"We received an alert notification that Project Reminiscence has been activated, Sir!" Damascus reported.
"Based on the report, it was activated at Guanine Street, Uracil City, Morr Empire. We later discovered that it was activated by an anonymous individual via Table Series 12 installed at the City Plaza," he added. "We were able to catch the one who activated the program via a Reconnaissance Drone surveying the said area and..."
Damascus magnified the footage taken by the Reconnaissance Drone. In the video, a young figure, later identified as a small kid, is seen navigating a high-tech communal helper table. The boy is short in stature and has white hair on the left side of his head. They can't confirm or learn more about the youngster right now because the drone is too far away to acquire a decent view of him and audio of his queries to the device. They can't direct the drone to move closer since the drone might blow its cover.
"As you can see, Sir. This boy has a somewhat similar description of that boy that we are looking for. And him activating the program, gave us concrete proof that he is the target. His appearance might have changed but I have a hunch that he is the one we are looking for," Damascus elucidated.
"What's the status of that organization? Any movement?" Xyron inquired. "How about the program?"
"The downloaded data from the restricted cloud was already been wiped out and we can no longer retrieve it. It pains me to say but we have nothing to report to you about that organization," Damascus replied. "We still don't have any lead on who is putting us in a bad light but I will assure you, Mr. Troy, that we will do everything in our power to accomplish our plans."
"Doctor, where is he right now?" Xyron asked, referring to the kid.
"He has left Morr an hour ago, around midnight. We don't know where he is going now but we have a hunch that he might go at Freelance or Bionic."
"Doctor, we must find him before 'they' can!" Xyron expressed. "We must find him in utmost secrecy so that they won't find us out. Can you do that, Doctor?"
"Yes, Sir!"
"Monitor everything and find him!"
Stellar was the one who made the Project Reminiscence before it was taken away from them. The organization that now controls it shares the same purpose as them: to apprehend a person who defies all logic. They are unsure of what that organization desires. Stellar is unsure whether what they seek from that individual will benefit everyone or doom them all. Xyron understands what this individual desires and strives for. That is why he must prevent this person from doing everything Project Reminiscence is telling him to do. The original instructions they put into the Project Reminiscence program were altered and they no longer know what its objectives are.
Stellar has no leads to figure out who is behind that organization who took away their program say from them. The organization even began attacking Stellar after discovering some clues about Project Reminiscence through Alexa Greffin's assistance. Whoever is behind this group will not hesitate to remove an impediment to reaching their objectives. That is precisely why the Stellar Intelligence Agency forbade any agency from investigating such a dangerous organization. And, as a result of the program's activation, Stellar began to experience challenges with everything they stood for. The worst part is, the organization is leaving clues all pointing to Stellar and making them the culprit while they hide in the shadows.
"Sir, we received multiple server attacks from the past days. Our computer's firewall won't be taken down that easily. I suggest that we start planning our counterattack and not let them have a breathing ground where they'll do as they please," Damascus strongly suggested.
Xyron remained silent as he remain focused on his main goal.
"Doctor, do you still remember the reason why we are doing this?" Xyron uttered out of the blue.
"Of course, Sir! I saw it with my own eyes, the danger of that creature brings. I may be a man of science who seeks answers to mystery and explain such discovery, with my rationality and common sense, studying that creature will no longer be an option for it was the incarnation of the devil," Damascus confessed with anxiety in his eyes. "It might sound like a joke hearing a scientist believing in something supernatural but that thing is beyond any human comprehension. I would be lying to myself that I don't want to study its nature but I am not dumb enough to let it loose and have its way. And knowing the fact that the one who stole our program may have its ways with that thing... scares me."
With that slight pause, horror is present in Damascus' eyes.
"I might have almost doomed us all back then, but I have changed," Damascus added as he reminisce his past mistake that almost killed them.
"With everything I got, I will make sure that our plans succeeded, Mr. Troy!"
Xyron takes a deep breath and suddenly stands up.
"HEXSC! Initiate Code no.106001. Activate Operation COUNTER!" Xyron ordered.
HEXSC, Stellar's most powerful artificial intelligence, immediately redirects all computer monitors and the giant monitors of the facility into a red glowing screen projecting the acronym 'COUNTER'.
"Initiating command: Centralized Operation of Universal Network of Tracking Extrinsic Resources." HEXSC declared as a dial pad appeared in Xyron's chair. "Waiting for the confirmation code."
Xyron glances at the dial pad. When he was about to enter the first character of the code, there was a brief delay. Xyron exhaled deeply and sent the code to HEXSC. As soon as HEXSC received the confirmation code, it began the command.
COUNTER, which stands for Centralized Operation of Universal Network of Tracking Extrinsic Resources, is a top-secret command that centralized all surveillance facilities around the world. These facilities scan the entire globe in search of a common objective. These facilities are identical to the main facility, 3F, where Xyron is located. However, the other facilities operate independently and are expressly barred from making any contact with 3F to prevent being discovered. These facilities will make their first contact with the 3F via COUNTER
Except for the 3F, there are 152 facilities located all over the world. Each empire has a single facility. This global movement expedites Xyron's mission. Xyron is willing to go to any length to complete his mission, no matter what it takes.
"You may have returned but I won't let you get us this time!" Xyron said with resentment in his eyes. "I will make sure that this will be your last!"
Xyron looks at his personal computer, which displays photographs of a boy his father discovered in a wilderness eight years ago. This same youngster was also the cause of an accident in the SRDC five years ago that nearly killed him and his father.
"This will be your last life, Izac!"