Holy tribe

Overlord wanted to communicate with Morna again but he didn't want her to be suspicious in front of bastards. They decided to communicate every fifth day but in just two days he was desperate to know her situation and in deep night contacted her again. Morna lunged on his arms she too was desperate for him. He caressed her stomach and asked in a prideful voice " how are my little girls,I hope they are not hurting you". Morna rolled her eyes " my boys are good and they love their mama too much to harass her".

Overlord chuckled " these kids are girls very cute and lethal just like their mum". He looked too happy for Morna to refute him, she just wanted her children safe and with their father back in the underworld. Morna suddenly said " I met someone who is willing to help me, her name is Daisy she is mute like other slaves she arranges my bath. I don't know her reasons but she is willing to help me. She was blindfolded and brought here".