The Decision

"Doctor, will he be alright?"

"Yes, Mr. Helix. We didn't find any injuries in him. It's a miracle he survived that explosion last night. Just let him rest for now."

"Thank you, Doc."

Darryl was immediately rushed to the hospital after Andrew found him laying on the ground, unconscious. After the explosion, Andrew returned and tried looking for Darryl. He doesn't know what really happened. He asked the people who are fleeing away but all they said was, "Something fucked up is happening there!"

He was greatly worried after seeing an explosion in the area of the event. He knows it would be dangerous but he didn't hesitate to enter the place just to find Darryl.

In there, he saw the kid and a man who he thinks is an officer of the DPS, conversing. The kid later runs away. Andrew then found Darryl laying down, unconscious. He quickly checked him and he was glad he was okay. He shortly called for an ambulance to send Darryl to the hospital.

The officer then told Andrew, "You no longer need to worry. Mr. Richard is alright, he just lost consciousness."

After that, the man followed the kid.

"What did happen when I was away?"

As he wonders, he heard Darryl grunt and slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Darryl let out.

"You're in the hospital. I found you laying on the ground last night after that explosion."


"You should just rest for now because there will be an agent from the Investigative Unit that will interview you later."

Darryl was still dazing.

"Darryl, what did happen back there?"

"I really don't know. Everything was messed up. I'm not even sure if what I saw was real. I really thought I was gonna die there. My arm was pierced by a rod. My leg was crushed by a food truck and got fried because of the boiling oil. I have no idea what just happened. I'm just glad the doctors were able to treat my injuries. I guess I won't be able to walk normally again."

Andrew made a perplexed expression from Darryl's words.

"Huh? What are you talking about? When I found you, you were completely fine. You just lost consciousness, that's all."

"What do you mean?"

Darryl immediately removed the blanket and look at his leg. He was speechless after seeing his leg all fine. There was no scar, no wound, nothing. Even his arm is completely fine. He felt like his body is just completely normal like nothing happened.

"But I am certain that I was injured. How come I do not have any injuries?"

"Maybe you were just hallucinating maybe because of fatigue which you got yourself into or because of the explosion? That could happen. Maybe you hit your head and got you thinking like that."

"But it was so real."

"The doctor said that you can leave anytime."

Later, Darryl was interviewed about what happened to Hummington Street. He explained everything he saw from that night and even included the part where he was injured. The agent doubts his statement though, but they continue recording his statement.

"Is that all, Mr. Richard?" the agent asked.

"Yes, that would be all."

"Thank you for your cooperation and we will be in contact."

After that, he is discharged from the hospital. He is now claiming his belongings in the lobby with Andrew.

"Thank you for waiting, Mr. Richard. Here are your belongings. Is nothing missing?"

"I think so—"

He halted after a familiar accessory greeted him. He took the accessory and gazes at it to confirm it.

"Nurse, where did you get this?"

"The paramedics said that you were holding onto it when they found you. It was already tugged when they handed it here."

Darryl traced his memory and tried recalling how he got it.

"Give me your hand."

"Just give me your hand, please!"

"Now, I want you to close your eyes, please."

That kid! This was what he handed me that night before I passed out! Darryl remembered.

Andrew peeks at what Darryl was holding and recognized the accessory.

"Hey, isn't that the necklace you gave Diana?"

Speculations started to build in his mind. Things like how he gets it and why he got it?

Does that boy know where Diana is? Darryl surmised.

"I need to find that boy!"


"That kid... He might know where Diana is!"

"How would he know—"

"He's the one who gave me this. I don't know how he got it but I think he knows something about Diana," he speculated.

"Andrew, you said that there was a man who was talking to the boy when you found me. Do you know who that is?" Darryl inquired.

"Um, yeah. I think it's an SFD agent," Andrew uttered as he tries remembering the agent.

"Do you recognize him?"

"Um... I don't. But I think I've seen him somewhere before—" Andrew paused when he remembered who that was. "Oh shit! I do recognize him. I'm not sure about his name though."

"Do you remember that agent from the Investigative Unit which you promoted and become an SFD agent?" Andrew described.

"Say—? Seyper? Xypar—"

"Cypher?" Darryl exclaimed.

"Yeah, him! He's that guy I saw talking to the boy!"

"Andrew, I fucking love you!" Darryl exclaimed with high hopes.

"Awe, I love myself too."

"Quick let me borrow your phone!" Darryl demanded.

As Andrew handed his phone to him, Darryl immediately dialed Cypher's number.

Cypher and Darryl know each other. They became friends even before Darryl became the leader of Bionic. Cypher is one of the people at DPS he can blindly trust. He is someone you can depend on.

"Come on, pick up!"

However, Cypher isn't answering. He tried again but it was still the same.

"I'm going to the DPS. I'm gonna find Cypher," Darryl informed.

"Okay, dude. I'll come with you!"

As they arrived at the DPS, police tapes were scattered around the SFD facility. Wonder is seen on their faces.

"What happened here?"

"That is what I want to know too," Darryl said.

As they leave the car, Andrew quickly called an SFD agent and asked for Chief Wesler's whereabouts. The agent quickly guided them towards the temporary office built for Chief Wesler.

"Good morning, Mr. Richard!" Chief Wesler greeted. "I wasn't notified that you'll arrive today. What can I help you?"

"Chief, would you care to tell me what's going on?" Darryl inquired.

"I apologize for not informing you about what happened last night, Sir. I was going to report the incident to you however, Mr. Symmachus forbid me."

"Why would he do that?" Andrew exclaimed.

"I, too, do not know."

"What exactly did happened last night, Chief?"

"SFD was attacked by a group of men and killed many of my agents. Their objectives were unclear but according to one of the survivors, a man took the person of interest of the Watchtower 2 incident."

"Watchtower 2 incident? What is that? How come I haven't been informed about this?"

"It was Mr. Symmachus' order, Sir."

"That douche!" Darryl mumbled.

"So, what's this Watchtower 2 incident? Is this connected to what happened to the SFD?"

"That's a possibility, Sir!" Chief Wesler replied.

"Three days ago, an explosion happened at the Watchtower 2. It was believed that it was an EMP grenade detonated. The possibility of the AP turrets being responsible is still up. However, we recovered footage where a boy was left unharmed after the explosion happened. He is suspected to be the one responsible for the explosion since everyone in the surrounding area was immobilized except for him. We believe that Roaming Droids were his sole target. We also suspect that he belongs to the scavenger or maybe to the battler organization. And that boy was taken away from our custody by force which resulted in the death of my agents."

"Wait, you're saying a boy caused all of this? Don't tell me that he's that kid I saw last night who was chased down by the droids."

"That is correct, Sir!" Chief Wesler confirmed. "We received reports that 4 droids were destroyed at Hummington Street. And the reports said that a boy destroyed them."

"Wait, are you saying, what I witness last night was real?"

"We do not understand what's really happening. But I will assure you that we will do our best to keep everyone safe."

"I really appreciate your hard work, Chief!" Darryl said. "Can you please summon Agent Cypher Greffin for me, Chief?"

Chief Wesler flinched after hearing Cypher's name which Darryl noticed.

"Is something wrong, Chief?"

"Um… It pains me to inform you about this but Agent Cypher Greffin is relieved from duty and now a vigilante."

Darryl was surprised by that news. He couldn't imagine Cypher to be in that state.

"Huh? How could that be? Why would Cypher become a vigilante? What did he do?" Darryl inquired out of alarm.

"I understand how you feel, Sir. Cypher was my best agent and a good friend. However, we pretty much know that Cypher has a strong conviction and that led him to be in this state."

"What happened?" Darryl inquired.

"It's classified, Sir. But all I can say is, he found a lead to his late wife's case."

"You mean that weird organization that surfaced about five years ago?" Andrew guessed. "Wait, was that actually real?"

"I cannot answer that, Sir. We are still investigating the situation and I hope that we will resolve everything fast."

"Chief, one last thing," Darryl said. "What do you know about that boy?"

"We know nothing, Sir. Only the CPWO, the Investigative Unit, and Cypher were able to confront the boy. However, Cypher was the only one who was able to make a deep and thorough interrogation with the boy. Their conversation was recorded, however, the file was destroyed after those group of men attack the SFD. I could only remember small details about their conversation. Just by thinking about it, I feel like they don't want anybody to know who and what is that boy's intention. Maybe they're his accomplices but I'm not sure. If you have questions regarding the boy, only Cypher could answer those. But sadly, he is no longer an agent of mine."

"Chief, is it possible to contact him?"

"I'm not sure and I do not know. We know how wise Cypher is. I know he will eliminate all possible communication and devices that could be used to track him down. Basically, it will be hard to find him."

"Do you think he already escapes the empire?"

"I'm not sure, Sir. Despite losing power, infiltration and escape are still hard to execute. But we're talking about Cypher, there will be a slight possibility. If ever he's still in the empire, when ASP is lifted at 5, we can tract him down with ease."

"That being said, Chief, I want you to directly inform me when you find him."

"Of course, Sir! I will do that."

Darryl and Andrew immediately went back into the NTC. Asking Rexford for more information is out of the question. If Darryl confronts him, he knows that Rexford would never talk.

"I have a bad feeling that we are getting entangled with a much bigger problem," Darryl muttered.

"Knowing that possibility of that malicious organization being real is kinda scary, to be honest," Andrew added.

"I'll be heading back to my office, Andrew. I need to do something."

"Oh, okay. Just call me if you need anything, alright!"

As Darryl returned to his office, he finds it weird for his office to be pitch black. His office has motion detectors that automatically turn on the lights when motion is detected but it didn't.

"Is this a technical error?"

Unexpectedly, a holographic monitor projected something. He quickly checks it and he couldn't believe what he just discovered.

The monitor shows the exact location of someone on a map. And that someone was labeled as Cypher. If it is true, it seems that Cypher is still at Droid City, Sector B. It looks like Cypher is hiding inside a building near the City Gate. Darryl thinks that Cypher is having difficulties crossing the gate.

The monitor suddenly changes and showed another thing that alarmed Darryl.

"Project Reminiscence? What is this?" he muttered. "Wait, is this that malicious organization that was rumored to be a terrorist group?"

The screen showed another thing that caught Darryl's attention.

"What the—"

It was related to Diana's case. He discovered that DPS did have a lead about Diana's disappearance but they decided to hide it. On the day after Diana and her sister disappeared, a piece of paper with an imprinted logo was retrieved. The Investigative Unit examined it and found out that it was one of the banned logos of a terrorist organization. The symbol consisted of two merged letters, the letter "P" and "R". He later discovered that it stands for Project Reminiscence.

"No! Please no!"

Darryl was horrified after discovering that Diana got involved with that terror group.

"How did she got involved?" Darryl was shaking after learning about it.

The world recognizes three organization that brings terror in every place whenever the name of their groups is mentioned. They are Thanatos, Scavengers, and the PR organization or Project Reminiscence which only a few knew.

"I must do something! She's in grave danger. I need to find her quick!"

Another set of information appeared on the screen. It was a map of Bionic. It was a detailed map. It showed the locations of every droid in the empire. Their statuses are also projected. Cypher's location is also marked on the map. But what intrigues him the most was the escape route it showed.

"So this was the passage of that fucker!" he uttered after discovering the path that Caleb always uses when he infiltrates the empire. "All this time, I've been having sleepless nights thinking of the possible reason why he keeps popping out of nowhere in the empire. And you are telling me that he accessed our empire by using these abandoned paths?"

"I'm gonna kill that idiot!"

As he takes note of everything on the screen, he noticed a box on his peripheral vision. He quickly checks it and discovered that it was a bunch of equipment.

"What the—" he uttered. "Why do I feel someone is forcing me to leave the empire?"

"Who is this person helping me? Why is this person showing me this?"

Darryl is on a verge of doing it. Finding Diana is his main goal but if he does look for her, that means he will leave the empire. But in doing so, going back will be impossible. Once he leaves, everything he possesses and earned such as privileges, prestige, status, contribution, everything, even his inventions, will be lost. He will be exiled and become an outcast. And it doesn't only apply to Bionic but also to every empire that exists. No empire will accept a person that was labeled as an outcast. Anyone who gets involved with those terror groups, even investigating them without authorization is punishable by law. The Stellar Intelligence Authority (SIA) is the one handling these cases. Without their authorization, you will not be allowed to handle such dangerous and sensitive cases. It is a measure that protects everyone because these organizations are known for assassinating anyone who is getting in their way. The reason why they still exist is that the SIA is carefully executing its authority to avoid any threat that these organizations might bring.

"I don't care even if I lose everything. You're more important than anything I have. I am willing to hand in everything I possess in exchange for your well-being. You're the only reason why I'm still hanging on and I will protect you no matter what it takes!"

"I will find you, Diana! And I will protect you!"