I Love You, Alina Kostic

Several days later

Alina's Pov

The days went by, and Jakov and I spent every waking hour together. But he would return to work with his dad in the morning, leaving me alone most days and evenings.

Fortunately, his mom would be at home with me, and I would also start therapy today. I was scared, but I had to give it my best shot.

Jakov would be next to my side.

Ivanka kept her distance at the moment, but I could say I was disturbing her. And to be honest: I was annoyed with her too.

Ivanka was always looking at us, and she kept wearing short skirts and dresses with her breasts stretched out to her chin.

It was pretty evident that she was trying to attract Jakov's attention, but he kept ignoring it. Thankfully.

And Jakov made sure that his eyes were upon me, and I didn't even ask him to tell me.

Ivanka had somebody stalking her who frightened her. She had convinced her father that she would feel safer at Kostici's until they captured the harasser.

But I was under the impression that it was bullshit... The way she behaved and dressed told a different story.

"Are you ready for the session? Mom has prepared one of the guest houses for some privacy." "No, but let's get it over already. And that's sweet of your mother." I answered, and we left home and went down to the meeting.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Pavlica," A dark-haired woman introduced herself and stretched out her hand, "Hello, my name is Jakov, this is my wife Alina," Jakov said, and we both shake hands.

"It is a pleasure meeting both of you; let's sit down and begin, shall we?"

"My name is Dr. Pavlica like you heard just now. I'm a psychologist who specializes in mental illness. Why don't we introduce ourselves a little bit before we move on?"

We went around the table, followed by Dr. Pavlica stepped in it,

"What I've heard so far is that you, Alina, have had some mental battles? Can you elaborate on this?" Dr. Pavlica asked, and I took a deep breath.

"Okay... It isn't easy to describe, but it began when I was 12. I saw something one night, and it made a sound in the back of my head. Or instead whispering or something.

They've been around ever since, and sometimes they speak louder and tell me things. I can't shut them out..." I uttered nervously, afraid to meet Jakov's eyes.

Okay, I do understand what you're saying. I want your husband to leave for now and allow you, Alina, to answer a few questions."

Jakov looked at me, and I nodded that everything was fine.

"Those voices you hear: Can you describe them to me? Is it masculine? Feminine? What are they saying to you?"

I gathered my hands on my knees and felt my heartbeat more quickly.

"It's a feminine voice... She's very mean verbally." Dr. Pavlica noted in her notebook. "What does she tells you?"

"That I am useless. Unworthy of love... And that I am ugly and no one would want me. Sometimes she has told me that the world would be better off without me." I breathed out and took a short breath.

Dr. Pavlica asked many questions, and she never looked at me as if I was insane. She was kind and sympathetic.

I don't know how long we sat in there, but it felt good to unload all the stuff I had on me.

"After everything we've been through, Alina is obvious that you have schizophrenic symptoms. There's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's fairly standard that symptoms start at the age of twenty... But it's not uncommon for it to start earlier, especially when you've had a difficult childhood."

We continued to talk, and then she prescribed a medication to start with, but we needed to start with a low dose, and Dr. Pavlica would come by three times a week to check-in and continued our sessions.

Jakov's Pov

"How did it go?" I asked when Alina and Dr. Pavlica came out from the house. "I will leave this to Alina, but I will return in two days," Dr. Pavlica said and then thanked us for the day.

"What did she tell you?" I asked Alina, and we sat down on the stairs.

"After doing a few tests and answering more than a hundred questions, it was pretty clear I had symptoms of schizophrenia." Alina silently frightens, and my eyes enlarge. "Oh. Okay... What will happen next?" I mumbled, and Alina raised her eyebrow.

"She was very confident with putting me on medication right away. We discovered this now at a young age, so my chances are vital for me to live normally." Alina replied, and I breathed out, "Thank God." I answered, and she bit her lip.

"It's okay if you don't want to be with me, Jakov. No need to pretend to pity me. Honestly, it's okay if you want to get divorced," Alina said and got up.

"What? Why would you say that?" I responded and got up. "Because I'm Koko? Who wants to be with somebody who's mentally ill?" She mumbled and started going away. "Hey!" I said and grabbed her.

"Stop doing this,"

"Stop doing what? Give you an out?" Alina hissed.

"Yes. I don't want that. I want you? Regardless!" I replied, and Alina looked away. "Don't think anything else. I'm in this, Alina. I want a life with you. And I know that we will have a pretty damn good life after this is taken care of," I said, and Alina sighed.

"Look at me!" I ordered, and she glanced up.

"I love you, Alina Kostic," I mumbled, and she gasped."You what?" She whispered.

"I love you," I said, louder, and then my lips crashed onto hers.