Weird Feeling

Six days after the King of Thieves created havoc, Darryl soon becomes an alcoholic. He started to drink after the news about him was aired. He keeps skipping meals for days. This condition of him greatly worries Andrew.

Andrew constantly checks him concerning his health.

As he entered Darryl's house, empty beer cans and bottles were scattered all over the floor. He places the food he brought on a table and began picking up the empty bottles and cans. He knows how depressed his friend was but it's kinda upsetting him now.

He then found Darryl spacing out on the sofa as he takes another sip of his beer. Andrew quickly grabs the bottle away from Darryl. Darryl gazes at Andrew and ignored him as he takes another bottle. Andrew snatches it away from him which annoyed Darryl.

"Could you please stop it? I wanna drink. I want to escape from reality even just for a second!" Darryl uttered.

"Alcohol won't help you, bro! It will only make things worse!"

Darryl ignored his words and tried to take another can of beer. Andrew responded by taking everything away from him.

"Hey! Give it back! I've lost already everything. Please don't take that too?" Darryl said.

"Please, don't take them away from me!" Darryl sobbed. "Please give Diana back!"

Andrew is devastated seeing how hurt Darryl is. He doesn't know how to ease the pain but he must do something to improve his mental health. He moved towards Darryl and sat on his heels as he pats Darryl's shoulder for support.

"Bro, I'm not in the position to tell you this but come back into your senses and stop this! Though extreme sadness can sometimes feel like the end of the world, you still need to continue to live your life."

Darryl gazes at Andrew with swollen eyes caused by crying all night.

"Darryl, I know how you love Diana and I cannot blame you for reacting this way. But this is not the Darryl I know. The Darryl I know will do everything he can to achieve his goal. He will never stop until he gets it," Andrew reminded. "Diana is your world, I get it. But you must take care of yourself and your body to be able to take care of this world you wanted to nurture and protect. How would you protect her if you can't even protect yourself? Do you think Diana would be happy seeing you in this state?"

Darryl didn't reply and just looked away.

"Could you just leave me alone! I don't need you saying those things to me!"

Andrew heaves a sign of irritation because of Darryl's stubbornness. He stood up and slap Darryl on the face. Darryl snapped out and become sober. He caresses his cheeks as he saw Andrew grab the food he brought and placed it on the table in front of him.

"It seems you're still not yourself today. I brought you breakfast and I'll be back later to bring you lunch. Make sure you eat that," Andrew instructed. "I will beat you if that is what it takes to make you, you, again."

With that, Andrew left.

Darryl realizes how annoying he becomes for Andrew. Andrew never forgets to visit him in his house and bring food for him which he would just leave to rot. Darryl was more stressed out after hearing from the Police Department that all pending cases will be on hold since the empire needs all forces it has for the preparation of the upcoming shut down of the droids. The ASP will be lifted tomorrow. All DPS departments will regain control over the droids and during that time, approximately 2-3 days, droids will drain all of their remaining battery.

Normal generators are not enough to fuel the battery cells of the droids. Only the BEP station can recharge them and because the King of Thieves destroyed it, it's impossible.

"Because of my actions, I've risked the lives of millions," he mumbled with remorse. "Is this the punishment for what I've done? How am I gonna find Diana now? How will I ask for her forgiveness?"

The Police Department only has one lead. Based on the CCTV footage taken from Droid City, Diana's car was seen driving towards Chine City. It continued to move towards the Emperial Gates however, the Police Department no longer has any footage of whether they got out from the gates or not since Chine City Emperial Gate during that time was shut down. No electricity, no recordings, and there were no activities during that time. It was believed that it was the doings of the King of Thieves.

The droids record everything they see. Droids assigned at Chine City might have caught a glimpse of their whereabouts. However, there are thousands of droids in Chine City. The best choice was to access the Watchtower 3 Roaming Droids, however, these RD-units were on patrol since Manual Security Protocol has been activated because of the power outage that suddenly occurs in the watchtower at that time. It means, there is no way the RD units are guarding the Gates. Aside from that, if there were Security Droids or Roaming Droids that did see Diana's car, there is a high chance that they're already been destroyed. The night after they disappeared, Darryl received a piece of news from Chine City that Caleb destroyed 65% of the total number of Security Droids deployed that time. And as weeks pass by, more droids are being destroyed by criminals from that city. It would be impossible now to tell if Diana did leave the empire or not. If only there were a power on the Watchtower 3, it would be a lot easier to find her.

"That thief!" he groaned from just thinking of Caleb. "Every time that idiot appears, Watchtower 3 would shut down an hour before he appears."

Despite all of that, a guard which was on duty that night stated that there was a lady and a girl who looks like in a hurry and immediately departed from the city.

Darryl believes that it was them. He has a hunch that Diana did leave the city. He believes that Diana loathes him because of what he did. It was unforgivable but something is still bothering him greatly.

"Why hadn't she reported me on the DPS?" he wondered. "I harmed her and she has the right to report me but why didn't she?"

If she decides to leave Bionic because of that, he will willingly let her go. Now that it happened, he just wants one last thing, to ask for her forgiveness. He isn't expecting to be forgiven but he wants to ask for forgiveness.

It hurts him so much that he couldn't even say goodbye.

"If you really want to leave, I won't stop you."

There are only two places he knows where she would go: Craper Empire or the Galactic Empire. If she really did leave Bionic, DPS will no longer advance and solve the case. Bionic only focuses on the crimes existing within its borders. Once a criminal or a person of interest cross another border, Bionic will no longer be accountable nor have the authority to chase after them. It's a rule that makes Darryl grit his teeth.

What makes him even worried is the fact that even the Craper Empire didn't confirm their arrival towards the empire. If they didn't arrive at Craper that also means, there is no way they'll go at Galactic since Craper would be your first destination there. The road from Chine City to Craper is a one-way road and there are no more roads leading to other empires.

Darryl doesn't know what is happening nor what he should do. If Diana isn't at Craper nor Galactic, then where did she go?

He is already suspecting Rexford to be behind this but he found no evidence.

He has a lot of things going on in his mind.

"What if Craper were sheltering them and refuse to give the exact location of their whereabouts? But what if they are saying the truth? What if something happened…" he paused out of fear.

He slaps his face for thinking such a horrible thing.

"Please be safe!"

Darryl forced himself to be strong and decided to stop being a pain for Andrew. He immediately takes a shower and fixes himself. It's been days since he took a bath. He was too devastated to even think about taking one. He wears one of his finest clothes and eats the food Andrew brought.

After taking his breakfast, he decided to stroll around the empire and breath some fresh air. He went into his room and took his car keys when he suddenly halts after seeing the picture displayed on his nightstand cabinet. It was a picture of him and Diana. It was taken during his birthday last year. They look so happy in that picture. He opened the drawer and grab a small wooden chest, smaller than his palm. Inside it was his most treasured possession. He opened the chest and took a small keychain doll.

It was a gift from Diana given on his recent birthday.


"It's not much but I heard you like things like this so I made one for you," Diana said as she handed him a small wooden chest.

"Oh, thank you!"

"I hope you like it."

As he opened the chest, a small keychain doll surprised him. He took it by the chain and raised it on eye level.


"Do you like it, Sir?"

Andrew suddenly appeared at his back and said, "Woah! Diana, you really made one! I'm impressed."

Darryl gaze at Andrew with a 'What did you do?' expression.

"Andrew told me you love dolls so I thought I could knit you one. I made it as a keychain so you can attach it to any of your belongings. Do you like it?"

Andrew leaned closer and whispered into his ears, "She asked me a lot of things a week ago. I already had a hunch it was for a gift but I just played dumb and let her gather intel. I told her you secretly love dolls as a joke since it's a known fact that you have pediophobia but I didn't expect she'll give you one. I thought she knows. It's no longer my fault, bro!"

"I should have just bought you something else. I'll just give you something else tomor—"

"No, it's perfect. I love it!"

"I'm glad you like it. For a second there, I thought you didn't like it," Diana chuckled.

"I will kill you later!" he whispered back to Andrew.


Since he was a kid, he has had a fear of dolls. As he glances at the keychain doll, that fear faded. Losing the one he loves, terrifies him the most.

"I promise I'll find you!"

As he started the car, a message notification popped out from the dashboard. It is from Andrew asking him if he has plans later this night.

Darryl decided to call him and tell him directly.

"Andrew? About your message?"

"Oh, if you still not feeling it—"

"No! No! I'm fine now. Thanks for looking after me."

"That is what friends are for. So, are ya free tonight?"

"I guess so? So, what is your plan for later?"

"So, there's a food truck event later this night near NTC. I heard they're from Stellar and there are five of them coming. Everybody's going since those trucks are famous. How about we give it a go?"

"That sounds wonderful."

"There's also a special event right after midnight so we will be doing an overnight!"


"No but's! This is your payment for missing those other events these past few days."

"Sigh! Alright! Alright! When would this event start by the way?"

"Around 6, I think!"

"Okay, I'll set a reminder for that!"

"Don't be late! I gotta hang up now. I'll call you later."

As the call ended, Darryl had already reached the NTC building. The repair team is still waiting for the go signal of the BEP electricians to fix the facade of the building. They cannot fix the facade not until the power grid is fixed first. The BEP is just under the NTC building where they monitor the EnGen. The NTC building is not only the Emperial building of Bionic but also the power station of the empire which is known by limited people.

There is a separate building for the BEP but it was built for other purposes. The main station is underneath NTC.

Darryl hasn't been at the NTC since the day Caleb break-in. As he entered the building, he immediately headed towards his office. The three assistants who replaced Diana immediately greeted him.

"Good morning, Sir!" they said in unison.

Darryl nodded and smiled in response to them. He then entered his office and sat on his executive chair. He then leaned back in his chair and faced the window behind him. His office has the best view of Bionic Empire.

His workload drastically decreases after the suspension. He no longer has any work to do. If there is one, his assistants were the ones who'll do it which is no problem for them.

"Three months, huh?"

He is suspended for three months straight making him have several days of free time. Despite the suspension, he decided to take it as an opportunity to go and find Diana himself. However, he can't leave the empire. Bionic has a law that the empire leader is not permitted to leave the borders of the empire without a permit from the council. It is a law that gives protection to the leader when he or she goes out of the borders. A number of escorts which are composed mostly of Military Droids are sent with the leader for protection.

Despite being suspended and Rexford being the presiding leader of Bionic, he still cannot escape from that law. He is still the Imperial leader in status and he still needs to ask for permission to leave the empire if he wants to find Diana. Unless he is dismissed, that is the time he'll be free.

"Letting me go is out of the question. The council would never let me go. I shouldn't have created that machine," he sighed.

Asking for a permit to leave will be impossible with his current situation.

"There is no way the council would let me leave this place even if I kill myself," he mumbled.

After the council appointed him as the Imperial leader of the Bionic Empire, he no longer has the freedom to go wherever he wants. If there was, it's empire-related.

He's been caged inside the empire ever since. He is originally a Stellar citizen yet he gave it up and lives in Bionic. It is all because of the girl he met during the science fair at Stellar University. She was an intern working in the Employment Agency of Bionic. She was still an intern who was tasked to go and help scout for new talents at the fair along with their headhunter.

He has never seen such beauty in his life. He couldn't explain his feelings after seeing her. He felt weird. After the event ended, the headhunter of Bionic approached him and talked about his invention, the droid.

"Hi, there!" the headhunter greeted.

"Oh, hello," he replied.

"I'm Craig Vermeil and this is Diana Quanteria," the headhunter introduced.

"Um, I'm Darryl Richard. Do you need something?"

"We are from Bionic and we are here to offer you a wonderful proposal."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, your invention was marvelous and Bionic would love to support your brilliant invention and hone it into perfection. We would like to offer you an opportunity to excel more and push your invention to its full extent."


"It's fine if you want some time to decide. We'll give you until tomorrow to decide."

The headhunter handed him his calling card.

"We will be waiting for your call, Sir!"

Darryl wasn't paying attention to Craig's words as he continues to gaze upon the beauty who is just standing still next to him who was taking notes.

"Thank you for lending your time with us. I hope you'll accept the opportunity I offered you."

The conversation ended after that.

That was the first time he met Diana.

Diana was the only reason why he decided to accept the proposal that was offered to him. He came to Bionic and started to produce a final design of his droid. He accepted the offer because of a girl he saw.

"I am pleased that you accepted my offer to you, Mr. Richard," Mr. Heyward Symmachus, Bionic's current leader, said. "I didn't expect that you'll choose us over Stellar's handsome offer."

"I just thought that it would be better if I excel in another place. Stellar is already a highly productive land. I don't think they'll need more people like me. I think they already have hundreds of us," Darryl humbly replied.

"I am highly thankful for your decision, Mr. Richard. I know that you've declined a much bigger opportunity offered by Stellar and decided to choose our empire. Bionic will do its utmost ability to satisfy your needs. If you want anything, I mean anything, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do the best I can to give it to you," Heyward assured.

"There's no need for that, Mr. Symmachus. I've already received so much privilege from you!"

"Am I a bit too overboard?" Heyward asked. "I apologize for that. It's just I'm too happy to finally find someone who has the mind and abilities that can protect my beloved empire. With your droids, Mr. Richard, Bionic will soon be a much safer place. The Imperial Walls aren't enough to stop criminals. So, I was hoping that maybe one day, I'll find someone who can think of a way to protect the empire," Heyward confessed.

"I'll do the best I can, Mr. Symmachus. I'll live to your expectations and bring you the best result I could provide."

During his first month on the job, he was hoping to see the woman he saw at the science fair. As months passed by, he never saw the beauty that enthralled him.

He met Andrew Helix instead.

They have almost the same interest, that is why they became best friends. It was during a food truck gathering that they met and get to know each other.

Two years passed, months after Heyward Symmachus' death, Darryl was appointed as the next leader of Bionic. The council was the one who forced him to be the leader which he had no chances of declining. The first month of being the leader wasn't that great. He never assumed to be a leader not even in his wildest dreams.

It was all chaotic not until a familiar face entered his office. He was still banging his head on the table because of too much workload that he didn't ask for.

"What do you want?" Darryl asked without any intention of looking at the person.

He keeps his head on the table as more stress comes in.

"Hello, Sir! I'm the replacement of Mr. Fuedor Pitmann. I am Diana Quanteria and I'll be your assistant from now on," the woman informed.

"Are you sure about this? This place is hell! I won't mind if you decide to stop and resign. I would even resign if I could!" Darryl stressed out.

"You're doing good, Sir. And also, I know it's not the easiest job for me but I just got the job and I don't think it would be best if I give up now," Diana confessed.

Darryl decided to face his new assistant when he realizes who this new assistant was.


"I'm Diana Quanteria, Mr. Richard!" Diana reintroduced.

"I thought I would never see you again!" Darryl let out all of a sudden.


"No, don't mind what I just said. I'm sorry," Darryl apologized as he quickly fixes himself. "I don't know if you still remember me, but we first met at the science fair two years ago."

"Two years ago— Oh, you're that smart man who made that big robot! Yeah, I remember you," Diana recalled.

Darryl's heart was jumping out of joy after discovering she still remember him.

It was the best day of his life.

He talked a lot with Diana after that.

He never showed such interest to any woman except for her. Bionic is home for pretty individuals but only Diana caught his eyes.

It took Andrew about a week to notice Darryl's odd behavior whenever she is around. Andrew found it out after he visited him in his office to tell him about a newly-arrived food truck at the park. Their friendship was formed because of food and because of that, they organized a weekly routine where they hunt food trucks and eat.

Most of the food trucks came from other empires which excite both of them to try their menu. They even recognized food trucks as gods.

"Hey, bro. Time to hunt some prey," Andrew called out.

Darryl was still doing some paperwork in his office as Diana stood beside him informing him about his schedules and meetings.

Upon calling him, Darryl looked onto Diana as if he was asking for permission if he could go out with his best friend.

It's Friday after all, the only day where food trucks from other land arrive and feed their hungry stomach.

Diana was a bit confused about what Darryl was trying to imply. She stared at Darryl and observed him, trying to decode his facial expression.

"Ah, yes! It's Friday night. Bro bonding," she exclaimed in realization.

"So, it's okay?" Darryl asked.

"Don't be silly, Sir. It's your weekly routine and a part of your personal life. You're not obliged to ask for my permission, Sir," she explained.

"Oh, then, we'll be on our way. You can go home now, Diana," he said.

"I still have some things to do before I could go home. Anyway, have fun," she said as the three of them exited his office.

Diana quickly went back onto her desk.

"Hey, Diana! Don't stay up too late okay?" Andrew said. "Let's be on our way, Darryl!"

Darryl and Andrew were about to leave when Darryl told Andrew to wait for him a bit. Darryl went back to Diana where she was navigating her tablet at her desk.

"Diana, are you sure you're going to do overwork?"

"Of course, Sir. It's my fault I haven't finished on time the documents you gave to me."

It was his fault why she didn't finish it on time because he gave it to her late. He felt guilty after that realization.

"You can go now. Mr. Helix is waiting for you," she persisted.

"How about I'll ask somebody else to finish your work—"

"It's okay, Sir. I can manage," she cut him off.

"I just don't like the thought of you going home so late," he added.

There are other reasons why he doesn't want to leave her alone. And it is because of the existence of a man named Rexford. A week later after Diana took the job, Darryl noticed Rexford fixing his gaze at her with a hint of lust in his eyes.

That displeases him.

Diana sighed in defeat.

"Okay, okay, I'll go home now. Maybe I'll just finish this at home," she said as she shut down her tablet.

Darryl felt relief and smiled. Andrew had never seen Darryl smile like that. He knows that Darryl is a good person but he had never seen Darryl show great concern to someone. He then has a hunch that maybe he likes her. You cannot deny the fact that Diana is a fine and attractive person. Darryl can easily become attached to someone who shows him great care, especially a mother figure to him because he had never experienced a mother's care nor met her mom since he was a kid. His mom died after giving birth to him while his dad left, blaming him for his mother's death.

"So, should we wait for your girlfriend to go home or shall we go now?" Andrew asked with a smile.

"Girlfriend? I don't have one… what are you talking about?" Darryl replied.

"Oh, so you are not in a relationship?"


"You like her?" Andrew smirked.

Darryl blushed out of surprise.

"Am I that obvious?" Darryl admitted.

"Pretty much!" Andrew nodded. "So, when will you ask her out?"

Diana suddenly appeared at their back which startled the two gentlemen.

"Are you courting someone, Sir?" Diana asked with astonishment in her eyes.


"If you need something about how to understand women, don't hesitate to ask me. I'll help you make her say 'yes', Sir!"

"Boss-zoned," Andrew whispered as Darryl returned a glare.

Memories of Diana never fail to make him smile. Memories of the person he loves always bring him joy and peace and also bring him pain. He has hurt the person he loves. He raised his hands out of jealousy. He did something even more unforgivable than raising his hands. A sin that he knows he'll never be forgiven.

Darryl shed a tear out of remorse.

"I miss you!" he sobbed. "I'm so sorry!"