||chapter 19||

“I planned my life like this so long ago and you came into my life to ruin it?”Mel lowered her voice dangerously. “I am not letting it go. I can not allow myself to lose it as well.”Mel said to Cansu.

Cansu did not understand what she should do, she was with her family. What if Mel hurt her family. Cansu feared Mel because of herself, her family, and surely Enzo’s future. Oh goodness, what is in it? Cansu got herself.” Listen, we can talk later. Maybe outside, let’s go somewhere private” Cansu again tried to get Mel to go somewhere else where her family is not present.

“No more hide and seek chick of Enzo” Mel taunted Cansu in an insulting way. Cansu felt terrible, not angry. What does her family think of Enzo and his family? Mel makes it hard for them.