It's an algid morning. It's been three months since I awoke from my seven-month slumber. Alby taught me a lot about fishing, cooking, hunting, trap-making, and other survival skills during that time. He also shared some fundamental knowledge with me. I'm finally living the life I've always wanted.
We began our day by collecting water from a stream and searching the forest for firewood. It only took us a few minutes to locate and collect our first piece of firewood. We quickly went to the stream to get drinking water after gathering a few piles of wood.
This place is so quiet and peaceful.
As we get closer to our destination, I can finally hear the stream's flowing water. I was awestruck by the beauty of this flowing body of water. The stream is shallow, but there is a section where it becomes deeper. I can say it's deep because of the dark blue color, which obscures the bottom.
The gentle sunlight glints on the stream's surface as the sun peeks over the horizon. The tenderness of the sunlight warms me so much. The birds are singing, the wind is howling, the trees are rustling, and the silence is so peaceful. This is what I love the most. I wish it could stay this way forever.
After three months of blissful silence, I've finally developed the sense of noticing...
"Hey, Alby!" I called, watching him as he fetches water from the stream.
"Yeah? What is it?" he replied as he places the wooden bucket beside and filled up the second bucket with water.
"I've been with you for months now yet I have never seen a single person here aside from us." I pointed out as it keeps bothering me.
"You see that valley over there? Do you see a wooden tower?" Alby pointed somewhere behind me as I followed his finger. "That's the watchtower of the Hylos village."
As I followed his finger, I noticed a small wooden structure from a distance. It appears to be a tall house. I noticed something unusual as I looked beyond.
Why is there some kind of a wooden barrier there?
Wait, is that a wall?
Why is there a wall?
It was pretty far away which made me wonder, why is he living away from there?
Why is he isolated?
I want to ask him but I think it isn't the time.
Alby was the one who carried the two buckets of water. As we returned to the hut, he stuck a long cane on their handles and slung it over his shoulder. I'm carrying the woodpile on my shoulder. Our journey back was shrouded in silence. It's somewhat relieving and relaxing to be alone up here on the mountain top with no one else around. Within the rustling trees, birds twittered in various rhythms. Their harmony is so soothing. And the serenity is so relaxing. I love this place. It's as serene and calm like that quiet realm.
But I still wonder why he's living far away from others?
"Hey, Izac?" he called as he glances at me.
"Thank you for keeping me company. I've been here all alone for almost two years now and you're the first person who didn't…" he paused.
I look at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. His eyes were dejected. He seems depressed. He seems unhappy.
"I'm just glad that you're here with me. It makes me happy."
I see a genuine smile on his face but I can feel the pain behind it.
Did something happen to him?
"I originally lived in the village but after 'that' happen, I isolated myself."
I wonder what happened that forced him to live here alone.
"So, how about you, Izac? We've been together for months but I still don't know anything about you."
"I can't. It's not like I don't trust you but I cannot remember anything from my past," I mumbled.
"It's alright. I understand."
If only Alby hadn't lost the cloak back then. I could have recalled a memory from that fragment. I'm only staying with him for the cloak. I need him to tell me where he got that cloak, and maybe I'll be able to find the other fragments from there. I had previously asked him, but he had not responded. He kept avoiding the question and quickly changing the subject.
I need him to tell me and that is why I stayed.
"I've been wondering, that time we first met, why are you in the forest?" Alby suddenly asked out of the blue.
How do I respond to that question?
I have no idea why or how I reach that place in the first place. This is making me anxious and confused.
How should I answer him?
"Were you lost at that time?" Alby added.
"Honestly, I do not know how I got in there."
I really don't understand it myself. I have no recollection of the previous day or my life before meeting him. This amnesia isn't the only issue I'm dealing with right now. My nightmares have been out of control for the past few months. It's getting worse by the day. I'm not sure what these dreams and nightmares are. I'm starting to suspect that these dreams are related to my past. If that's the case, why do they bother me every day?
"Maybe it was just a mere coincidence that we met," I mumbled in confusion.
I let out a sigh as we continue to trail the path towards Alby's hut. I'm starting to think, is it really just a coincidence that we met? Or are we really destined to cross paths?
Come to think of it, I have no recollection of my past. Then I have strange dreams that lead me to discover things that I was previously unaware of. I've been to a location that no one else has been to. This place contains mysteries that no human mind can comprehend, and all of them flooded my mind. My mind was filled with never-ending questions as a result of those occurrences. I keep questioning everything I know because I can't tell what's real and what's a dream any longer. Then, one day, I met a fragment-holder who looked after me while I was bedridden. A young man who keeps me company. He even provided me with shelter, clothing, and food. He never abused me or forced me to do something I didn't want to do.
I feel bad thinking about the only reason I stayed.
Staying with him provided me with peace and comfort. It does, however, make me uneasy. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. Why do I feel like I'm not supposed to feel this kind of ease?
Despite Alby's treatment, I never learned why he is looking after me. His actions have ambiguous meanings, and I'm not sure what his true intentions are. I don't see the point in looking after myself. I'm not sure why he's doing this.
Is it because I saved him from danger and it's just retaliation for my good deed?
He looked after me for seven months without complaint, and when I awoke, he made no demands for recompense or payment. Then he let me stay with him for months without any ill will. Is this just plain kindness?
The uneasiness I felt as a result of feeling this kind of comfort is compelling me to leave. I've known for months that I could trust him, and as a result, I want to stay. I am grateful for everything Alby has done but why do I feel the need to leave.
However, something is telling me that if I won't leave, something bad will happen. Is this the consequence of neglecting my mission that I didn't ask? I've done nothing for these past ten months. Maybe it is really time to continue my task. No matter how much I want to stay, finding the fragments is a priority. It's not because I want to but because I have no other choice.
Alby didn't say anything about where he got the cloak. The only clue I have is that he came from Hylos Village. I have a feeling that's where he got the cloak. I'll have to go there and find out.
I'll be leaving tonight.
As night fell, the trees rustled in response to the cold breeze. Crickets could be heard chirping. The cluster of stars flickering in the sky was a beautiful sight. The light coming from the fireplace where Alby cooks illuminate our dark and chilly night. I'm sitting on the same chopped tree trunk where I had that horrible nightmare. I've been sitting quietly here. I'm trying to think of a way to tell Alby that I'll be leaving.
Should I tell him or should I just flee when he falls asleep?
I can't decide.
Still, it isn't right to just leave without his knowledge and a proper reason. But what should I tell him?
Ugh! I don't know.
One thing is certain: I cannot continue to be with him. I don't want to be alone, but I have no choice.
"Hey, you've been silent for over an hour now. Is there a problem?" Alby said as he approached me.
I've been so preoccupied with this thought in my head that I haven't realized I've been staring at him for more than a couple of minutes.
Alby sat next to me and said, "I know something is wrong. I keep seeing you spacing out whenever you're alone. I'm not sure how to help you because you're not telling me anything. Just keep in mind that I'll be here as a friend, ready to listen."
Lub! Dub!
A sudden recollection happened. That word, I felt awful. Why did I feel horrified after hearing that word?
A word that is tainted with painful memories. A long-forgotten constraint I imposed on myself reawakens from its grave of forgotten memories.
'Stay away from them because they are all…'
"Liar?" I mumbled in fear.
"What?" Alby inquired.
All I feel and see is death and betrayal the moment I heard that word.
I stood up in alarm.
"Is something wrong?" Alby uttered in confusion.
I walk towards the forest.
"Hey, where are you going?" he called. "Is there something I said?"
I halt from walking and said with a shaky voice without looking back at him, "I don't want you to be my friend. Thank you for everything but I don't think we could be friends. I must leave. Goodbye, Alby!"
After I uttered those words, I run away.
I did the right choice, didn't I?
I run and run, attempting to descend the mountain while keeping a safe distance from him. I kept running even though it was dark and cold. The moon was obscured by the trees, making it difficult for me to see the path ahead of me. As a result, I stumble and fall.
As I regain my footing, I realize that I am doomed to be alone. Nobody is going to be there for me. Because of this stupid task, it is my fate to be alone in this world. I looked up and saw nothing. There is no star or moon, only clouds. I felt defeated as I accepted my fate of being alone for the rest of my life. As the darkness engulfed me, a ray of moonlight shone through the clouds, brightening my night. As the clouds parted, the moon became visible for my eyes to gaze upon.
Such a tender lambent moon.
My eyes welled up and tears streamed down my cheeks. I have no control over them. I return my gaze to the moon. Its lambency is gentle and soothing, and it soothed my aching heart. As my tears dried up, I bowed my head.
"I thought I'd be alone for the rest of my life. I guess I was mistaken."
With a smile on my face, I tried to hide my pain.
"I just realized that you're always there for me, no matter where I go. You're the only one I have left, so please don't abandon me!"
The moon is the only one that hasn't abandoned me and has kept me company no matter where I go. I know this is a different level of loneliness, but it's all I've got. I returned my gaze to the moon and marveled at its beauty.
The peaceful night, however, quickly turns into a terrifying scene.