The Heist

Darryl knows what Caleb wants since it isn't the first time Caleb spent a visit to the empire. He visited Bionic multiple times with Deither on his side but Bionic's security forces can't capture him. Sometimes, Caleb just messes with the security in some cities without the intention of stealing anything. All of that time, damages are seen. Although he brings destruction along his way, thankfully, no citizen is harmed.

Caleb is messing with Bionic just because of boredom. Like what he always says, "I'm just bored and had nothing to do!"

Caleb is always making fun of him every time they meet. Caleb sometimes calls him baby names just to annoy him. And in return, Caleb receives curses. He wants to beat the light out of that pesky thief and break his face for being a nuisance, but he isn't able to because; First, Caleb is untouchable, and second, Caleb wouldn't want his good looking face to get beaten up.

"How would babes like me if I had a broken face. But even if my face got beaten up, I will still look stunning and attractive. Am I right, baby?" Caleb teased in his 3rd visit to the NTC.

"Go fuck yourself, Asshole!" he cursed.

That thief had visited Droid City several times just to mess with him. He knows that Caleb has a habit of notifying his next victims about his arrival because Caleb seeks excitement. Although they are being notified, no one has the capabilities to capture him because of his agility and skills. Although Caleb's face is only half covered, he had never seen the full face of his mortal nemesis.

"I know that you are dying to see and know who I am," Caleb said as he dodges and avoids his droids' attempt of capturing him. "But I must resist your seduction of unveiling my identity because you might fell in love if that happens."

During that time, Caleb shots a wall and it created a hole, and escape.

"Fuck you, asshole!" he groaned.

"Is that an insult or a to-do list?" Caleb retorted as he successfully escaped.

Darryl is certain that he will beat the light out of that idiot the moment he laid a hand on him.

A week later after he received Caleb's notification. Bionic's Command Center is on high alert as they monitor every alley and street of the empire.

It is already a quarter to five. The sun already set and twilight falls when Darryl elevated the security and the defenses of the VaultTech. Darryl didn't waste any time just to make his invention safe from the snares of an annoying idiot. After a couple of minutes of decision-making, he ordered to elevate the security for the whole empire to the second tier.

He activated the ASP.

The Advanced Security Protocol or ASP is a special command that enables him to initiates and deploys several security droids, surveillance drones, and other defensive mechanisms. The protocol has a one-week lifespan and it cannot be stopped or be canceled by any means of political power after its activation. After they activated the ASP, the normal sky blue lights that the city produces turn into a darker ones. More security droids came out in each street of the empire. The usually approachable security droids become quite aggressive and the people avoid being close to them. The citizens spotted several drones hovering around in every corner of the city. Three hours later, the command center receives a call from Chine City's Imperial Gate Watchtower.

"Command Center, this is Watchtower 3, do you copy?" an officer from Watchtower 3 alert.

"Watchtower 3, we read you. Status report," an officer in the Imperial Wall Section (IWS) responded.

"Command Center, we lost power and visuals. Turret 5 and 6 are also not responding. However, security and roaming droids are still operational. I repeat, Watchtower 3 is inoperable."

"Watchtower 3, please be advised to activate Manual Security. We will address this technical error as soon as possible."

Then the call ended.

"Sir, Watchtower 3 had shut down. They no longer have visuals and the turrets are neither responding nor functioning. A system breach is what I propose. What is your order?" the man over the IWS reported?

"Run diagnostics!" he ordered.

An hour later, Watchtower 3 called again.

"Command Center, this is Watchtower 3, defenses have been recovered."

"Watchtower 3, you have permission to terminate Manual Security after a thirty-minute system recovery."

As the result of the diagnostic arrived, nothing seems to be malicious.

"Watchtower 3, systems' clean. You may now, continue."

A few hours later after the implementation of ASP, citizens begin to wonder. To eliminate the questions that are circulating the empire, Darryl made an announcement. His broadcast was viewed in all cities of the Bionic Empire in their massive monitors in their City Halls.

"Citizens! I am very sorry for scaring you with what I just did," Darryl apologizes. "Don't worry, the thing that just happened earlier was a security drill, it is the ASP. Sorry for not informing you ahead of time about the drill. I might have alarmed you because of my irresponsible actions."

"This is just a security drill. We're just testing and checking if all of our defenses are functional for us to be prepared in a sudden incoming threat—" he was cut off when he realizes something worse he just said.

They must not know anything about Caleb.

"I wasn't saying we're in trouble or… Sigh, I apologize," he exhausted.

"Are you okay Sir? You look exhausted. Is everything alright?" a concerned citizen asked.

He looks at her and answered.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. Again, there is nothing to worry about. The ASP will expire next week. Thank you for your attention and I'm sorry," he then ended the live announcement.

The citizens must know nothing about the arrival of the King of Thieves because he doesn't want them to worry.

The Department of Protection and Security (DPS) shortly called after the announcement.

"Sir, Mr. Symmachus is calling!"

Darryl answered the call and converse with him.

"Would you like to tell me something?" Rexford Symmachus, head of the DPS, inquired.

"As I said, it's a security drill."

"You think you can fool me? I'm coming over there whether you like or not!"

And then the call ended.

"Restrict any entrance to the Command Center!" he ordered to prevent Rexford from interfering.

It was 10:29 pm, everybody in the Command Center is on high alert, waiting for the arrival of the King of Thieves. VaultTech's defenses are fully functional and operational. Tranquilizing dart cannons, security drones, battle droids, paralyzing lasers cannons, plasma cannons, wind turbines, high voltage platforms, and a 10ft thick vault lock with facial recognition, iris, retinal, and fingerprint scanner and voice recognition features for the unlocking sequence of the VaultTech. Those are the defenses and security features installed in VaultTech's passageway. This is the 4th time the King of Thieves will pay a visit to the VaultTech. This time, Darryl upgraded all of its defenses for these past few days after the notification. The defenses and securities are sensitive enough to any kind of movement. They'll fire at will when they recognize an unregistered individual who doesn't have the authority to go near the vault. However, if you have limited authorization cards, you are free to pass.

Time is ticking. Everyone's nervous.

11:40 pm, everyone is in their position. As they nervously wait, lights flickered but it quickly returned to normal.

11:55 pm, five minutes before the arrival of the King of Thieves.

11:58 pm, everybody is now on the highest alert.

11:59 pm, one more minute and Caleb will finally show up.

He glances at the digital clock on their main monitor. Caleb is also known for being on time. When he says he'll be there at four in the afternoon, he will be there at exactly four in the afternoon.

30 more seconds before midnight. 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6—

"Everyone prepare! If there is something suspicious, don't hesitate to engage," he ordered.

—5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


The NTC produces a computer-like tone, a virtual sound, as a mark that it is midnight. No one in the Command Center dares to create any noise. Everyone is silent and ready to fire. Security droids are roaming around the city. Cameras are watching everything that moves. The streets are peaceful and empty. Few vehicles are still on the road. Night shifters doing their work. Battle droids are waiting in the VaultTech.

Darryl sat nervously in his chair, located in the middle section of the Command Center. It was past 12 and still no signs of the King of Thieves.

12:05 am, still no signs of him. Everyone was quiet, waiting for his commands.

"Don't let the time fool you. I know that bastard. He will never send a false notification. Don't let your guards down. I know he's here somewhere," he said.

Another 5 minutes had passed and still no sign of Caleb. He ordered me to keep waiting.

12:16 am, no King of Thieves arrived.

That bastard! I guess he's not only a thief but also a fucking liar! he thought

"Okay, people, I think—"


He was cut off when he heard a monkey.

"Shhh, quiet! I think I heard something," he said.

Everyone went dead silent. Only silence was heard not until a smoke grenade was thrown from above into the Command Center. A smoke grenade landed on the floor and releases a huge amount of smoke.

"Cough! Open the ventilation system," he ordered.

"Sir, cough! The ventilation system is not responding due to a system error," reported an officer.

"Sorry about that!" a voice coming from the top said.

A loud clang was created above and then the grille falls with a loud clank. They heard somebody jumped out from the vent.

"Some wires and buttons we're messed up on my way up here because my hand accidentally slipped. They are probably important. Sorry about that," the man who walks slowly towards him apologized.

The battle droids are aiming their guns and their tranquilizers at the man but Darryl stopped them.

"Don't shoot!" he ordered.

The droids lowered their weapons. He knows who the man is although he can barely see him. Everyone is dead silent, coughing, only the footstep of the man was heard. The silence was broken when the man speaks again.

"How are you doing, sweetheart? Did you miss me? Did you slept or even took a rest? You look exhausted. I bet you are super excited about my arrival! Am I right, baby?"

The smoke slowly faded away and revealed who the man is.

"Caleb!" he groaned as he glares at him.

"I'll take that as 'I miss you to Caleb'!" Caleb burst out into laughter. "Anywho, I am sorry for making you wait. You see, my watch was all messed up…" Caleb motioned to his watch. "…by a bunch of clodpolls in someplace that's why I'm late. We just did a little chitchat," he explained as he clutches the Orion on his shoulder. "Well, that's not really the reason but... wait… it's actually half of the reason why I'm late."

"Those people in that place I visited pretty like me but I know that you love me even more, am I right, baby?" Caleb said.

"Go fuck yourself!"

Darryl then noticed some drones on standby.

"I deeply apologize for my late arrival because telling those worthless assholes, personally, that I fucking hate them can no longer wait…" Caleb groaned as he walks towards him, "… because they hurt a friend of mine."

"I didn't know that you have friends," he asked with an 'I don't give a fuck' tone, still sitting on his chair.

He hates talking with him but he must distract Caleb for a while so that his drones can hover above him, unnoticed. As Caleb continues to talk, he secretly gives his command to the drones over his watch. After the drones receive it, they immediately followed his orders.

"After each of them get an electrifying hug, literally, I went in here as fast as I could because I know that you really miss me," Caleb exclaim.

"Okay!" he stoically replied.

"Come on, babe. Aren't you happy to see me? It's been a while since the last time I visit you."

"I just can't wait to see you behind bars!" he glared.

"Anywho, where's my new armor," Caleb immediately changes the topic as he remembers the reason why he's there.

"And where the fuck did you get that wrong data, huh?" he exclaimed.

"Hey! My sources are reliable and trusted. Just tell me where it is so that we can all go home and sleep," he proposed.

"I will explain it slowly to you so that your corrupted little brain can apprehend what it truly is. It is a force field. And second, I know that you pretty much know where that thing is being stored, you moron," he bellowed. "And besides, you wouldn't need that stuff anymore cause you'll spend the rest of your life behind bars!"

"How? You can't even touch—"

Caleb was cut off when he pushes a command on his watch and his drones that are already hovering quietly above Caleb shoots a tranquilizing net. Sadly, Caleb manages to dodge the net and shoots down the drones using the Orion as plasma blasters. Darryl and the other staff inside the room started to take cover.

"Battle drones, capture him," he ordered.

A net was fired again at Caleb. Before they could launch the nets, the smoke coming from the smoke grenade covers Caleb again and quickly becomes undetectable. He can barely see anything because of the thick cloud of smoke. The drones and the droids use their heat signature scanners and other sensors to locate the intruder. All of the crew members and including the citizens have already registered their identities to the database so that the droids won't accidentally shoot them or attack them. The drones and droids scan every person they'd detected but they fail to locate Caleb. All of them lost his tracks not until Caleb said something.

"Orion, plasma cannon!"

A dim blue light was produced above and Caleb jumped down.

"I can't believe that these junk metals can't even find where I was hiding."

He shoots each droid and drones one by one as each one of them drops down.

"Let us begin the real fun, alright."

Caleb then shoots the main monitor of the Command Center which produces a loud explosion. He shoots all the monitors, one after the other. A loud beeping sound-activated but he immediately shoots it, shutting it up. After it shuts down, he continues to play with the security which is no match for him. Battle drones flew over Darryl and to all personnel in the Command Center to produce a shield to protect them from the assault. When all of the people in the Command Center was already been sealed, battle droids initiate their latest upgrade.

"Initiating, Advance Battle Protocol."

The available droids stop for a moment and are paired with the nearest droids and merge. Their usual light blue lights turned into dark blue ones. The Advance Battle Protocol (ABP) programmed in each droid is a new and upgraded command that lets them fuse to one more droid and transforms into a 7ft robot. In this form, these enhanced robots have increased their speed, power, agility, armor, damage, accuracy, and fire rate. Darryl programmed them to capture Caleb at any cost without hurting anybody. Caleb's attention was caught when he saw the transformation process of the droids.

"It's quite impressive to see them fuse but they are still scrapped metal and weak fo—"

Caleb didn't finish his sentence when one of the enhanced droids attack him and nearly got hit.

"Wow! They're more aggressive compared to before. I think this is gonna be fun."

Two more enhanced robots attack Caleb. One dashes at Caleb's back and tried to hit him and the other flew over him while aiming a plasma cannon at him.

Caleb just smiled and said, "Orion, Spear."

The Orion transformed into a glowing spear as Caleb immediately throws it to the flying droid and pierced it through its chest. The Orion was stuck on the dead droid's body which he used to thrash the droid that dashes towards his back like some kind of hammer.

It was getting crowded and dangerous but Darryl keeps deploying more droids using his watch.

"Orion, Whip!"

Caleb whipped in half the droid that is shooting him with a plasma gun. Other droids initiated another attack by launching a smoke grenade directly at him. The Orion changes in shape again and becomes a glowing bat. Caleb batted the canister away but it exploded right after hitting it. A thick cloud of smoke blasts on his face and covers his eyesight. The smoke made Caleb cough.

"That was a bad move!" Caleb regretted.

An electrified metal fist lands directly on Caleb's chest and was thrown away upon the impact. Caleb was slammed against the walls and let out a grunt of pain. Darryl cannot explain the joy he felt after seeing Caleb on his knees.

"Serves him right!" Darryl mumbled.

The battle between Caleb and his droids isn't over yet. The droids surrounded Caleb and aimed their tranquilizers at him. Caleb stood up and strokes his chest. He glances at each one of the droids, giving each one of them a glare. Caleb is greatly injured and has trouble maintaining his posture.

"Well, this is fun," Caleb panted, not amuse.

Darryl saw how helpless Caleb was. He immediately ordered the droids to hold fire. He accesses a droid over his watch while under a drone's protection to give Caleb one final warning.

"Caleb! You can no longer win this! Surrender now!" he demanded over his watch.

Caleb is still catching his breath.

"You really have a soft spot for me. I'm moved, babe!" he hurled back.

Caleb took one deep breath as he inclined his head up while closing his eyes. Caleb lowered the Orion and then bowed his head down. With that, Darryl couldn't believe that Caleb is actually surrendering.

"You made a great decision. Droids arrest him!"

As the enhanced droids went closer to Caleb, a chuckle was heard and suddenly, the Orion transformed into a huge glowing blue scythe. He extends the scythe in a wide range in front of him, pulling all the enhanced droids within range towards him, which cut them in half.

"And why on Earth you think I'll surrender? The fun has just started!" he ridiculed as he lays the massive scythe on his right shoulder.

Darryl gritted his teeth as he commanded another group of newly arrived droids to enter the battlefield. New droids were easily destroyed. The Command Center became dangerous for all the personnel under the drone's protection to stay.

"Evacuate the area!" Darryl ordered.

All drones evacuated the people under their protection as the battle got even more intense. Everyone is inside a protective capsule produced by the drones as the drones flew them away to safety. Enhanced droids are getting destroyed easily. The ABP was not enough to stop Caleb. Darryl doesn't want to evacuate and decided to stay. The room was getting empty. He lies low under a table near Caleb, waiting for perfect timing.

"This is fun!" Caleb exclaimed as he keeps slicing every droid that gets near him.

As the number of droids keeps increasing, which annoyed him, Caleb decided to use one of his favorite weapons.

"Orion, Power Sword!"

A huge blade of plasma formed. Caleb tears and slashes every droid he sees. An unarmed droid catches his gaze. He made it his next target and charge towards the droid. As his distance gets closer, the droid suddenly glowed. The droid created a shield as Caleb decided to change his selected weapon.

"Orion, Warhammer!"

With that command, Orion changes its form into a huge glowing hammer. He charges again and tried pounding the droid. Caleb didn't mind the barrier since no shield could block the Warhammer form. Among the melee weapon category, Warhammer is the best choice for destroying barriers because it has high penetration against defenses. Its damage could pierce any heavily armored robots.

Shields are no use against the Warhammer form! Caleb thought.

Little did he know, the unarmed droid's shield is different. Upon hitting it with all of his might, it produces an extremely loud discharge of electric energy. It's as vehement as a lightning strike followed by a loud thunderclap. He got thrown away and his attack only harmed him instead. The power inflicted by the Warhammer was countered and returned to him, electrifying himself. Caleb coughs blood after being thrown away. Darryl was a bit terrified seeing him bleed. He hates him and all but he doesn't want to kill him. He just wants to stop him and put him behind bars.

"A shield that reflects damage, huh? Well, I'm impressed!" Caleb grunted as he spits blood and tried to stand up while taking something in his fanny pack.

"Using my power to defeat me? Well, I didn't see that coming."

Darryl accessed another droid to give him one final warning.

"Caleb, stop! Just surrender you cannot win this. I hate you and I personally want to beat the light out of you but I don't really want to kill you! Just surrender!"

Caleb glances at the droid Darryl accessed. Caleb gazes at it and smiled.

"I didn't know you care. You really love me, don't you!" he teased.

Although Caleb is in pain, he still chooses to displease him.

Well, he is Caleb.

"Fuck yourself! I'm giving you a chance to live, asshole! Surrender now!"

"Sigh! I didn't expect that I will do this!"

Caleb put the Orion back to his shoulder and raises his hand while holding something.

"Okay! You got me!" Caleb declared.

Droids encircled him and slowly took his hands. As the droids moved closer and tried to reach his hands, Caleb opened his hand and a canister fell. As the canister slowly landed on the ground and detonated. It electrified all droids which fried them and eventually dropped dead. The canister was actually an EMP grenade. With that, Caleb had successfully destroyed everything.

"Using EMP grenades means, I'm admitting that your new upgraded scrap metals are tough. It still needs a few more upgrades and improvements," Caleb said as he sits down and tried to aid his injuries.

"Ugh! That was fun!" Caleb exclaimed. "If you really wanted to stop me, program your bots with means to kill, Darryl. It's the only way to stop me."

Unexpectedly, one droid is still operational regardless of being cut into half. It then aims its plasma cannon and charges it with all of its remaining energy and blasted it onto Caleb. Before the droid could pull the trigger, a monkey came into the rescue, dissembles it, and decimates the thing. Deither, Caleb's best partner, a monkey, screamed at the top of his kill.

"Good work, buddy!" Caleb praised as he heaves a sigh of relief.

Darryl is still hiding around the corner, trying his best to be unnoticed. He sneakily grabs a tranquilizing dart cannon he found near a dead droid. He silently aims it onto Caleb while he was still distracted and then pulls the trigger. The dart almost misses but it luckily hit him.

Caleb was so shocked by his attack.

"That was a great move, baby! I'm so proud of you!" Caleb congratulated as he gazes in Darryl's direction.

"I know that you're in there and would shoot me anytime soon but I chose not to dodge since my time's nearly over," Caleb informed.

"At least you know that this will be the end of your legacy, Caleb!" he replied as he goes near Caleb.

Deither immediately climbs back to the vent and flees away.

"It looks like your partner wasn't as loyal as you think after all," Darryl derided.

"That's okay," Caleb answered.

Another group of droids enters and went beside Darryl.

"Droids arrest him," he ordered the newly arrived droids.

"That wouldn't be necessary," Caleb smiled. "By the time I shot the main monitor, I might be already inside the VaultTech, probably."

"What do you mean… THIS IS A DIVERSION! HE'S IN THE VAULTTECH!" he exclaimed in realization.

It was all just Caleb's plan.

"I am going to beat the light out of you!" he yelled in anger.

Caleb begins to glitch. Before the fake Caleb totally vanishes, it gave him a warning that left him confused.

"Don't get near him!" the fake Caleb warned while sneering. "He's pissed!"

That truly confused him which he chose to ignore. He completely forgot about Caleb's newly stolen device, the HoC. He heard it from the news a week ago. He stole it from Craper Empire.

"He wasn't called the King of Thieves for nothing," Darryl mumbled in displeasure.