Overlord opened the door in a flash and stepped inside. Morna who was sleeping at that time woke up and glared angrily at Overlord " how dare you enter my room, without permission". Overlord smirked " does a husband require permission to enter his wife's room". Morna went to him and stood toe to toe in front of him " when will your delusion stop, I am not your wife and you are not my husband, now get out and don't show me your face, it was me who was stupid enough to help you".
Overlord didn't say anything just sat on a chair and placed the bottle of Kasamrit elixir on the table, pointing at the bottle he asked Morna " do you know what it is" Seeing her blank face he didn't wait for her reply instead explained her "this is Kasamrit, the elixir..." Morna interrupted him " the elixir holy goddess used and humans were created, good Overlord now you plan to drug me and force me to do your bidding".