"Sir, we have tracked down the Delivery Truck which the boy rode to enter Droid City," an investigative agent notified.
"Did you find anything, Hadji?" Cypher inquired.
"No, Sir. We found none. We already interviewed the foreman and the two delivery men. Tendo Iruma and Dashi Nimbraska, the delivery men, said that they weren't aware of the boy hiding inside of their truck. We already got a copy of their schedule and the route they took yesterday before and after the incident happened. The two workers have already been suspended by the foreman for a week because of the involvement. They were a bit furious about it. As of now, we are reviewing footage of all cameras both in Roid City and Droid City," Hadji explained. "We'll notify you if we find something. I'll take my leave, now."
"Alright, thank you for your hard work!"
The Investigative Unit has their full attention to the Watchtower 2 incident. Something like that is needed to be addressed as fast as possible.
"Amira, what's the status of the Advanced Security Protocol?" Cypher inquired.
"The Advanced Security Protocol is still active, Sir. 4892 SD-Units, 478 SDr-Units, and 3743 RD-Units are currently deployed. 23% of the security forces are in low power status, 54% are on patrol, 14% are in pursuit, 8% are on standby mode, and 1% are destroyed. Time remaining: 1 day, 10 hours, and 53 minutes," Amira reported.
The ASP is giving the DPS a hard time executing all forces. As you can see, ASP is an absolute protocol where it limits both civilian and government activities. In other words, the Empire of Bionic is under Martial Law.
"It's really hard to move when our allies are restricting us to do our jobs," Cypher complained. "Why did Mr. Richard declare it? Is that how low he sees us here at DPS?"
"Amira, do you have any report from Bionic Electric Power regarding the power supply?"
"The BEP just announced a possible date of the repair completion," Amira reported. "The power will return two weeks from now."
People in the room who heard Amira let out a grunt of trepidation. Everyone knows what will happen if there is no power for two weeks straight. It simply means all defenses will finally shut down. Droids' battery life has a span of 10 days without recharging. With heavy usage such as now, it is estimated that all Droids will shut down 2-3 days from now. It's been 6 days since Caleb caused trouble in the empire and Bionic keeps receiving criminal sightings every hour which lessens the Droids' battery power.
"Chief Wesler, what kind of strategy is Mr. Symmachus gonna execute after the ASP is lifted?" Cypher inquired.
"We did discuss some plans and measures that will immediately be implemented tomorrow at 5 pm. Although SFD specializes solely in anti-terrorism, other departments are also requested to lend a hand. General Francois is also giving us rudimentary power over the Military Droids," Chief Wesler conveyed.
"The MD-Units?" Cypher expressed in surprise. "That's some serious business there, Chief."
"Well, it's just basic power yet I'm still glad that they lend a hand. During this protocol, only the Bionic Military Force can move freely without restraint," Chief Wesler said as he let out a sigh of exhaustion.
"It would be better if they give us power over our own droids right, Chief?" Cypher suggested.
"Yeah, that sounds really nice. But still, it is unpleasant to the ears knowing that the SD-Units, SDr-Units, RD-Units, and even our SFD-Units will become mere pawns when they are in control. Well, it's better than nothing. The MD-Units is undeniably powerful. There is no need for a debate regarding their deployment. I acknowledge the restraint and discipline of the General. If it weren't for the restrictions, no criminal would even dare set foot in Bionic. Those who are stupid enough will face the wrath of the MD-Units," Chief Wesler said.
"Well, 'with great power comes greater responsibility', that's what they say," Cypher replied. "But I wouldn't even dare to wish to become the head of the army."
"Why not? The pay is great, lots of merit, respect, boost your status, you have authority, and the list goes on," Chief Wesler said.
"It's a troublesome job and the responsibility is too much for me," Cypher confessed.
"Well, I can't disagree with that. A position that high is indeed tough not to mention you'll never have time for your interests and hobbies. I admire General Francois for his hard work and sacrifice for the empire," Chief Wesler admitted. "By the way, Agent Greffin, how's your investigation about the boy? Izac, that's his name right?"
"I somewhat got more info from him yesterday. And he is now under the protection of the Child Protection and Welfare Organization. I've already set a schedule for another interrogation this afternoon. This time, I'll ask him about some… cases," Cypher informed.
Chief Wesler gazes at Cypher with alarm.
"What do you mean?"
"Chief, I'm not certain about it but I have a feeling this is something related to those cases," Cypher said.
"Are you really risking everything for a hunch, Agent?" Chief Wesler warned. "You know exactly what will happen to you if this gets leaked out and if you gain no information about it. We do not have the authority to handle those cases. We aren't even allowed to talk about those in the first place."
Chief Wesler grasps Cypher on both shoulders and looks him into the eyes.
"Cypher, I will not permit you to do something reckless. Even if that boy is connected to those cases, we are not authorized to handle anything related to those cases. Do you even have anything that has an evidentiary value to support your claim?"
Cypher showed some hesitation. It's a serious topic which forces you to be reluctant.
But Cypher was dead serious.
Cypher took out his phone and showed Chief Wesler the things he kept a secret which left him shocked.
"Let's proceed to my office!" Chief Wesler strongly demanded.
As the two entered the room, Chief Wesler showed disappointment and was displeased by Cypher's hidden agenda.
"Agent Greffin, why do you have these?" Chief Wesler expressed strongly.
Cypher has saved several images and files on his phone which is related to the biggest mystery of the decade. It's so controversial not even the media could handle it. It was everyone's topic which gained a lot of conspiracy. It was even banned to be talked about in some empires because of the terror it brings. The media later abandoned the topic to put it into oblivion.
"I know that it's hard to forget the reason why your wife was murdered but Agent Greffin, it is also not a reason why you must risk the whole department for your selfish reason," Chief Wesler consoled. "I know it's hard, Cypher. But please, it's not only you who'll face charges, all of us in the department will be charged."
"I just can't accept the fact that everyone's just acting like it never happened. Now that I am a step closer to knowing the truth, everyone wants to stop me from finding it out," Cypher expressed with strong conviction.
Cypher moved closer to the Chief and showed him another image on his phone, "Do you see that, Chief? Do these images have something in common?"
Chief Wesler took a closer look at the images and realizes their similarities.
The images he showed are different logos of suspected terror organizations having some sort of broken pieces, like puzzle pieces. And if you put them together, something more terrible would come out.
"Agent, how did you—" Chief Wesler inquired with disbelief.
"I never stopped from investigating the case, Chief, and because of that, it's getting even clearer to me now," Cypher said. "There are a group of people out there with a dreadful plot."
Chief Wesler heaves a sigh of disquiet.
"I've known you for years now, Agent Greffin. And you are not that type of person with weak conviction. I know you will do everything in your power to bring justice. No matter how much I want to help you, I just can't let you put the whole department at risk. Cypher, I'm saying this not as your boss but as your friend, stop this. If you continue to be stubborn and put us into a mess, I will fire you!" Chief Wesler threatened. "Please understand my point, Cypher. It's for the best."
Cypher tried to contain his temper as he left the Chief's room. He couldn't accept the fact that nobody wants to get involved not even a close friend such as the Chief.
"This won't stop me from finding the truth. Even if it kills me, I will find it!"
To find the answer he is seeking, Cypher needed to talk with the boy. That is the only way to know whether the boy knows something about it. Imprisonment is what Cypher will face if caught. He is already convinced and will accept whatever fate he'll be in as long as he finds out who is responsible for his wife's death. This is no longer about the Watchtower 2 incident, this is now a personal matter for Cypher.
He was convinced that this boy is involved in these classified cases after discovering the same symbol that will come out if you put together all of the puzzle pieces hidden on each logo of a criminal organization which was printed on the confiscated map.
Since the Chief already knows what Cypher is up to, the Chief raises the number of security to guard the boy.
As Cypher entered the facility where the boy was confined, he was then prevented from entering by the guards.
"I'm sorry, Agent Greffin, but the Chief ordered that you are not permitted to enter the premises. Please leave now or else we'll apprehend you," the guard warned.
Cypher let out a grunt as he tried to enter.
"Agent Greffin, please step back and leave. We don't want to hurt you so please back off!" the same guard warned for the second time.
Cypher showed a sign of concession. As he turned his back and acted to leave, he quickly charged at the two guards guarding the door of the facility where the five other guards decided to interfere and tried to seize Cypher into submission. Despite being outnumbered, Cypher manages to pin down all seven guards.
With that course of action he did, there is no turning back from this point now. Cypher wrecked the access control panel from the outside to prevent anybody from entering the room. He then entered the room where Izac was confined. Izac was just sitting on a chair waiting for something as Cypher entered the room.
"Hello, Officer Greffin. Are you here to ask me questions again?" Izac inquired.
Cypher sat on the chair and replied, "Yes, Izac! Would you mind if I join you here to start our little conversation?"
Izac looks at him with the same face as before. He still looks terrified for some reason.
"Izac, this probably be the last time we'll converse. So, please I'm asking you to tell me the truth," Cypher pleaded.
Izac was a bit surprised by what Cypher conveyed. With a little time left, Cypher brought out an image related to the secret case he is investigating.
"Izac, do you recognize this image?" Cypher inquired as he handed Izac the printed copy of the image he discovered upon putting all the puzzle pieces together.
Izac took the paper and look at it. Cypher, on the other hand, was holding his breath out of tension. If he gained nothing from this, it will be the end for him. He will be charged for assaulting multiple officers and will be out on trial for handling a classified case in secrecy without authorization.
"Do you recognize the symbol, Izac?"
The door of the facility was busted open by the upcoming officers to arrest Cypher. However, they were prevented from advancing as the door to the confinement room can only be opened from the inside.
"Agent Cypher, you are under arrest for assaulting multiple officers and for the unauthorized interrogation with the person of interest for the Watchtower 2 incident," Chief Wesler announced over the broadcast room, right outside of the confinement.
Cypher didn't move an inch and stayed still, waiting for the boy's response.
"Cypher, open this door and face the consequences of your action. Open it this instant!" Chief Wesler demanded.
Cypher ignored everything the Chief said and patiently waited for the boy's reply. Cypher's hope started to fade when the boy laid the paper on the table with a stoic expression. With that, Cypher heaves a sigh of defeat.
"Cypher, I have warned you, yet, you didn't listen. I can no longer do anything to ease the consequences of your action. So, open the door and show no resistance," Chief Wesler instructed.
Cypher accepted his fate and decided to leave the room. He opened the door and showed no defiance. He was then handcuffed and was about to leave the place not until they heard the boy's call over the speakers of the broadcast room.
"Officer Greffin?"
Everybody halted for a second and look back. Chief Wesler went to the microphone of the broadcast room and replied, "what is it, boy?"
"May I ask Officer Greffin about something?" the boy requested.
Chief Wesler gazes at Cypher and permitted him to speak to the boy.
Cypher, handcuffed, pressed the button of the microphone and replied, "it's alright, Izac. I am the one at fault here. As I had told you earlier, this will be the last time we'll see each other."
Cypher said those to prevent the boy from blaming himself for his arrest. He had seen personally how the boy blamed himself for his deed over the Watchtower 2 incident. It is just the right thing to do.
The boy showed a little expression of confusion over his statement yet it wasn't the sole purpose why he called Cypher.
"Officer Greffin," the boy said with confusion and wonder written on his face, "why do you have an image of the symbol of Project Reminiscence?"