The Repository

Two days after Xian gave Diana his permission, she was constantly practicing riding a horse.

After she left the farmhouse, she quickly realizes how true the long-distance Xian had said, he wasn't kidding at all. Diana needs to cross several bridges, old and mostly not sturdy, and then climb Mt. Drues. Tradesville is right behind Mt. Drues as Xian instructed. Drues Mountain is the only thing that separates the Bionic Empire and Craper. Three-fourths of the mountain lies on the borderline of Craper. There was no one along the way that she could ask for assistance. No people, no houses, and no buildings, just plain nature. Traveling all alone is quite dangerous but Xian covered it up. Xian gave her a brown cloak. The cloak has a unique pattern with a silver embroidered symbol at its back. It is the first time she sees that symbol.

"What does this symbol mean, Xian?" she inquired as she wears the cloak.

"It's just random," Xian replied. "Just wear it all the time to keep you safe."

Xian didn't say anything else after that. It was weird for her at first but she trusts him. Xian was super protective when it comes to them. Xian treats them like their very own child. That is why Xian got furious when he heard their story.

"Why Darryl?" she mumbled.

Although her journey would take a while, she couldn't help to notice the beauty of nature. Most of her journey has consisted of sightseeing and worrying. She arrived near the peak of the mountain after following the trail for one whole day. It was already afternoon when she reaches the top where she stops and decides to rest. She sets her tent, feeds, and gives Melody, the horse, some water. After she built her tent, she created a fire. She watches the sun as it slowly faded away from her sight in the golden crepuscule of a beautiful day.

As the twilight falls, she sits near her tent and began to cook her food. As she heated the canned food she brought, she couldn't help herself but gaze at Bionic Empire. However, the trees were tall enough to block her view of the empire and not to mention that it is dark. She decided to stop looking since it was no use. After she eats her dinner, she rested and falls asleep.

This is the second day of her journey. Before she resumes her journey, she gazes at the gorgeous vista of the land where she could see the farmhouse. As she looked around, she saw the valley that Xian was talking about. That area was covered with a thick growth of trees. If Xian didn't tell her how and where was the marketplace, she would never think of going in there since she can't see any signs of a market. Nobody would think that there is a village right there. As she descends from the mountain, she begins to hear noises. She followed the trails leading to the place. It didn't take long before she finally arrives.

Tradesville is a busy place where you can see people buying and selling products, goods, and more. She dismounts and walks Melody as she asks people where she could find Savikar, the person whom Xian recommended to ask for help. All of them are pointing in only one direction. Diana finds out that Savikar is a blacksmith. She follows where the people told her to go. She stops in front of a cabin that has several displayed blades, swords, armors, horseshoes, bows and arrows, and other melee weapons. She tied the leash of Melody in front of the cabin. She then stepped inside the cabin. As she opens the door, a bell rang which means a customer had entered the cabin. As she steps in, she saw more swords, blades, and other stuff that is made of iron. Diana was the only person inside of the shack. She heard footsteps but it quickly vanishes. She waited for a person to come out of the door near the counter but instead, four shurikens were thrown and flew towards her. The shurikens hit all of the dummy targets behind Diana. Diana couldn't move a single muscle after that. She was holding her breath when she heard somebody.

"I am very sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you. I thought you were someone else. I am terribly sorry!" a huge man apologized as he jumps down from the ceiling.

"I am deeply sorry!" the man added.

Diana was just standing still, processing everything that just happened.

"It… it is okay. You… you're forgiven," she said with a shaky voice.

"I am terribly sorry for what I've done, " the man said.

"So, what brings you here to my shop?" the man asked wearing an 'I'm so sorry look' in the face.

Diana takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself before answering.

"I… I came here to look for Savikar. Is he in here?" she said as she looked behind the man.

"He's right in front of you," Savikar replied.

Savikar is a 59-year-old blacksmith. Savikar wears a dirty white shirt with a brown apron, and light brown gloves. He has thick hair, a mustache, a beard, and brown eyes. He has a well-built body. He makes swords, blades, armors, etc. He also forges katanas, scythes, shurikens, axes, helmets, whip, claws, any kind of armor, shields, spears, and more.

"Why are you looking for me?" Savikar asked her.

"I came here because I needed something. A friend of mine told me that you can help me."

Savikar raises an eyebrow.

"Um, I hate to say this but I don't do charities," Savikar declined her request. "Especially to someone I do not know."


She gave up and decided to look around Tradesville to find a phone by herself.

"Sorry for bothering you!" she said as she turns her back at Savikar.

As she walks away, Savikar called her again.

"Hey?" Savikar called.

She returned her gaze at him and replied, "What?"

"Where did you get that cloak?"

"The friend who sent me here gave it to me. He said that I should wear it to keep myself protected while I travel towards here. I don't know what he really meant but I trust him," she explained.

"You know Xian? Xian Spedleway?" Savikar repeated.

"Yes, he was the one who sent me here. Why?" she replied.

"Xian is a great friend of mine. I am sorry if I don't have the intention of helping you in the first place but please, let me assist you," Savikar explained as he implored.


Savikar nodded his head.

"Let's start over again, shall we?" Savikar said. "I am Savikar."

"I'm Diana!"

"So, what does a pretty lady doing in Tradesville!"

Savikar inclined as he put his arms on the counter asking her the reason for her presence on Tradesville. She hesitated for a moment but she walks closer to Savikar to give him her reply.

"I need a communicator. A phone will do!" Diana responded. "Can you help me find one, please?"

Savikar thinks for a second.

"That request of yours is a bit difficult. You see, Tradesville isn't the type of marketplace where electronics such as mobile phones are being sold," Savikar informed her.

"So what exactly this place intends to offer?" she inquired, a bit annoyed by the fact.

"That is a question I don't want to answer," Savikar replied. "Just think Tradesville is a place where a traveler or an adventurer sells or buys equipment for their long journey."

She suspects that this place isn't nice as she imagined at all. She better get out of here quickly before anything crazy happens.

"There's no need to answer that since I'll be leaving this place right after I get what I came for," she said. "So, is there another place near here where I can buy a phone?"

"All I said was we don't sell phones in Tradesville but I didn't say that we do not have one," Savikar clarified.

That made her sigh in relief.

"KID!" Savikar yelled.

She thought that Savikar has a child or something like that.

"You have a kid? Aren't you aware that you might accidentally hit your child with ninja stars or much worse, a sword, just like what happened to me earlier?" she scowled.

"Hey, I said I was sorry and for the record, I don't have a child!" Savikar replied. "HEY, KID! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS IN HERE QUICK!"

Yeah, he's right. No father would call his child like that. That would be bad parenting! Diana thought.


A man yelled back.

"I'm busy! If you're calling me just to piss me, expect that I'll put rat poison on your food!" the man threatened.

"Shut the fuck up and just come here and do what I'll tell you to do!"

A man appeared coming from a room next to the counter.

"WHAT?! If this is a fucked-up errand again, I promise you, I'll…"

He is a fine-looking man wearing an apron and it seems that he's half-naked, shirtless to be precise. He has a small scar on his face which starts on his upper left eyebrow down to his cheek. He looks good actually despite being sweaty and having some dirt on his face.

Diana suddenly realizes what she was thinking and immediately cleared up whatever she was thinking.

"…oh, what do we have here?" the man flirtatiously said. "What does a pretty lady doing in a place like this?"

This man sounds like trouble for her. She expects lewd remarks coming from him.

"I thought you were outside?" Savikar uttered. "I nearly—"

Savikar seems like he was hesitating to continue that sentence. However, the man already interferes and gives him glaring eyes.

"Hello? You asked me to prepare lunch—" the man retorted with an annoyed gesture. "—in the kitchen, remember?"

This made Diana realize something.

"Wait!" she declared. "Are you saying this man was your actual target instead of me?"

The man stares at Savikar in confusion and then looks at her. The man burst into laughter after realizing what was going on.

"You thought she was me?" the man laughed.

The man suddenly stops laughing when he realized something awful.

"How can you think that this woman was me?" the man yelled in disbelief. "Do I look like a woman?"

"How would I know the difference between a woman and you?" Savikar reasoned out.

The man gave Savikar the finger.

These two completely have a serious issue! Diana thought.

"Anyway, why'd you call me?" the man said bluntly.

Finally! Diana exclaimed in her thought.

"I think I have a spare phone or whatever back at the warehouse. Would you mind getting it for me?" Savikar requested as the man stares at Diana.

"Why?" the man said with an irritated expression. "You broke yours?"

This man in front of her is annoying.

"I lost my phone, okay!" she explained while crossing her arms. "And it happens that I badly needed one!"

"Kid, just get that fucking phone!" Savikar exclaimed in annoyance.

"In one condition," the man demanded.

"Seriously?" Savikar let out.

"The warehouse is a bit far, you know! It would be a lonely walk if I go alone," the man reasoned out. "I'll get the communicator willingly if she would come with me!"

Confirmed. He is a pervert! she thought.

"No, I won't!" she refused.

"Okay, I'll just go back to work then," the man declared as he begins to head back into the room where he came from.

I hate this man! she thought.

She has no other option but to accept the condition.

"Okay, fine!" she groaned while crossing her hands.

The man smirks at her.

"Follow me, Milady," he said as he walks towards the door.

"Wait! You're gonna head out looking like that?" she exclaimed.

"Huh? Yeah!" the man replied. "Why? Are you flustered?"

There goes his annoying grin again which made her groan in annoyance.

"Whatever! Just wear what you want!"

"Alright, alright! If my hotness is bothering you, I better go and get changed," he chuckled which made her grunt.

He's now wearing a dark red sleeveless shirt.

Before they could step out of the cabin, Savikar utters some warnings.

"Hey, be careful! Don't let your guard down!" Savikar yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that!" the man grumbled. "You don't have to tell me!"

"I am not talking to you, asshole!" Savikar retorted.

Diana smiled at Savikar then glared at the man.

"Yes, yes I will!"

The man rolled his eyes. They headed somewhere which she has no idea where. The man moves at a faster pace. She is trying to catch up with him but he walks way too fast. Tradesville is a bit crowded. If you're not familiar with the place, you would easily get lost. And that is what exactly happened to her. She lost sight of the man. She can't see where he is. Because of what happened, she had noticed what is happening in her surroundings.

Tradesville is a wide village, surrounded by huge and tall trees. No tall buildings, no high-tech machinery, no luxurious cars moving around, and no chaos. It is peaceful but crowded. As she wanders around looking for her way back to the cabin, she arrived at the heart of the village which is the busiest part of Tradesville.

She saw an old-fashioned clock tower at what seemed to be Tradesville's town hall. She had never thought that she'd see one in her lifetime. Analog clock towers are already long gone. Bionic has clock towers but it is digital. This type of clock tower is antique in today's modern time. The clock tower is an analog clock that displays roman numeric dials. It's four o'clock in the afternoon. Descending from the mountain took her all day to arrive at Tradesville.

She is about to leave the place when someone grabs her wrist.

"There you are. Next time don't leave my side," the man said.

Diana glares at his grip. The man immediately releases her and apologizes.

"Sorry," the man said. "Come, we're almost there," he added.

"Where are we going by the way?" she asked.

"That's a secret," the man answered.

They keep walking and walking. The bushes and trees are getting closer to each other and much thicker until they covered the whole sky and the surrounding area, not letting any light pass through. They made a left turn to a dark secluded and hidden path outside Tradesville. The path was covered by a thick layer of bushes and trees. Nobody was in there, only them. As they walk deeper, the sun is already setting and it is slowly getting dark. Diana can no longer see what's ahead of her.

"Hey! Where are you? I can't see anything! Hey?" she shouted but she receives no reply.

She stands still and waited for any response but she received none.

"I'll just head back to the cabin now," she announced.

Then and again, someone grabs her hand and pulls her back.

"Don't you want to get what you came for?" the man asked as he guided her deeper into the darkness. They halt after walking for a while. The man loosens his grip on Diana and then a door creaks.

"There is a stair. Just watch your step as you come in," the man told her.

"How on Earth would I watch my step if I couldn't even see anything in the first place? No, I'm not coming," she replied as she crosses her hands.

The man groans and grabs her arm again and pulls her inside.

"Don't move. Just stay here okay."

The man left her. There was silence for a moment not until Diana heard a crash, followed by some curses.

"Fuck! Shit! Damn!" the man grunted.

Diana let out a chuckle.

"What happened? Are you alright?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm okay. Um, do you like lights on or lights off?"

"I prefer lights on!"

"Oh, so that you could see it!" the man remarked with a deep and husky voice.

She thinks that the man is referring to something else but it's too late now.

"Did anyone tell you yet that you are weird and annoying?" she asked.

Then the lights turned on.

"No," the man replied.

"Then it's an honor to be the first!"

He just smiled at her. The man brought Diana into an underground warehouse, it looks like they are under one of those huge and tall trees above.

"This place is huge and has a lot of stuff," she said in astonishment.

"Yeah, Savikar, besides being a repository he is also a collector. This was just a small storehouse at first but look at him now! He is one of the wealthiest men in Tradesville in terms of loot," the man said as he walks closer to Diana.

"Loots? He stole all of this?" she curiously asked the man.

"No! I didn't mean it that way." the man defended. "Just tell me, what was that you needed again?"

"Okay, I trust Xian and his friend," she replied.

"Xian?" the man repeated for clarification.

"Yes, he's the one who sent me here. Why?" she replied.

"So, that's the reason why you got that cloak," he inferred.

"Do you know Xian?" she inquired.

The man didn't answer.

"Well, I need a communication device, a phone or something. Do you think you have that kind of stuff in here?" she inquired.

"Of course. It might be displayed in the computer section. Come, follow me," the man said.

As the two headed to the computer section, Diana saw different kinds of Savikar's collection such as weapons that she had never seen before, armors, spare parts, explosives, and more. As they got farther, she notices something familiar in the wearable device section. She saw a watch which she thinks she had seen before but she couldn't tell when, where, or who wore it. She stares at it for a moment.

"Oh, you like that? That's one of the rarest watches in the world. No one actually knows what it does. Despite being junk in my eyes, Savikar still kept it. Anyway, I found the communicator you need," the man informed.

As they continue heading towards the computer section, Diana couldn't stop thinking about the watch.

"I couldn't find a phone. All we got is this," the man said as he handed her a small communication device.

"Is that all you really wanted? Maybe you also want someone to grow old with?" the man smirked.

"Huh?" she asked in confusion.

"Nothing!" the man exclaimed. "Let's head back now, shall we?"

"That would be a great idea," she agreed.

As they got out of the warehouse, Diana is sightless again. She continues to walk straight just like she did last time. The two were quiet as they head back. Diana walks quietly when she bumps into the man.

"Why did you stop?" she asks as she utters a grunt.

The man didn't reply and just stood still. He is like listening to something. Diana felt nervous and moved closer to the man.

"Don't make a noise," the man whispered.

None of them moved and made a sound, not until something jumped onto the head of the man. The man yelped in surprise. Though Diana couldn't see what was happening, she grabs the first thing she gets from the ground and tried to hit whatever attacks the man. She got a huge thick stick. She then heard a manly chuckle but she continued swinging the stick, left and right, up and down, repeatedly. She knows she is hitting nothing until the man spoke.

"Hey! Stop swinging tha—"

Diana stops swinging the stick when she finally hit something. The man howls and shrieks in pain. The man shrinks down, unable to endure the grievous pain. The pain felt by the man is so extreme that it disoriented his balance and crumple to the ground.

"Oh my God! Did I hit you?" she asked worriedly.

"N… No," the man sarcastically muttered in pain.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you in the head. I just want to help you," she apologized as she solaces him.

"You… you didn't… hit me… in the head," the man said as he winces in pain and slowly stands on his feet, still enduring the unbearable pain.

"Did I hit you in the chest?" she continued asking.

When the man finally regains his balance, he grabs the stick which Diana was holding and breaks it.

"At least bear my child first before you do something like that! I was scared for a moment that I would go sterile!" he exclaimed while glaring at her as he covers his crotch.

"I am very sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, especially in there," she apologized. "What happened by the way? Who attacked you?"

"Before you hit me in the nuts, I was waiting for my partner's ambush. But as always, I caught him?" the man replied still groaning from pain.

"Partner? Ambush?" she confusingly asked.

"Well, it is a little game we play to know who's better in a sudden attack," the man replied as he alleviates the pain in his crotch. "Savikar also joined in!"

"Well, you're little game nearly killed me earlier!" she said referring to the ninja stars that we're thrown at her.

Diana heard the man giggle but she ignore it. She already caused him pain so, she let it slip for now.

"So where is your partner, a.k.a 'attacker'?" she asked.

"He's right beside you!"

Diana jumped in surprise when she notices a monkey beside her. The monkey looks confused as to why the woman she saw leaped away from him. He runs toward the man and climbed on his left shoulder.

"Did she scare you?" the man said in a fatherly way.

"Really? I scared him?" she said in an 'Are you kidding me?' tone.

"Yes, you hurt his feelings. Apologize to him," the man demanded.

"I was surprised. I didn't expect that he was that close to me," she refused to follow his demand.

The man glared at her and grunted.

"If you wouldn't apologize, goodbye then!"

The man left her side and she was left alone in the dark. It's already evening and it's creepy. Diana has no choice but to follow his demand.

"Hey, don't leave me! Come back! Ugh! Okay, I'll apologize!"

The man came back scowling at her. Diana went closer to the man, glaring at him, bends a little at the level of the monkey, and then apologizes.

"I am sorry although—"

The man grunted.

"Okay, okay! Sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to do that," she said.

The monkey gave her a quick pat on her head.

"That means, apology accepted," the man smiled.

"Let's head back at the cabin now," the man said.

Diana crosses her hands and didn't move a muscle. She is annoyed.

The man looks at her and said, "Are you scared of the dark? Do you want me to hold your hand?"

Diana grunted as she heard him snort and giggle. When they arrived at the cabin, the man stopped Diana from entering. The man opened the door and when he stepped in, shurikens were thrown and flew past him but he caught every single one of them without any cuts or wounds. Diana couldn't believe what she had witnessed.

"You're too slow," the man replied with a smirk.

"You just got lucky," Savikar groaned.

"Your game is quite deadly," Diana said as she enters the cabin and walks towards the counter.

"I've got the thing I need. So, how much for this thing?" she asked.

"No, just take the communicator," Savikar insisted.

"No, I'll pay!"

"No, I insist," Savikar persisted.

"Well, if you really insist. Thank you!" Diana thanked Savikar.

"How come she can have free stuff!" the man argued.

Savikar gave him an annoyed expression.

"Fine, whatever!"

"I better head home now. Thank you Savikar for your help!"

"Ehem!" the man coughed.

She, of course, looks at him and gives him a frown.

Savikar notices it and couldn't help himself but to ask, "What did you do this time?"

The man gasps in disbelief.

"I didn't do anything to her," the man strongly expressed. "How about you ask her what she did to me!"

"I said I was sorry!" she countered.

Savikar has a look of confusion.

"You're partner startled me! I didn't mean to hit you there!" she reasoned out.

Savikar suddenly burst into laughter after hearing it.

"Hmm!" the man groaned while crossing his arms.

"Thank you very much for your help, Savikar!" she thanked him again.

"Hmm!" the man purposely grunted.

She glares at him again. He seems like he is waiting for her to say something.

"Alright! Thank you for your help too… um?" she uttered. "Who are you again?"

"Trevor," Trevor answered. "I'm Trevor! You?"

"I'm Diana. Thank you, Trevor!" she said though it sounds forced. "Happy?"

"Overjoyed!" Trevor replied.

"Anyway, I should get going..."

"You're not going anywhere, okay!" Trevor exclaimed.

"And why not?" she expressed with a raised eyebrow.

"It's already night, you know?" Trevor said the obvious. "It's dangerous for someone like you to travel alone even though you have that cloak!"

Although she hates him because he is so annoying, she felt like he's not a total asshole after he said that. However, she got curious after he mentioned the cloak again.

"What's up with this cloak by the way?"

"I prefer for you to stay it that way," Savikar advised.

She is now very curious about it but she thinks that she should follow his advice.

"Okay, but I really should get going..."

"No! It's really dangerous," Trevor argued. "You might get hurt."

Wow, his personality suddenly changes, from annoying to caring. He's not such a bad guy after all! Diana thought.

"A vicious woman who hits people in the nuts like you is not safe traveling alone!"

Okay, she takes everything back. She hates him.

"He's right!" Savikar uttered. "It's dangerous for you to travel at this time. Maybe you could just spend your night here and wait until morning."

Diana wants to leave as soon as possible because she wants to be with her sister again. She wants to leave mostly because of a nuisance, named Trevor. She wants to leave, NOW!

However, she also admits that it might be dangerous for her to travel at this kind of time. Even if she stays, she doesn't have enough money to check in herself in an inn to sleep.

"If you don't have a place to sleep, you can use that room over there," Savikar said as he pointed out a room.

"Hey, that's my room!" Trevor protested.

"It's okay. I can sleep on the sofa," she said as she looks at the sofa.

Savikar glares at Trevor which made Trevor grunt in defeat.

"Alright!" Trevor said.

He finally did something decent for once! Diana marveled.

"I don't really mind sharing my bed and sleep alongside you."

Diana cringed from the idea and showed him a grimace.

"I really don't mind if you hug me in the middle of the night!" Trevor added.

Trevor's smirk is through the roof. She even thought of stabbing him with the knives displayed at the counter.

"Don't mind him! He's just single and never had a girlfriend before. Not even once!" Savikar whispered into her ears. "He's bad with women."

"Hey, what did you say to her?" Trevor exclaimed.

"That makes a lot of sense," she nodded in realization.

She saw Trevor glaring at Savikar who was already grinning at him.

"You can always use his room to rest," Savikar said.

"No, he can have his room. I don't really mind sleeping on the sofa," she insisted. "And besides, he might cry for claiming his territory!"

Diana looks at Trevor, trying to annoy him but she failed.

"No, you are not sleeping on the sofa. Just sleep in my room," Trevor insisted.

Diana was awestruck by what he said.

He must be possessed by an angel? Diana wondered.

"I still have an errand to do and might not stay here for tonight because of some heartless fucker I know," he said as he frowned at Savikar.

"In that case, thank you!" she said.

Diana entered the room and settled herself. She sits down on the bed and she lets her eyes wander around. There isn't much to see in Trevor's room. Surprisingly, his bed doesn't smell like what she expected. It smelled like flowers which were unexpected.

Later, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, Diana?" Trevor called as he knocks. "I brought you your dinner."

"Come in!" she said.

Trevor entered then placed her dinner at the table.

"I thought you haven't eaten anything since you arrived, so I cooked you something," Trevor informed as he looks away.

"Thank you, Trevor."

"By the way, I already put Melody in the stable," Trevor added.

"Thank you," she said.

There was a long awkward silence. She has no idea how to break it.

"Maybe I should go now!" Trevor said as he opens the door. "Goodnight!"

"Hey, Trevor!"

Trevor stops from leaving and then returns his gaze at her.

"Thank you for your help," she thanked him.

"It's nothing."

Trevor then shuts the door and left her. She takes what Trevor delivers and eats it. It was delicious.

He's good at cooking! she praised.

"Wait, how did he know the name of the horse?"

In the morning, Diana told Savikar that she'll be going home now.

"Thank you for helping me, Savikar!" she said. "I'll be going now!"

She mounts on Melody as she gazes and smiles at Savikar.

"It's my pleasure to help a beautiful lady like you."

Trevor was not there. As she was about to leave, the door of the cabin burst open. She then saw Trevor looking at her.

"You're leaving? So soon?" Trevor said in a 'Please don't leave me' tone.

"Yeah, my sister is waiting for me," she answered.

"Then, have a safe trip!" Trevor said.

"Bye. Thanks again," she added as she started to head back to the farmhouse.

She was about to leave Tradesville when Trevor shouted something.

"Tell Athenia and Xian that I'll be home in the next couple of days, probably? Take care now, bye!" Trevor yelled as he steps inside the cabin.

What does he mean by that? Diana wondered.