As the Starjet neared Stellar's Area of Responsibility (AOR), the dazzling lights illuminating the night struck the glass. Stellar is a magnificent empire. Prosperity and progression are vividly portrayed. Stellar shines in structures, transportation systems, road systems, government facilities, and technology developments.
As the Starjet touched down at the landing spot of his massive mansion, all of his household employees had already formed a line to meet him. People respect Xyron wherever he goes. He ran into his mansion as the Starjet descended into his basement garage. His home is the size of a palace, but he is the sole occupant. His home requires 12,812,458.00 starcash each month to operate which excludes the payment of household workers, which are capped at 50,000.00 starcash or more depending on their employment type. His mansion is the most expensive to maintain. Xyron's overall asset is more than enough compared to most empires' gross domestic products. If he's an actual empire, he would actually be in the top two in the global economies. He's essentially a walking bank.
Xyron is unconcerned about his social standing or fame. You are recognized as long as you can show that you are beneficial to society. His presence brought about substantial change and had a global impact during his tenure as a leader. His competence and conviction made him unstoppable, to the point where he could make any of his words law if he so wished. Xyron embodies the ideal of a compassionate but brutally honest person. He will not be frightened to assert his claims and will never surrender. He's well-known for his commanding demeanor and astute intellect. Everyone in his vicinity felt pressure and, at times, anxiety as a result of the fear of making a mistake.
Even at his young age, imperial leaders older than him would respect him out of tension. They claim that whenever they meet or see Xyron, they are compelled to pay their respect to him. Whether you like it or not, you will subconsciously bow before him. This sensation became known as 'Xyron's Crowd Control Effect.' It was a title coined by individuals who had gone through it. You'll absolutely submit to him, regardless of who you are.
After a long day, the first thing he does is jump into his enormous hot tub. It's some kind of personal reward for coping with other people's crap. Adam Pslaeage, his Household Manager, already knows that his master, Xyron, will immediately head to his pool-size hot tub to de-stress. As a result, he always ensures that the bath is already prepared with the appropriate water temperature. A bottle of the finest wine is always to be expected.
It is the only time of day when Xyron is free from any obligations. And everyone in the household is forbidden from interfering with his private time.
With his nude bucking body submerged in the warm and relaxing water, he sipped his wine, which had been served by his butler, Adam, who was standing just next to him. Adam is the only authorized person in his mansion who can access the bath when he is present. Simply said, Xyron invites him to pour wine into his glass and converse for a while.
"Adam, do you think money can buy happiness?" Xyron inquired as he took a sip of his wine.
"In reality, Sir, money can buy happiness!"
Xyron doesn't bother looking at Adam as he takes another gulp of his wine.
"That remark isn't debatable because it's already assumed that money can buy happiness. Regardless of how small or insignificant the item you acquired was, joy will always be present after purchasing it. That enjoyment, however, will not last long."
"Humans are programmed to be bored. It's in our nature to become bored easily, and here is where money fails to keep us happy, for fulfillment and contentment can never be bought, Sir."
"Precisely! I suppose we share the same point of view. This is something I'll never get bored of. Adam, you've won this round yet again!" Xyron praised.
It's a game they both play when Xyron is in the bath. Xyron poses questions to Adam, who is obligated to respond. His butler always delivers a rational and logical answer to any topic he asks, which makes it enjoyable for Xyron. They've been playing this game since Xyron became 12 years old. And not once had Adam delivered an unsatisfactory answer to Xyron.
"Thank you for your kind words, Sir!"
Xyron decided to leave the tub a few minutes later. Adam quickly handed Xyron his robe and proceeded to his room. And, as he had requested, his meal had already been served on his balcony. His night is complete with a dinner under the lambent moon.
For the first time in a long time, Xyron is beginning to feel anxious. Following Damascus' report, the main reason he's doing the best he can is beginning to pay off. Xyron understands that as Stellar's leader, he must carry on his father's task, which he failed to complete. Xyron has a mission that he must complete for the sake of everyone.
It's the only way to keep everything at peace.
'Please protect it until I return!' he recalled.
Recalling the event that almost killed him and his father was traumatic.
"Father, I will not fail you. I will do whatever I can no matter what it takes!" he muttered as he take a glance at his most treasured possession, a golden ball cactus.