The Empires

Year 2995, five years before the millennium comes to an end. The sixth Industrial Revolution had arrived.

Over the centuries, humanity has accomplished incredible feats.

The first step was the mechanization of the textile industry, the second was the development of mass production methods, and the third was the introduction of the web and vastly improved communication technology. The fourth is all about smart technologies and the birth of the Internet, while the fifth is all about the introduction of robots and Cybernetic Organism Technology, also known as Cyborgs.

Achieving the sixth industrial revolution, also known as the clean revolution, in which clean and renewable energy is used, is currently the greatest achievement in human history. Coal and fossil fuels became obsolete as a result of this new technology. Great and new technologies, on the other hand, bring great conflicts and threats.

Stellar, the City of Stars, is a super-advanced imperial metropolis ruled by a powerful man named Xyron Troy. He is a 29-year-old imperial leader who can get whatever he wants. No one can smear his name because no one dares to. He is regarded as wise and intimidating. And he's always looking sharp every single day.

Stellar is now making use of clean energy. It is one of only a few empires to have accomplished such a feat. Only three empires have achieved this level of success. In terms of technology and economy, Stellar is the second most productive and fastest-growing empire.

There are seven major empires in the world. Coincidentally, the six major empires are in close proximity to one another. Stellar, Galactic, Land of Nebulae, Craper, Morr Empire, and Bionic Empire are all nearby. Each empire has distinguishing characteristics that set it apart from the others.

Galactic, Stellar's closest neighbor, is also known as the Empire of Generosity and the Empire of Gentle People. Because of the morals and ethics displayed by its people, Galactic has been dubbed the most generous land. Galactic is a fertile land with access to the open sea. As a result, this empire is a significant exporter of agricultural products, particularly marine resources. Despite the fact that they lack advanced technology and machinery to assist and make their lives more convenient, they live a happy and simple life.

Albert Matthews, a 59-year-old man, rules over Galactic. He is a wise man who considers and acts in the best interests of others. There was a time when the government and even some private sectors provided and offered him a car for daily transportation; however, he politely declined their offer and chooses to walk to work every day. He even suggested that if they truly wanted to assist him, they should donate the money to charity or the Galactic's annual budget. He wanted to keep things simple so that his citizens wouldn't be afraid to communicate with him or even bond with him. His simplicity and benevolence astound the citizens, as well as the government. That is why he is the most respected person in this country. Furthermore, Stellar and Galactic get along well because Albert was Alexander's best and most trusted friend when he was still alive. Also, Albert and Xyron are already acquainted because Alexander always brings the young Xyron with him when they play golf. After Alexander's death five years ago, Albert and Xyron grew closer. Albert is the founder of a charity that promotes green energy. Albert Matthews' leadership is admired throughout the Galactic Empire.

Land of Nebulae, a neighboring empire of Stellar as well as the farthest away. Phoebe Brian, a 46-year-old woman, is the fierce leader of Nebulae. She is a wise woman who advocates for green energy. The people of Nebulae are enthralled by her great accomplishments, which include the Nebulae Renewable Energy Plant, the Nebulae Hydropower Plant, the Nebulae Recycling Center, and the ongoing Ocean Wave Energy Harnessing System. One of the three empires that achieved the sixth industrial revolution was Nebulae. Phoebe advises engineers to collaborate with biologists in order to properly implement biomimicry. The imitation of natural systems, models, and elements to solve complex human problems is known as biomimetic or biomimicry. The use of Biomimicry not only benefits nature but also strengthens and stabilizes the structure. Nebulae is located in a mountainous region. They have the most forest coverage. They have a lot of land resources like minerals, gemstones, and wood. They are the largest agricultural exporter. They also have the greatest variety of animals and plants. You know where to go if you want to experience nature. Phoebe became a staunch environmentalist, which is why Nebulae is also known as the Land of Green.

Craper, also known as the Computer Empire. Craper is well-known for its cutting-edge computer technology. They have the most powerful quantum computer in history, which was later surpassed by Stellar's supercomputer. Craper is a significant technological device exporter. Craper is home to all multinational technology companies that specialize in consumer electronics, software and online services. Natasha Raynold, a 35-year-old software engineer, governs Craper. She has a 15-year-old son who has been missing for nearly three years. She has no idea where he has gone. All she knows is that he was only in his treehouse in their backyard when he vanished. When that happened, she was at work. All of his son's belongings, including the computer he had installed in his treehouse, were also gone. She has no idea where to begin her search. She is now devoted to finding his missing son while remaining mindful of her responsibilities as a leader.

Morr Empire is also known as the Gambling Capital of the World or the Gambling Empire. The Morr Empire is a significant exporter of animal products. Because of their high quality standards, they produce the best quality of any type of animal meat. The empire also has one of the best pharmaceuticals. However, it is prohibitively expensive. Jerich Marsh, the Morr Empire's 37-year-old ruler, is a grim economist who will go to any length to get what he wants. He has the ability to close any business deal in a matter of minutes. He is a brilliant economist who can outwit anyone to achieve his goals. The Morr government permits all forms of gambling, but they have imposed high charge taxes in accordance with Morr citizens' wishes. Taxpayers are unconcerned about the high levy they must pay. Morr's economy is thriving as a result, but at the same time, crime rates are skyrocketing and increasing by the day. Murder has the most reports in all of Morr, followed by thievery. Not only are countless murders and robberies a problem for this empire, but so is the mysterious disappearance of individuals. Because the missing people vanished without a trace, the police assumed they were already dead. Morr is a dangerous and enigmatic place to live.

Bionic Empire is well-known for producing high-performing androids. Bionic is also known as the City of Defense and the Empire City of Androids. Bionic is a significant exporter of various types of machinery and robotics. Darryl Richard rules over Bionic, a massive imperial city. Darryl is a 29-year-old man who, along with Xyron, is one of the world's youngest leaders. Darryl is Bionic's best engineer. He is also an inventor who has created a number of inventions. All of his inventions are kept in a hidden vault he named VaultTech. Bionic has the best defensive mechanism available, allowing it to withstand any type of attack. Because Morr is close to Bionic, Morr criminals occasionally visit the empire to commit crimes.

Droid City, the capital city of the Bionic Empire, is the target of thieves because it is stocked with materials and robots that can be sold to people who own fighting bots. Outside the Bionic Empire, in a small abandoned town known to Battlers as Battle Arena, there is a robot fight. Darryl, on the other hand, refers to it as the "City of Thieves" because it is where they sell their loot. The robot battle makes the entire Bionic Empire appear to be a spare parts store for Battlers or battle droid owners. The battlers pay thieves to obtain spare parts throughout the empire. The King of Thieves was one of the most well-known and best men for the job. He can steal anything, but he is the most expensive. Battlers pay the King of Thieves a lot of money just to get the parts they need. Darryl constantly upgrades all defenses and raises the level of security to deter thieves from attempting to steal from the empire.

Stellar, Galactic, The Land of Nebulae, Craper, Morr Empire, and the Bionic Empire These six major empires are the world's greatest and most powerful empires. Their economies are thriving. The exchange of goods and products increased their economy's income even further. Some cities, states, and minor empires rely heavily on their goods, services, and products. These magnificent empires encircled Stellar. The northern part is occupied by Galactic, the eastern part by Nebulae, the western part by Craper, the southeastern part by Morr Empire, and the southwestern part by Bionic.

Stellar's growing power and influence caused the other empires to be wary and fearful of the said empire, resulting in a slew of lawsuits being filed against them.

"Stellar is growing at an alarming rate. We cannot sit back and relax in our nations knowing that they have technologies that have the potential to wipe out all life on the planet," an empire leader exclaimed. "We don't even have clear and transparent information about their technologies. We don't know; they could have a weapon of mass destruction capable of incinerating an entire em—"

"Stop blabbering irrelevant speculations," Granger Noir, Xyron Troy's spokesperson, said calmly during the trial in the United Empire Council (CUE).

"If we're still going to talk about that anonymous attack, are we done now? Because you're squandering our time," Granger retorted.

"If that is the case, then why does your 'leader' always send you to every hearing instead of facing the trial himself? Is he afraid of being proven malicious?" The same empire's ruler scowled.

Granger, with a solemn expression on his face, said, "Afraid you say? Do you understand what fear is, Mr. Cambridge?"

Cambridge, the empire leader, remained silent.

"Fear? Fear is irritating the powerful. We have no idea what they'll do if you get on their nerves," Granger retorted.

"Is that a threat, Mr. Noir?" Cambridge made a guess.

"It depends on how you analyze it," Granger stated emphatically.

"Mr. Xyron Troy sent me on his behalf because he claims that this trial is a waste of time. Of course, the CUE had given him permission to do so. He will be summoned only if something drastic has occurred that necessitates his presence. And everything you've said thus far proves Mr. Troy's claim to be true."

"No, you don't—"

"Mr. Cambridge, please limit your attention to your filed complaint," the CUE leader interjected.

Cambridge went silent.

"To summarize everything, Stellar representatives! Six empires, namely, Vahla Empire, Cadia Empire, Frostwing Empire, Ashfall Empire, Madato Empire, and Zader Empire, filed a complaint against Stellar for possessing malicious technology. They demanded that the Stellar government provide proof and information about your technology," said the CUE leader. "However, Stellar provided that evidence four years ago, proving that their technologies are all safe and pose no threat to any form of life. If you're still not convinced by my assertion—"

Inside the courtroom, a massive pile of documents was delivered. It took nearly five minutes and nearly twenty carts to transport every document into the courtroom.

"These are the documents Stellar Empire prepared for you in case you required physical proof. These are the same documents Stellar presented to the court four years ago. The only difference is that it has grown in number," the CUE leader added.

"There's more where that came from. If you want, I will personally ask Mr. Troy to allow me to request that Stellar Parcel Delivery Service send you every written document relating to our technology," Granger said.

"I'm not sure why people aren't tired of doing this," the CUE leader lamented. "We are already aware that your complaint evaded our preventative measures. After reviewing your papers the day after we received them, we concluded that the filed case was meaningless and irrelevant. Despite this, Stellar's side refuses to cancel the hearing. We will investigate this matter and punish those responsible. The Council of United Empires will not let this go unnoticed, and we will track down those responsible for this deception."

Inside the courtroom, the media begins to murmur. After hearing the CUE leader's words, the empire leaders shrank.

"Your allegations and demands, Empire leaders, are hereby dismissed."

"And now, if you'll excuse me, I must depart."

Granger immediately exited the CUE building aboard the Starjet, an aircraft for traveling.

Despite Stellar's great success and technological advancement, the empire faces a number of conflicts with foreign peoples and empires.

It all began with a rumor about the destruction of a state called Arsenal twenty years ago. Arsenal was a part of Southern Phlearguz.

This kingdom is a foreboding place.

Southern Phlearguz is the last nation ruled by a monarchy. Southern Phlearguz is the most powerful and quickly expanding kingdom. It outperformed Stellar in every category.

Despite its importance, other major empires have little knowledge of this land.

A huge blazing light from the sky struck Arsenal two decades ago, destroying the entire state and turning the entire place, including its people, into ashes.

Coincidentally, Stellar and Southern Phlearguz have some disagreements about their collaboration in terms of technological advancement at the time. There was no clear statement about the dispute, which remained private. Stellar and Southern Phlearguz's relationship soured after that horrifying incident that claimed a hundred thousand lives.

Rumors and gossip spread like wildfire, claiming that Stellar incinerated the entire city as a result of the conflict, using some kind of high-powered weapon.

The CUE cannot accuse and condemn Stellar unless they have evidence to back up their claims. Furthermore, Stellar had already been absolved by Southern Phlearguz of its irrational behavior, which had enraged Xyron's father, Alexander Troy.

Alexander refused and did not claim responsibility for the attack.

Xyron was only nine years old at the time, and his father has always denied the accusation.

"Stellar is not to blame for the devastation of Arsenal City. We would never do something like that. We don't even have that kind of weapon, energy, or money to carry out such an action!" Alexander elaborated.

After what happened to Arsenal, the other states and empires became terrified of what Stellar could do, despite the fact that no one in this world can prove Stellar did it. However, because Stellar is a rapidly expanding empire, the possibilities are endless. Stellar has faced numerous complaints, cases, and trials as a result of the fear and misinformation spread by that rumor. The CUE demanded an accurate lawsuit due to the never-ending litigations, prosecutions, and protests. Cases with no factual evidence will be dismissed by the CUE. After the measure was implemented, the number of complaints against Stellar decreased significantly, from 317 per year to zero to one per year. Commoners who heard and believed the rumors were also among those who filed complaints, in addition to Empire leaders.

Xyron attended only one of Stellar's numerous complaints and trials, back when he was only 25 years old. It was the time when he had only recently become the ruler of Stellar. Complainants and empire leaders believed they could exploit the newly appointed leader. Xyron Troy, on the other hand, had been raised by his father to be wise and prudent, which resulted in the humiliation of those who took advantage of the newly appointed leader. Xyron cleared his father's name and freed Stellar from all accusations and rumors. Despite Xyron proving their innocence, people continue to file cases. He refused to attend any further trials, instead directing Granger to handle it on his behalf. The CUE's preventive measure also assisted Stellar in finally being free of all allegations.

"It is an insult to repeatedly demonstrate our innocence. Why bother proving it again when we've already done so? If you don't understand what 'One word is enough for a wise man' means, you'll never understand the truth. However, to prove that everything I'm saying here is true, I will continue to send my spokesperson, Granger Noir, on my behalf to help those people who are having difficulty understanding the simple facts," Xyron stated during a television interview.

Conflict is becoming more common as the world evolves. Despite some disagreements, the world is still striving to become a more civilized and peaceful society. Everyone is careful with their words in order to avoid igniting the flames of war. The most important thing to do in this world is to establish rapport with other empires.

Despite this, there is still peace between empires. The world is living in the most peaceful epoch in human history...

...until a cataclysmic blunder occurred.

The end is near.