The Empire City of Androids, the Bionic Empire, is an empire full of androids. Most of Bionic's jobs are taken by androids such as bartending, traffic enforcing, construction, transportation services, housekeeping, security, etc.
There are five city-states in Bionic, Roid City, located in the eastern part of the empire, Mecha City, located at the north, Chine City, located at the west, Chanic City, located at south and Droid City, which is the capital city, located at the central part of the empire.
The empire has two defensive Imperial Walls that have become their trademark and encircle the entire empire, the outer and inner wall. The outer wall is the empire's first level of defense, preventing criminals or threats from infiltrating the empire. This is the wall that fortifies and protects all cities. It is the strongest wall ever built and still standing to this day. The outer wall is 25 meters thick and 30 meters tall on average. The inner wall is located on the outskirts of Droid City. The inner wall is much smaller in height and width than the outer wall. It is only 15 meters thick and 20 meters tall on average. Despite its smaller size, the inner wall is far stronger than the outer wall because it contains a secret defensive technology that only activates when the outer wall is breached.
Bionic Empire is well-known for its brilliant researchers and engineers. Their specialty is robotics, but they are also regarded as the best in terms of defensive weaponry.
Darryl Richard, the ruler of Bionic, is one of the world's greatest engineers and youngest leaders. He is also the reason Bionic has been dubbed the "Empire City of Androids." The Bionic Government recognized and adopted his robotics innovation while he was still in college at one of Stellar's prestigious universities. He was discovered at a science fair, where students present brilliant technological ideas. Darryl appears to attract a large number of investors and people's attention after displaying the Droid prototype. One of those individuals was a Bionic representative. The envoy was so engrossed in his great creation that Bionic took immediate action. Heyward Symmachus, Bionic's current leader at the time, offered him a chance to expand on his concept, which he gladly accepted.
At the age of 24, he received his master's degree in robotics and was taken in by Bionic's government, with whom he collaborated to create the best version of his Droid. It took them years to perfect a brand-new security system, the Security Droid (SD).
Crime rates drop significantly once it is operational.
Each year, new Security Droids are deployed to maintain peace and order. After it became a success, the empire looks into what else Darryl's Droids might be capable of. And thus begins the era of androids in Bionic.
Despite the innovation Bionic embraced and nurtured, a new problem arose that escalated the threat to the empire's safety. Robot battle began to rise.
Both online and offline, robot battles have become popular. These illegal activities are popular among Bionic residents as well. Roaming Security Droids used to secure the walls are occasionally ripped off for spare parts. Darryl is always bothered by the escalating crisis.
Following the death of Bionic's former leader, Heyward Symmachus, about four years ago, the Council has decided to appoint Darryl as the next leader of Bionic. Running a large and advanced society at the age of 26 was not a good idea, especially for him. He is not like Xyron, who was able to take over effectively and without committing any mistakes not even once at a much younger age. He is excellent at engineering robots, but he lacks leadership experience. He refused the appointment, but the Council forced him to. He was given no choice but to submit.
Darryl's outfit remained unchanged after he became the leader. He still dresses in a long-sleeved polo shirt and jeans. He dislikes wearing suits because he is always busy at work, in his lab. He only wears formal attire when meeting with Imperial Leaders, the CUE, and other respected individuals. He wears glasses to compensate for his poor vision and a high-tech watch on his left wrist that is custom-made with a special feature that grants him access to everything within his power.
When he became a leader, he realizes that he must not focus his entire attention only on security. He started to study economics, politics, social interactions, and more. It was frustrating because he had not expected to become involved in politics. Despite this, he strives to be a good leader for Bionic.
His career as a robotic engineer has earned him a lot of respect. With the empire's growing demand, his career as a robotic engineer shifted slightly. He moves from robotics and defense to energy and economics.
The Energy Generator or EnGen was his first accomplishment in terms of the power utility. This power generating machine is currently the only power provider Bionic has. Even though Bionic only has one energy provider and also the third biggest energy-consuming empire, Bionic never had experienced any power interruption since the beginning of EnGen's operational life.
Since crime rates significantly rose from these past months, Darryl had come up with an ambitious idea. He decided to create a device that can fortify the walls and seal the whole empire. In this way, it may eliminate all factors that make crime rates high. Bionic is having a hard time shutting all possible passage which criminals use to enter the empire. With this new defensive weaponry, he expected crime rates to have a significant drop.
After that idea popped up from his mind, he immediately started the research and the construction of the device. Darryl put great effort and attention into the completion of his new project. As a result, he is always present at his workplace at the New Technology Center also known as 'NTC'.
NTC is the Imperial Building and the heart of the Bionic Empire. NTC is the tallest and the busiest structure in the empire and it produces a bright blue light that glows magnificently.
After working for several weeks, he finally finishes building the project.
"Finally, I finished it! This is one of the best inventions I've ever created so far!" Darryl exclaimed in joy.
Shortly, he felt blue. He's happy about his new achievement but he burdens a deep longingness within his heart. This sudden change of mood made him realize that he is alone inside his lab.
"I wish you could forgive me," he mumbled with lonesome eyes.
He then took the device and stored it in Bionic's high secured repository, the VaultTech. VaultTech has the highest level of fortification compared to any other sector in the empire. It protects and stores the inventions of all engineers and scientists in Bionic. Inventions stored in the VaultTech are pending contributions that are waiting to be approved by the Council before it officially becomes active.
After securing his invention, he quickly proceeds into his office to get some alone time.
After Darryl reaches his office, he sits down on his cozy executive chair. He let his gaze wander around as he realizes how quiet and lonely his office becomes.
Several things are keeping his mind awake. Things that aches his heart. After experiencing an emotional breakdown, insomnia is keeping him company. There are factors that make people miserable and one of them is having regrets over the things that cannot be undone.
It is already 2 am.
Things were so different a month ago. He doesn't want to leave the office since the person that can and will forcefully tell him to go home is nowhere to be found.
"If she was here, I will probably be receiving an earful!" he mumbled.
With that, he decided to go home with a heavy heart.
In the morning, an early announcement has to be made.
"Citizens! It's a beautiful day and I have great news to announce. A wonderful invention I'd just finish building has been added to our collection. There will be a scheduled conference regarding that new device at 1 pm. Keep productive and have a great day. Thank you for your attention!" he declared openly.
It is a custom at Bionic Empire. New inventions and technology are mandated to be announced openly to aware people of their advancement and to raise technological awareness. The Bionic government recognizes the rights of its citizens to know what's happening in the empire. The downside of this is it also aware thieves and terrorists about those inventions and they might initiate an attack to steal them. Yet, Darryl is confident that their inventions will be safe from those wretched people because they weren't called the 'City of Defense' for nothing.
Declaring new technologies openly doesn't bring problems in terms of security since Bionic is known for its defensive technology. The empire is not afraid of any threat nor conflict. Most of the criminals entering the empire are all arrested and put behind bars, only a few manage to escape. Most of these criminals are robbers and the King of Thieves is the number one on the list.
Despite Caleb's pesky existence, he doesn't really affect Bionic's economic status or safety. However, he is still causing minor collateral damages and countless robberies within the empire. Nobody is bringing up questions about him freely roaming around the empire because everybody knows that Bionic treats him like a guinea pig. A test subject that has the highest human ability to be tested and go against their new defenses and security droids. He's the perfect man since he's a criminal and because it isn't a good idea to test new droids to their folks or droids since it will be dangerous and a total waste of resources. It is a very dangerous job that only the King of Thieves can conform to.
Bionic is not afraid of accidentally killing him since he's a criminal with a huge bounty in his head. Also, the authorities want him dead or alive.
Bionic is a promising land where people are safe from harm and can enjoy the service and convenience offered by droids. Those were just a few things that you get as a privilege upon becoming a citizen of the Bionic Empire.
"It is a powerful device that has the ability to protect us from any kind of ammunition fired from a distance. This device can create an indestructible barrier that is capable of withstanding all kinds of projectiles. I call it 'Aegis'," Darryl informed as the media keeps asking for more questions.
"Sir, how exactly can this device protect us from criminals?" a media personnel asked.
"That's a very good question. The Department of Protection and Security (DPS) had received numerous crime reports. We do not understand how they could still penetrate our defenses and infiltrate our empire. We are giving our full attention to solving this issue. That's why I've created this device, the Aegis. We will upgrade our outer defense which is the first tier of Bionic's defense, the Imperial Wall. There will be a general wall inspection as a mark of the beginning of this project. This requires a lot of time knowing the size of our walls. This upgrade will allow Aegis to be compatible with the wall and work in harmony. However, the Aegis will not completely seal everything. The Entrance and Exit Gates will be excluded. This means that the only way in and out to this empire is through the toughest line of defense we have, the Imperial Gates," he elucidated.
"Sir, when will it become operational?" another media personnel asked.
"There is no exact date for that. Well, we need to make preparations first for it to work effectively. We will construct a special type of tower that will be constructed at NTC's rooftop. The special tower will power the Aegis and protect it from any kind of natural exposure to prevent damages. The construction will begin as soon as all necessary documents are completed and prepared," he explained further. "Any more questions?"
"Sir, sealing the whole empire, wouldn't it have negative effects on nature and also to the weather?" another media inferred.
"That's a good observation by the way," Darryl praised. "In terms of weather, Bionic will be safe from all meteorological disasters. The Bionic Astronomical Geophysical and Meteorological Department (BAGMD) will have limited access over the Aegis to ensure that nothing will go wrong when it comes to abnormal weather. Normal weather phenomena would still occur like rain, winter, and so on because Aegis can recognize weather. With Aegis, we can prevent any weather disasters from devastating our empire. For more meteorological information related to Aegis, we will provide exact and complete details about this matter in the Bionic's database," he explained.
"What will happen to Bionic Airlines, Sir? With the plane's speed, wouldn't it be considered as a massive self-propelling object similar to ammunition?" another person asked.
"Bionic airplanes will be reengineered. All airplanes will be installed with a special type of equipment that will let them able to pass through the barrier. Other empires will be notified by our barrier."
Another person raises a hand.
"Yes, you?"
The one raising his hand stands up.
"Sir, does this invention of yours can be used as a weapon or something else? Or does it have any other function rather than being a shield? I'm just wondering."
The people around became intrigued after that question was conveyed.
"No, it has no more function. Its only purpose is to protect the empire by producing a shield that will seal all possible entrances used by criminals that we do not know. It can't be used as a shield in hand-to-hand combat or anything else since I didn't include anything like that. I focus only on general defense," he replied. "Any more questions?"
Another media personnel raises a hand and stands up.
"Sir, I don't have any doubts about this new device. However, we all know that the King of Thieves can freely enter this empire, though he is not that dangerous nor a threat to us, citizens, but he is indeed a threat to all the inventions. Aren't you afraid of the Aegis being stolen, Sir?" the woman inquired.
"Despite that criminal being able to infiltrate the VaultTech, thrice, we are still lucky that nothing's stolen. We don't have a solid explanation of why he keeps infiltrating the VaultTech without stealing anything. I admit that our most secured facility is no match for that criminal. It's just telling us that there are still flaws that are needed to be polished. I don't know if there are reckless people who wanted to take Aegis for themselves because I don't see any reasons for the Aegis to be stolen. Moreover, Aegis is useless without proper equipment to operate it. Without me, Aegis won't work," he expressed thoughtfully.
"Since we are in this topic, is it true that Caleb, the King of Thieves, sends a notification to you personally to inform you about his arrival during those times he was here, Sir?" a man suddenly chattered.
That question of him caught everyone's attention yet everyone remained quiet. Darryl, on the other hand, was caught by surprise. There is a fact in that man's words. The King of Thieves, Caleb, sends letters and send them personally to his next victim and state there his intentions. Nobody understands why he does it though.
"Yes, he does. Sometimes it's in a form of a paper-wrapped in stone, sometimes his message is written on a dead droid and is delivered to my office or in my lab, and sometimes, verbal," he honestly replied.
There is no use if I deny the assumption. People will think it's weird for that thief to mess with me without notice. The King of Thieves is known for that kind of shit! Darryl thought.
"Stop babbling!" a woman complained to the man who asks that question.
"The King of Thieves is known for that kind of thing. Don't ask the obvious!" a man added.
"Don't worry, it's alright," he assured. "Moreover, I am sure that with the latest update and upgrades installed in our droids, I am confident that everything will turn out fine. Also, there will be a party after the conference. All are invited!"
As the conference had come into culmination, Darryl went back to his lab.
Later at the party, everyone seems to be having a good time. It was organized by the higher-ups for Darryl. He might be Bionic's leader but there are still people higher than him. Most of his decisions must first be discussed with these people, The Council.
Despite all of these praises and compliments he receives from people, it isn't overwhelming him. Compliments and praises that come from people you do not know are meaningless but if it came from the mouth of someone you cared for, it's a whole new story.
I would trade all of these praises I hear just to hear your voice again! he thought.
As the extreme longing made him feel depressed, Andrew Helix, his best friend, decided to take action.
"Gentlemen! And also ladies! May I have your attention for a moment!" Andrew Helix called out.
Everybody gazes at Andrew.
"Let us acknowledge Mr. Richard for his great effort and dedication to the safety of our land. He doesn't only have a great mind but he also has a great heart. He did this for us to have a safe place to live where our families and the children can freely wander around with no fear of any threat. The Bionic Empire wouldn't be the same without you," Andrew declared.
"Thank you but I'm just doing what I think is the best," Darryl humbly replied.
Andrew raises his glass of champagne and shouted.
"To Darryl Richard!"
Everyone repeated what Andrew said.
"For the empire," Andrew added and they drink their champagnes all at once.
Everybody cheered and applauded.
Everybody is having a great time. Darryl wanted to have fun with them but he just can't.
How can I be happy? I hurt the person I cared the most. I even raised a hand to her. How can I be happy knowing she's missing and nowhere to be found? he remorse.
He left the party without notice and went into the restroom.
"I regret everything!" he uttered.
"I'm so sorry!" he cried, out of longingness.
As he leans on the sink, feeling depressed, he evokes memories with the person he loves.