These days Morna spent either glowering at servants or screaming at Overlord, somedays she becomes absolutely silent ignoring Overlord and all this while he was like a saint smiling at her each and every antics but today it had been whole day when Overlord didn't come to see her, which made her agitated.
Another day passed when Overlord didn't come to her room, now she was frustrated because except this irritating man there was no one who talked to her, which with his absence made her uneasy. She called the woman that Overlord called that day, after trying to remember her name she called out " Adriana come here".
Adriana appeared like a puff bowing her head she said " yes my lady, how may I assist you". Morna had mixed feeling for this woman she was a silent warrior type girl but also had a beautiful personality but what she didn't like was how close she was to that man, which irritated her more. After a pause she asked