meet again.”

They continued to sit, waiting for their arrival. More time passed by a as Tannen mentioned the ingredient the Fab five desired.

“These dried up flowers?” Spoke Maigashi as he plucked around.

“The Katy lad flowers are those they seek. It only grows up here on this hot mountain.” Mentioned Sairori as he sipped a pipe of smoke in his mouth.

“Here they come!” Shouted Tannen.

The monsters made their entrance. A standoff commenced as both sides waited for the other to make the first move.

“Fire away!” Ordered the captain.

The other members fired their lasers as Alistor and party defends.

“The ingredients! We must get that flower as the first priority.” Mumbled Vachani. “Think you guys can handle things from here?”

“Yes captain. Move on ahead, we’ll hold them.” Reither assured.

The captain rushed away as the other three members went into position to protect the captain. Vachani quickly obtained the forth ingredient.

“I’m off team.” Waved Vachani.

“We’ll meet by the Glaciers?” Said Reither.

Reither and the other three member’s tumbled over as Alistor and his team tried going after the captain. The four members quickly got back to hold their grounds as the captain got away.

“You’re not going anywhere. You’ll have to pass us first if you want to proceed from here.” Pointed Reither as he took control.

“Dang! Looks like we’ll have to handle them first.” Zolhalla mentions.

The four members huddled up for the moment. They got into their positions as Reither and the others took their stand.

“I am Reither! Member of the Fab five and second in command. This is IRO the fool, Genta the Chariot, and Komura the Star. We are Baronia’s elite fighting force. Ready for battle!!!”

The battle commenced with IRO charging at Alistor as the Massive Chariot Genta along with Komura clashed with Tannen and the others. Reither and Sairori had a tense standoff.

The clunky IRO mocks at Alistor as he swings back and forth. Alistor takes some cheap punk shots as he summons out Rose Warrior from his blade.

“Duh ha ha ha” IRO laughs. “I smash! Duh ha ha ha ha!”

The fool attempts to swing out another series of attacks but gets slapped aside by the spirit as Alistor got back on his feet. The fool recovered quickly as he glanced at what hit him.

“Duh ha ha! So you’re still around? Aren’t you a pain even after death? I’ll make sure you and your puny little friend perish.”

“So we meet again in battle.” Replied Rose Warrior in an echoing tone. “Shall we begin?”

“I smash!”

Alistor and Rose Warrior dodged out of the way. They countered back with a few quick slashes to the fools back. The fool swings his arms again continuing his beat down tactic. They continue to both counter and strike him from side to side.

“Stay still! Stop moving too much.”

The fool continues taking damage.

“No fair! Duh huh. You’re ticking me off.”

Rose Warrior catches one of his swinging arms and grabs it tight.

“Hey let go! That’s not cool duh.”

Alistor and Rose Warrior blasted him with their charged attacks at blank range sending him back. The fool shouts in rage continues mocking at them in rage as he charges up a laser from his mouth.

“You wanna play that way eh? I can too!”

He fires away as Rose Warrior ran up front to absorb the blasts. Energy continues to fire out of the fool’s mouth as Alistor moves from behind to strike at him. The fool catches a glimpse of Alistor.

“I won’t let you get close to me that easily. Duh ha!”

IRO mocks at Alistor as he blindly loses focus of the battle. Rose Warrior deflected the ball of energy hitting him.


The fool was on the ground as he got back up on his knees. They both closed in on him.

“Damn you! Just like last time.” Shout IRO.

He got back up in rage for his super attack.

“This will finish you! Remember this attack? Muni…. Daaaahhhhhh!!!!”

Rose Warrior knocks the fools head off with the Crown Crasher causing the rest of his body to blow as piece scattered leaving his head to roll.

Reither turned for a moment to check what happened.

“That idiot is already beaten?”

Alistor and the spirit took a moment to catch a breath watching the others battle.

“Genta! Let’s show them our combination attack.” Komura announce.

The others took a defensive position to know what not to expect. The massive chariot jumped in midair as Komura scattered shots of stars to confuse them. He took flight as the stars cast a blinding glare on the battle blinding everyone.

“Damn I can’t see.” Maigashi covered.

The Chariot drops down pieces of scrap metal raining down as Tannen, Maigashi, Auroa, and Zolhalla had to find cover taking damage. The two monsters crashed down causing an earthquake.

“Evasive maneuvers!” Tannen jumped.

Both monsters rammed themselves horizontally crushing Zolhalla. Maigashi and Auroa recovers from the heavy quake that impacted them. Zolhalla was down and considerably damaged as the two laughed.

“Muhahaha! Again Komura?” Asked the Chariot monster.

“Certainly Genta!”

Komura prepares to pull off the same move again at them. They took flight again with more stars than the last blinding the field. They both crash down leaving a set of craters.

“Target locked and set.” Komura grinned.

They spotted both Auroa and Maigashi as they got in position for a double ram attack. They glided the grounds from opposite sides. Tannen was not to be seen while Auroa and Maigashi are seen dragging Zolhalla up.

“Here they come again! Evasive maneuvers!” Maigashi yelled.

“Darn Zolhalla’s lagging us we won’t make it.” Auroa complained.

Komura suddenly trips over a scythe, falling down on his face as Tannen bursts out from the ground to surprise them. Genta’s impact did hardly any damage as the three were knocked a bit to the side. Zolhalla got back up on his knees with his blade.

“We got to try something else. Plan two.” Muttered Komura.

Komura raised his hands up. Genta started compressing himself together.

“What could they be trying now?” Wondered Maigashi.

Maigashi kept his eyes focused on them while the team remains passive. Chains burst from the Chariot monster as Komura merged with him. Genta swung in the air like a ball n chain while Komura focused all his energy.

“What the hell?”

The monster flew right at their faces catching them off. Genta impacts Tannen knocking him out of battle.

“Damn! He’s out. How the hell are we going to fight this?” Maigashi asked.

“We’ll have to separate them from each other. If we can just… Get their attention diverted.” Zolhalla snapped.

Auroa and Zolhalla fired away their ranged attacks while Maigashi moved into position. Their attacks did minimal amounts of damage as Komura divert all his attention to the two.

“Here they come.” Maigashi signaled.

Auroa materialized into air while Zolhalla blocks, taking the blunt of the attack. Earth shattered from the grounds as dust covered the field.

“I can’t see anything.” Genta said.

Komura quickly attempts to pull Genta back in but Maigashi jumped in breaking all the chains with his lightning. Komura struggled to break free leaving his partner Genta vulnerable.

“What’s going on? Komura?”

Genta started to get confused as he was incapable of moving. The dust from the earth cleared away as Komura finally broke free from Maigashi’s grasp.

“Time to end this.” Smirked Maigashi.

Komura continue to struggle getting back to his partner. Beaten down and damaged as Genta had no mobility. Zolhalla rushed some attacks on the massive Chariot monster while Maigashi and Auroa went in for the finish.

“Raizen Hurricane!”

“Surging Thunder!”

Maigashi fired his arrows with an electrical blade dancing up his sleeves piercing through Komura on the right. Auroa’s vortex cuts through Genta on the left plunging through Komura.

“Genta!!!” Screamed Komura.

“Komura!!!” Yelled Genta.

Both monsters respectively self-destructs at the same time as mechanical parts scattered around.

Two more members of the Fab five have fallen as Reither looked back in fear. He breaks away from his battle with Sairori. Alistor and the rest caught up to Reither as they surround him.

“Darn it! You beat them all already.”

He checked his entire surroundings looking for an open gap.

“Darn this is bad. Vachani won’t like this.”

The party approaches him.

“I got to pull back. I didn’t come here to die yet.”

Reither pulled a sneaky move slipping out a ring of fire on himself to get everyone to jump back. He makes a run for it.

“After him.” Shouted Sairori.

Reither continues running while contacting the Baronia King back at the base. The device rings as he waited for a visual.

“Come on! Pick up!”

Back at the Baronia Fortress, a huge production of weapons are seen getting assembled. It took quite a while for anyone to answer Reither’s call for help. The Kafkinator was the one to answer as he saw Reither’s frightened face on screen.

“Cherry on Reither what is it you need that is urgent at this hour? How are things holding for you?” Remarked Kafkinator.

“I’m in a bit of a jam here. Now’s not the time, get the King for me.”

“Oh can’t you spare a minute? I’ve been dying to ask you how your days have been with your team since you all confined yourself.”

“Get me the King, I need some back up here.” Cried Reither.

“Oh the King’s quite busy. I can take a message for you?” He chuckled back.

Kafkinator took his time to enjoy the sight of pleasure watching another subordinate struggling.

“Darn you! This isn’t funny.” Raged Reither.

Reither went into hiding under a stone.

“Now now…..That’s no way to talk to your captain’s older brother.”

“Fine…. Just tell him the news.”

Moments later, Dr. Page reported the news. The Baronia King is busy overseeing his mass production.

“Can’t you see I don’t want to be disturbed?” Said the King.

“A message from Reither, I think it’s somewhat urgent.” He mentioned.

The King enters the throne room to find Reither on screen as Kafkinator takes leave.

“Get to the point? What is it?”

Reither got to his point for the need for back on.

“I already sent reinforcement ahead of time. I’ll get him on the other line. Don’t fail again.” Said the King.

“Yes my King, we’re one ingredient away. Our captain is heading towards it.” He confirmed.

The Baronia King got General Daiyumasa on the other line as he informs on Reither’s status.

“I’ll be there soon my King.”

General Daiyumasa flicks some strands of his hair as the scene closes.